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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Trying to keep myself awake while gaming, advice that works

Also there are like 6 posts of this thread.... showing up for me in the "hot topics" side bar.

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lmao did you mean to post this forum like six different times? In any case, usually if I keep myself busy during the day, I’ll be so exhausted by bedtime that I can sort of just lay down and shutdown immediately. If I’m unable to just immediately “shutdown”, then usually I’ll just lay there with my eyes closed, understanding that to rest my body is almost as good as to be in sleep. I am in control, so I am at peace, and eventually, I’m out. (Faith is also a powerful tool, but not gonna evangelize some dude on a vg forum lol.)

Put a clothes peg on your nipple.

Try fapping. It could increase your energy and help you being awake and alert

Listen to this in the background:



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JRPGfan said:
Farsala said:

Play your favorite games. Boring games put me to sleep. My favorite games can be played all night.

Caffeine about 5 hours before bedtime is guaranteed to keep me awake and hard to get to sleep.

If you feel yourself slipping, walk around for a bit, go to toilet, get a drink etc.

Get more sleep. I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, so these strategies work well for me.

Days are too short man... I usually only get like 6hours.

If your lucky enough to get 8-9hours everyday, your obviously not going to suffer OP's problem.
He probably doesn't get that much sleep on avg.
Esp if hes making a thread about this, hes likely cutting into his sleep hours, to get a few hours of gaming done at night.

OP I think you should listen to your body.
If your too tired to stay awake to game at night.... don't.
Go to bed, make sure you get a good nights rest, try again tomorrow.

Yeah, I agree with this. No point causing damage to yourself (especially your mental health) for gaming. Best bet is, head to bed when you're exhausted and then see if you can get up earlier to get some game time in. 

Pinkie_pie said:

Try fapping. It could increase your energy and help you being awake and alert

Hmm, don't people suggest that as the cure for insomnia. 

JRPGfan said:
Farsala said:

Play your favorite games. Boring games put me to sleep. My favorite games can be played all night.

Caffeine about 5 hours before bedtime is guaranteed to keep me awake and hard to get to sleep.

If you feel yourself slipping, walk around for a bit, go to toilet, get a drink etc.

Get more sleep. I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, so these strategies work well for me.

Days are too short man... I usually only get like 6hours.

If your lucky enough to get 8-9hours everyday, your obviously not going to suffer OP's problem.
He probably doesn't get that much sleep on avg.
Esp if hes making a thread about this, hes likely cutting into his sleep hours, to get a few hours of gaming done at night.

OP I think you should listen to your body.
If your too tired to stay awake to game at night.... don't.
Go to bed, make sure you get a good nights rest, try again tomorrow.

I am not one of the lucky people who can function with less than 8 hours of sleep. I become a different person.

Anyways like I said @bold.

Get more sleep.

May I ask what exactly you're playing right now?

Play at a earlier time.

I sometimes go to sleep early like 10 or 10:30PM and wake up like at 4AM to play for at least an hour before going to work.