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Forums - Sony Discussion - Best PS3 Game


Best PS3 Game/Series

Bioshock 60 8.13%
Dark/Demons' Souls 128 17.34%
God of War 77 10.43%
Grand Theft Auto 54 7.32%
The Last of Us 96 13.01%
Metal Gear 38 5.15%
Portal 2 52 7.05%
Ratchet & Clank Future series 37 5.01%
Resistance 21 2.85%
Uncharted 175 23.71%

The Uncharted trilogy is a better series so I went with that. TLOU, GTA5, GoW3 and MGS4,are better games by there lonesome or attached to much lesser games in their series. The Uncharted trilogy is emaculate fun, only stained by some platforming flaws in the first game, disappointing higher difficulty design and stealth failure states.

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Uncharted 1 and 2 for sure. I can't believe people would chose tlou over it. The reason why tlou 1 was so hyped was because of the success of uncharted 2.

Though tlou series is amongst the best ever, i can't put it above uncharted. Uncharted 2 changed the games industry.

Is this poll being botted at all? I’m trying to decide on a game for Christmas break, and I’m considering whatever game comes out victorious from this poll.