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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Fairgame$ be another majour failure for Sony?


Will Fairgames fail?

Yes 16 88.89%
No 2 11.11%

I really can't tell. It's going to get more buzz now cause of Concord and more influences and pundits will be talking enough about it but at the same time it looks awful, generic and boring.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 22 September 2024

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We know next to nothing about the pricing model, and the intricacies of the game. Impossible to tell. But with Pay Day 3's reception, there's definitely an opportunity for this.

Even without knowing much about it. I will say no. Without getting too deep into laughing at what the game is about and who it's coming from. I don't expect it to do that well but at least last longer than Concord. Concords failure is something we have not seen on this level happen in a long long long time. This is ET's level of failure.  NBA Elite 2011. Failures that are bad are rare. So unless Sony makes history and has the two biggest big-budget flops in decades. Prob won't fail as badly as Concord.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I doubt it. 

We've had at least had a better look at Fairgame$ than we did with Concord. The reception wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad.

I can't believe they wouldn't learn from Concord. It's not like they couldn't change anything if they felt they needed to for the game to be better received if necessary.

If it get's delayed, I'd say that's a good sign, though no delay could simply mean they don't see it having the same issues Concord had, which would be an even better sign.

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Shouldn’t have included Concord in the title because nothing can flop THAT hard. It will still flop though.

I don't think it will tear up the charts, but another flop of Concord's degree is unlikely. It does look really uninteresting though, I'll be surprised if this sells/downloads well.

Ouch, that poll. Ooof.

BonfiresDown said:

Shouldn’t have included Concord in the title because nothing can flop THAT hard. It will still flop though.

Your right. I'll change that. It'll definitely not go under those numbers and a need for refunds. 

Isn't it a PvE? Fun with friends is the rage right now, if it meets that then it'll do decently. Just because the PvP shooter failed doesn't mean their next PvE service game will considering their last sold buckets.

Hmm, pie.