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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

As a gay man, I didn't realize that part of my identity was having to rally behind a crappy GaaS with virtually no hype behind them so that gay people can exist in games. I didn't even realize that this game had any LGBTQ+ ties.

Please stop using our identities as excuses to blame game developers for making bad/mid games. It really has nothing to do with us.

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Bizwas said:
Ryuu96 said:

Anyway they could find big success with other titles that fill a niche too, take Sea of Thieves for example, it isn't everyone's cup of tea but there's nothing out there like it, it has already sold over 1m on PlayStation and consistently ranks in their charts, it has been a big success for Rare and has next to no direct competition, it is still a GAAS but it has found its market and cornered it. GAAS isn't just "pew pew" like some people act, Lol. You can make something unique still.

Agreed. I don't like the whole GAAS idea, and yet Sea of Thieves and Rocket League I have put hundreds of hours into, that is because they both are rather unique concepts that pulled me in.

Yup. There's a few GaaS that are fairly unique, they aren't all just PVP Shooters, Lol. I'm not even that into multiplayer titles anymore but I've put over 200 hours into Sea of Thieves because it's unique and fun, Sea of Thieves found success due to those reasons as well, it catered to a market which quite frankly was empty, Sea of Thieves has next to no direct competition and it's still a GaaS.

I'd add Grounded to that list as a fairly unique GaaS, it's a different take on the survival GaaS idea. Helldivers 2 as well I would say is a unique GaaS which fills a gap that isn't otherwise that well filled, I think Sony should mostly focus on these things, trying to find GaaS which are unique and fill untapped gaps, rather than directly competing against some of the biggest IPs in the world, Lol.

Even if Concord was a great title and F2P it would have had a tough battle, like other Hero-Shooters before it, now maybe they will hit that target eventually but we need to be realistic, it's going to be fucking hard, it's going to result in a lot of failures, if they try to target slotting into markets which already have massive competition, if they one day succeed, the rewards will be massive but otherwise I'd say like 80% of their GaaS endeavours should be more things like Helldivers 2, Grounded, Sea of Thieves - Things that fill gaps rather than try to force your way into a crowd.

Ryuu96 said:
IkePoR said:


First of all, knock it off with the alphabet community shit, we have multiple members of the LGBTQ+ community on this site.

Yes, it is literally that, being angry about the words "They/Them", I don't use pronouns, I don't give a fuck what someone else wants to use, it's literally just a word, if they feel comfortable with being called "They/Them" then I don't give a fuck because I respect people and want them to be happy. I'm fine with He/Him...Literally that easy.

It doesn't hurt you, and how do you know these people are nowhere to be found? Do you know every single person who games? No. You don't. There ARE people who are gamers and also use different pronouns. Just because they aren't playing Concord doesn't mean they don't exist, guess what, barely anyone is playing Concord, doesn't mean black gamers don't exist or white gamers don't exist or female gamers don't exist because Concord has a low player base, what kind of argument is that? Lol.

I strongly disagree that it upsets a "significant subset of the buying public", I think most people wouldn't give a shit, it's only the Twitter vocal minorities who scream the loudest, the vast majority of people would simply pick "He/Him" and never see that again and then go on an play their videogame. The vast majority of gamers aren't plugged into Twitter/Gaming Forums at all.

From a quick browse, I see that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 all have "They/Them" options. Minecraft, Animal Crossing and No Man's Sky use the gender neutral "They/Them" by default. How did having the They/Them pronouns upset a significant amount of these games buying public? It didn't. They bought the games and largely didn't care, Lol.

"to a group that doesn't exist" So now we've gone from "It's a small group" to "It doesn't exist" except fact is they do exist, we straight up have a user on these forums who go by They/Them pronouns and I won't name them but I'm happy if they feel more represented by videogames because the world is a beautiful and diverse place and it's lovely when everyone is represented and made to feel they belong.

FYI. VGChartz has "non-binary" as a gender option too and has for years.

If it's against the rules somehow, fair enough, I won't say those words.  But you kind of made my first point for me if it isn't lol

I said it earlier in this thread, I think to you, that these "woke" ideals are a metric by which a game is measured against.  I even mentioned BG3 too.  It's not at the forefront or pervasive enough in most games to warrant the reaction anti-woke put out.  I don't even think they are the main reason people don't play a game.  Part of it perhaps, but not the main reason.

