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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Satya Nadella says more Xbox games will be released on other platforms

LegitHyperbole said:

This is bad news for Sony gamers. Not good news at all. No competition makes Sony a bold little arrogant prick of a company.

Considering they're releasing to PC, not sure I agree...

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KLAMarine said:
LegitHyperbole said:

This is bad news for Sony gamers. Not good news at all. No competition makes Sony a bold little arrogant prick of a company.

Considering they're releasing to PC, not sure I agree...

Do you think they would have eaten some of the cost of the PRO if Xbox released a series X Pro at 599?

LegitHyperbole said:
KLAMarine said:

Considering they're releasing to PC, not sure I agree...

Do you think they would have eaten some of the cost of the PRO if Xbox released a series X Pro at 599?

Isn't Sony already eating some of the cost of their consoles?

KLAMarine said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Do you think they would have eaten some of the cost of the PRO if Xbox released a series X Pro at 599?

Isn't Sony already eating some of the cost of their consoles?

I'd assume with the base PS5 but that's cause of Xbox competition. They have no reason to eat the cost on the PRO or for that matter any of the peripherals like the PSVR2 or Portal. No competition makes them bold and greedy even when they are making more money off software than in the history of their business in the industry. 

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
bdbdbd said:

It was around a decade ago if I recall. The Playstation now/Playstation plus is part of the plan, if I'm not mistaken. 

Yes, PS now/plus are services but Sony having services on their platform doesn't automatically mean it's their priority. They may have said something about progressing with those services 10 years ago sure, but we have to look at their actions to see what their priorities are. Games on PS plus get exactly the same treatment as games on PC, they come at a later date. With Xbox that's totally different. Day and date on Gamepass and PC. This shows that Sony is a console maker first and service provider second. Xbox is a service provider first and a console maker second. Proof is just in the pudding 

Well, Sony wasn't specific about their schedule. At the moment Playstation has been making money, so they don't have hurry a bit, but it's clear that shareholders want money. It's quite possible that PS6 is a box that's used to play games from Playstation service along with other devices.

Last edited by bdbdbd - on 31 October 2024

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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RedKingXIII said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

A Tegra X1 with 4GB of RAM was never designed to be competition to the PS5/XBS consoles. Heck, I'm not sure if it was even designed to compete with the PS4/Xbone. It is Nintendo that removed themselves from competing, not the gamers

I don't understand this, they're still directly competing for my time and my money lol. I mostly don't buy indie/AA/JRPG games on my PS5 anymore, Sony is losing money there. At the same time, I mostly don't buy AAA games on my Switch because the hardware is underpowered or they're not available. Nintendo is losing money.

Being the most powerful console is not that important. The PS4 is the only time where the most powerful console of the generation sold more than its competitors since the SNES.

Being the most powerful isn't important, but being powerful enough is. I don't know why people have a problem with saying you need third party support on here. For obvious reasons your console needs to be powerful enough to have good third party support. 

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
RedKingXIII said:

I don't understand this, they're still directly competing for my time and my money lol. I mostly don't buy indie/AA/JRPG games on my PS5 anymore, Sony is losing money there. At the same time, I mostly don't buy AAA games on my Switch because the hardware is underpowered or they're not available. Nintendo is losing money.

Being the most powerful console is not that important. The PS4 is the only time where the most powerful console of the generation sold more than its competitors since the SNES.

Being the most powerful isn't important, but being powerful enough is. I don't know why people have a problem with saying you need third party support on here. For obvious reasons your console needs to be powerful enough to have good third party support.

Powerful enough for what? AAA third party support? It's the Nintendo console with the best third party support since the SNES and it's doing more than fine without the lastest AAA games.


RedKingXIII said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Being the most powerful isn't important, but being powerful enough is. I don't know why people have a problem with saying you need third party support on here. For obvious reasons your console needs to be powerful enough to have good third party support.

Powerful enough for what? AAA third party support? It's the Nintendo console with the best third party support since the SNES and it's doing more than fine without the lastest AAA games.

It's nearly 8 years old, there's no point defending it as it's on it's way out and this is confirmed by Nintendo. It was great back in 2017 but it's obsolete now. A Tegra X1 is not enough for success anymore and it's not hard to see that. If you think it's no problem missing out on games like COD BO6, dragon age veilguard, dragons dogma, D4 vessel of hatred, visions of mana then I don't know what to say. In terms of software Switch has had a bad year and that latest Zelda didn't do that well in sales. 

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
RedKingXIII said:

Powerful enough for what? AAA third party support? It's the Nintendo console with the best third party support since the SNES and it's doing more than fine without the lastest AAA games.

It's nearly 8 years old, there's no point defending it as it's on it's way out and this is confirmed by Nintendo. It was great back in 2017 but it's obsolete now. A Tegra X1 is not enough for success anymore and it's not hard to see that. If you think it's no problem missing out on games like COD BO6, dragon age veilguard, dragons dogma, D4 vessel of hatred, visions of mana then I don't know what to say. In terms of software Switch has had a bad year and that latest Zelda didn't do that well in sales. 

The Switch is selling fine for its age so yes, a Tegra X1 is still enough for success.

The games you cited would never come to the Switch even when it launched. It always had terrible AAA support, many games skipped it... but that and being underpowered didn't matter and it sold 140m+, so to 140 million people having good AAA third party support is not important I guess.

I do agree it's been a shitty year compared to the past ones for the Switch but maybe that's because its being replaced next year, so Nintendo is focused on the successor? I really don't understand what this has to do with anything I've said but sure I agree.

In any case, I still think the Switch/PS5/Series are direct competitors, and you haven't really told why they wouldn't be. They're both competing for my money (and for the money of millions) like I said.


RedKingXIII said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

It's nearly 8 years old, there's no point defending it as it's on it's way out and this is confirmed by Nintendo. It was great back in 2017 but it's obsolete now. A Tegra X1 is not enough for success anymore and it's not hard to see that. If you think it's no problem missing out on games like COD BO6, dragon age veilguard, dragons dogma, D4 vessel of hatred, visions of mana then I don't know what to say. In terms of software Switch has had a bad year and that latest Zelda didn't do that well in sales. 

The Switch is selling fine for its age so yes, a Tegra X1 is still enough for success.

The games you cited would never come to the Switch even when it launched. It always had terrible AAA support, many games skipped it... but that and being underpowered didn't matter and it sold 140m+, so to 140 million people having good AAA third party support is not important I guess.

I do agree it's been a shitty year compared to the past ones for the Switch but maybe that's because its being replaced next year, so Nintendo is focused on the successor? I really don't understand what this has to do with anything I've said but sure I agree.

In any case, I still think the Switch/PS5/Series are direct competitors, and you haven't really told why they wouldn't be. They're both competing for my money (and for the money of millions) like I said.

Of course all 3 systems compete directly. There's no quetion. Like i said, just because a prefered system is not the Nr.1 selling one does not make another Nr.1 system a "non competitior". That nonsense started when Nintendo was winning with the Wii. 

By talking about support: For its 9th year we're about to enter software support is amazing. We will get MP4B, XBX, Prof. Layton, Pokemon Z-A in 2025 alone. And thats not all for sure. Of course a handheld's software support in it's 9th year isn't as shiny like in year 3 or 4, but that wasn't the case for any system. Not even the PS2 or the NES had so many great games in year 9. Nobody doubts that Switch sales go down. But they are not down on a level like the PS4 was till 2022 when it was discontinued.