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IkePoR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Why not? It doesn't hurt you at all, all you have to do is flip the thumb stick once or twice and pick the one you want. It's not going to be detrimental to development to add "They/Them" to the text of the videogame and it's appreciated by those that go by different pronouns, it literally hurts nobody aside from people angry about seeing...Words...

Starfield had em, I just selected "He/Him" then got on with my life, Lol.

Edit - Goddamn I just saw that analogy, Lmao. Come on man.

Rich, calling it "angry about seeing words" when the pronoun and alphabet community are in constant strife with free speech and want to compel it in every space they enter.  But I digress.

"Why not?" isn't a reason for why we ought to, which is what I'm asking for.  You're saying it's appreciated by those who appreciate it, when those people are nowhere to be found.  They aren't playing this game and they don't seem to play games much at all.  Likely because there aren't that many of them.

It doesn't "hurt" me, no.  But it upsets a significant subset of the buying public and no matter how trivial you may believe "seeing words" is, it's a point of contention for a substantial sum of the market.  So I repeat, why, as a business, would you directly spite a large group of your base to cater to a group that doesn't exist?

As I asked Renamed before, can you give me a reason for why we ought to have them?

First of all, knock it off with the alphabet community shit, we have multiple members of the LGBTQ+ community on this site.

Yes, it is literally that, being angry about the words "They/Them", I don't use pronouns, I don't give a fuck what someone else wants to use, it's literally just a word, if they feel comfortable with being called "They/Them" then I don't give a fuck because I respect people and want them to be happy. I'm fine with He/Him...Literally that easy.

It doesn't hurt you, and how do you know these people are nowhere to be found? Do you know every single person who games? No. You don't. There ARE people who are gamers and also use different pronouns. Just because they aren't playing Concord doesn't mean they don't exist, guess what, barely anyone is playing Concord, doesn't mean black gamers don't exist or white gamers don't exist or female gamers don't exist because Concord has a low player base, what kind of argument is that? Lol.

I strongly disagree that it upsets a "significant subset of the buying public", I think most people wouldn't give a shit, it's only the Twitter vocal minorities who scream the loudest, the vast majority of people would simply pick "He/Him" and never see that again and then go on an play their videogame. The vast majority of gamers aren't plugged into Twitter/Gaming Forums at all.

From a quick browse, I see that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 all have "They/Them" options. Minecraft, Animal Crossing and No Man's Sky use the gender neutral "They/Them" by default. How did having the They/Them pronouns upset a significant amount of these games buying public? It didn't. They bought the games and largely didn't care, Lol.

"to a group that doesn't exist" So now we've gone from "It's a small group" to "It doesn't exist" except fact is they do exist, we have users on these forums who go by They/Them pronouns and I won't name them but I'm happy if they feel more represented by videogames because the world is a beautiful and diverse place and it's lovely when everyone is represented and made to feel they belong.

So basically, it doesn't hurt me, it makes others feel represented and belonging and I don't care about the rest being mad about pronouns.

FYI. VGChartz has "non-binary" as a gender option too and has for years.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024