Crafty that you say "most people don't care" as yes, more than 51% won't care, you are correct.  But you're not going to smuggle in that there isn't at least 25% of that same group that DOES dislike these things.  It can be irrational, it can be stupid, it can be all the adjectives you like.  For them, it's important and as a business you target the known buying public for games like a Concord - dudes, who like violence, guns and pretty women. 

It goes back to my incompetence point: Sony can't be this ridiculously stupid to think there was an audience to prop up this game next to a Overwatch at $40 with a product that abjectly hates "straight white men."

The context of "it doesn't exist" is that the group is so small, it might as well not exist in a business sense.  There's more people in this very thread who've said the same thing I said about the at least 25% group than there are known They/Them's on this forum, based on your words.  Again, making my point for me that the group is very tiny, even smaller the fraction of a percent of them that even play games.

So to wrap this up - your reason we ought to use pronouns in character select screens is because "who cares"? If that's your reason, that's not a reason for us to do something. Because if even 5% of potential customers skip your product because of it, it's a idiotic decision. 

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

I think we've lost the plot here. No matter how wrong you think people are who are against trans stuff, they do exist, and many of them wont buy the game. I think the particulars of that argument dont need to be hashed out here in this thread. I'm just saying its a thing. Same as people who boycotted there being no people of color in Kingdom Come or whatever game it was, or Hogworts Legacy because of Rowling. Political stuff does affect who buys games.

The difference here is that this is already a VERY tight market for this type of game, and alienating ANY possible purchases will take its toll. Even without the pronouns, literally the biggest complaint Ive seen is the character designs.

All of this is too bad, because from every review and player I've talked to who has played the game has said its pretty fun to play, and has great production values. This isn't a janky game that is failing because its terrible.

My opinion (and only my opinion) is that its failing due to Sony marketing this without any roadmap for future single player games, even 4-5 years into the PS5 lifecycle, as well as the lead character designer, who was responsible for the awful characters, and was the one who decried white people and blames white supremacy for a litany of things. I dont know for a fact, but I'm guessing he was part of the push for pronouns as well.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

the-pi-guy said:
IkePoR said:

Rich, calling it "angry about seeing words" when the pronoun and alphabet community are in constant strife with free speech and want to compel it in every space they enter.  But I digress.

"Why not?" isn't a reason for why we ought to, which is what I'm asking for.  You're saying it's appreciated by those who appreciate it, when those people are nowhere to be found.  They aren't playing this game and they don't seem to play games much at all.  Likely because there aren't that many of them.

It doesn't "hurt" me, no.  But it upsets a significant subset of the buying public and no matter how trivial you may believe "seeing words" is, it's a point of contention for a substantial sum of the market.  So I repeat, why, as a business, would you directly spite a large group of your base to cater to a group that doesn't exist?

As I asked Renamed before, can you give me a reason for why we ought to have them?

Why are you using so many pronouns? No wonder conservatives don't like this place.

Why should we have them? 

How cherubic.  I think a conservative might dislike liberal's love of coyness when they don't have a logical answer to questions.

I specifically said why ought we have them on the character select screen.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Around the Network
IkePoR said:

How cherubic.  I think a conservative might dislike liberal's love of coyness when they don't have a logical answer to questions.

I specifically said why ought we have them on the character select screen.

Then why did you remove 80% of my post? 

axumblade said:

As a gay man, I didn't realize that part of my identity was having to rally behind a crappy GaaS with virtually no hype behind them so that gay people can exist in games. I didn't even realize that this game had any LGBTQ+ ties.

Please stop using our identities as excuses to blame game developers for making bad/mid games. It really has nothing to do with us.

I dont know how to like posts (just back to this forum after years away), but I wanted to like this. (Edit - I figured it out!)

Also, dont think "LGB" has anything to do with people not buying this game, FWIW.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

epicurean said:

I think we've lost the plot here. No matter how wrong you think people are who are against trans stuff, they do exist, and many of them wont buy the game. I think the particulars of that argument dont need to be hashed out here in this thread. I'm just saying its a thing. Same as people who boycotted there being no people of color in Kingdom Come or whatever game it was, or Hogworts Legacy because of Rowling. Political stuff does affect who buys games.

The difference here is that this is already a VERY tight market for this type of game, and alienating ANY possible purchases will take its toll. Even without the pronouns, literally the biggest complaint Ive seen is the character designs.

All of this is too bad, because from every review and player I've talked to who has played the game has said its pretty fun to play, and has great production values. This isn't a janky game that is failing because its terrible.

My opinion (and only my opinion) is that its failing due to Sony marketing this without any roadmap for future single player games, even 4-5 years into the PS5 lifecycle, as well as the lead character designer, who was responsible for the awful characters, and was the one who decried white people and blames white supremacy for a litany of things. I dont know for a fact, but I'm guessing he was part of the push for pronouns as well.

You could argue that not creating a roadmap for a game like this is a bit janky. I agree with the rest of your post. 

IkePoR said:
Ryuu96 said:

First of all, knock it off with the alphabet community shit, we have multiple members of the LGBTQ+ community on this site.

Yes, it is literally that, being angry about the words "They/Them", I don't use pronouns, I don't give a fuck what someone else wants to use, it's literally just a word, if they feel comfortable with being called "They/Them" then I don't give a fuck because I respect people and want them to be happy. I'm fine with He/Him...Literally that easy.

It doesn't hurt you, and how do you know these people are nowhere to be found? Do you know every single person who games? No. You don't. There ARE people who are gamers and also use different pronouns. Just because they aren't playing Concord doesn't mean they don't exist, guess what, barely anyone is playing Concord, doesn't mean black gamers don't exist or white gamers don't exist or female gamers don't exist because Concord has a low player base, what kind of argument is that? Lol.

I strongly disagree that it upsets a "significant subset of the buying public", I think most people wouldn't give a shit, it's only the Twitter vocal minorities who scream the loudest, the vast majority of people would simply pick "He/Him" and never see that again and then go on an play their videogame. The vast majority of gamers aren't plugged into Twitter/Gaming Forums at all.

From a quick browse, I see that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 all have "They/Them" options. Minecraft, Animal Crossing and No Man's Sky use the gender neutral "They/Them" by default. How did having the They/Them pronouns upset a significant amount of these games buying public? It didn't. They bought the games and largely didn't care, Lol.

"to a group that doesn't exist" So now we've gone from "It's a small group" to "It doesn't exist" except fact is they do exist, we straight up have a user on these forums who go by They/Them pronouns and I won't name them but I'm happy if they feel more represented by videogames because the world is a beautiful and diverse place and it's lovely when everyone is represented and made to feel they belong.

FYI. VGChartz has "non-binary" as a gender option too and has for years.

If it's against the rules somehow, fair enough, I won't say those words.  But you kind of made my first point for me if it isn't lol

I said it earlier in this thread, I think to you, that these "woke" ideals are a metric by which a game is measured against.  I even mentioned BG3 too.  It's not at the forefront or pervasive enough in most games to warrant the reaction anti-woke put out.  I don't even think they are the main reason people don't play a game.  Part of it perhaps, but not the main reason.

Crafty that you say "most people don't care" as yes, more than 51% won't care, you are correct.  But you're not going to smuggle in that there isn't at least 25% of that same group that DOES dislike these things.  It can be irrational, it can be stupid, it can be all the adjectives you like.  For them, it's important and as a business you target the known buying public for games like a Concord - dudes, who like violence, guns and pretty women. 

It goes back to my incompetence point: Sony can't be this ridiculously stupid to think there was an audience to prop up this game next to a Overwatch at $40 with a product that abjectly hates "straight white men."

The context of "it doesn't exist" is that the group is so small, it might as well not exist in a business sense.  There's more people in this very thread who've said the same thing I said about the at least 25% group than there are known They/Them's on this forum, based on your words.  Again, making my point for me that the group is very tiny, even smaller the fraction of a percent of them that even play games.

So to wrap this up - your reason we ought to use pronouns in character select screens is because "who cares"? If that's your reason, that's not a reason for us to do something. Because if even 5% of potential customers skip your product because of it, it's a idiotic decision. 

I agree with most of this, but your last comment....why do it if even 5% of customers will skip it....If to the developer (or Sony) its more important to push the agenda to normalize pronouns and diversity that it is to get those extra sales, then thats their right to make that decision. 

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

the-pi-guy said:
IkePoR said:

How cherubic.  I think a conservative might dislike liberal's love of coyness when they don't have a logical answer to questions.

I specifically said why ought we have them on the character select screen.

Then why did you remove 80% of my post? 

Are we really doing this?  

Because you purposely misinterpreted and didn't answer my question.  

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"