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Forums - Sales Discussion - Astro-Bot or Zelda EoW? Clash of the 2024 September Titans


Which will sell more? Which will perform better with critics?

Astro Bot (Sales & Critical Reception) 20 19.61%
Zelda (Sales & Critical Reception) 35 34.31%
Astro Bot (Sales), Zelda (Critical Reception) 3 2.94%
Astro Bot (Critical Reception), Zelda (Sales) 44 43.14%

Will have to wait a couple more months before I can say AstroBot has decent legs. It doesn't look like it'll beat Zelda in lifetime sales unless ported to Nintendo platforms.

Around the Network
Kyuu said:

Will have to wait a couple more months before I can say AstroBot has decent legs. It doesn't look like it'll beat Zelda in lifetime sales unless ported to Nintendo platforms.

It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release

The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda 

So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales 

IcaroRibeiro said:
Kyuu said:

Will have to wait a couple more months before I can say AstroBot has decent legs. It doesn't look like it'll beat Zelda in lifetime sales unless ported to Nintendo platforms.

It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release

The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda 

So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales 

If you count an eventual PC release towards PS5 sales maybe. But it will sell better on PS5 overall, i think nobody should seriously doubt that. If you count PS5 and PC together... hmm... maybe it could outsell it. If Zelda gets a Switch 2 port, no chance in hell. But to be honest, we should except a AAA plattformer with PS5Pro Hype+ GOTY Award to outsell a 2D top down Zelda, heavily critisized by its fans. If you ad the fact that the plattform its running on will be replaced in some months it does not make things looking better for Astro...

Last edited by killer7 - on 06 February 2025

killer7 said:
Sephiran said:

Benefits Zelda has over Astro Bot:

Bigger IP, also selling well in all major markets, while Astro Bot is getting low sales in Japan.

It would be embarrasing for Astro if they lost: Its GOTY 2024, has the PS5Pro behind it and it was hyped like crazy. If a 2D top down Zelda sells more on a handheld thats about to be replaced that would be quite embarrasing. Well, i guess we do not even have to start sending Mario in, if Astro got outsold by a small Zelda game, heavely critisized by its fans... I really do not want to hurt anyones feelings here but thats the way it looks right now. 1,5 million in 2 months vs 2,58 million in a few days is like day and night! There is no way to spin that around or even excuse that. People thinking this could only remotley come close to Mario's sales should give up drinking or smoking wired stuff!‚ This prediction was just crazy! 

Nobody said anything anywhere in this thread about Astro Bot coming close do Mario sales. Astro Bot wasn't advertised with the PS5 Pro, it's not a upgraded game. The Zelda reception wasn't as mixed as you're sugesting, it has a 8.4 user score on Metacritic.

IcaroRibeiro said:
Kyuu said:

Will have to wait a couple more months before I can say AstroBot has decent legs. It doesn't look like it'll beat Zelda in lifetime sales unless ported to Nintendo platforms.

It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release

The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda

So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales

Is a Switch 2 version of EoW inevitable? I think upgrades from BOTW and TOTK can happen, but even these are not guaranteed. I'm even less sure if they will make Switch 2 versions for the 2D Zeldas. 

But even without a Switch 2 SKU I think EoW will still sell more.


IcaroRibeiro said:
Kyuu said:

Will have to wait a couple more months before I can say AstroBot has decent legs. It doesn't look like it'll beat Zelda in lifetime sales unless ported to Nintendo platforms.

It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release

The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda 

So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales 

I don't see Astrobot getting a PC release in any near future. Not only is it not the kind of game to do especially well on PC, it's designed around the PS5 controller which I don't think is mandated for any PC releases. I just think it'll be last on any port list from Sony. I also don't think Zelda EOW Will get a Switch 2 port. More likely BOTW and TOTK if any 

Around the Network
Otter said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release

The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda 

So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales 

I don't see Astrobot getting a PC release in any near future. Not only is it not the kind of game to do especially well on PC, it's designed around the PS5 controller which I don't think is mandated for any PC releases. I just think it'll be last on any port list from Sony. I also don't think Zelda EOW Will get a Switch 2 port. More likely BOTW and TOTK if any 

After all these PC ports since 2019 everything is possible. But i also think before its getting a PC port, it will come to Switch 2!

killer7 said:
Otter said:

I don't see Astrobot getting a PC release in any near future. Not only is it not the kind of game to do especially well on PC, it's designed around the PS5 controller which I don't think is mandated for any PC releases. I just think it'll be last on any port list from Sony. I also don't think Zelda EOW Will get a Switch 2 port. More likely BOTW and TOTK if any 

After all these PC ports since 2019 everything is possible. But i also think before its getting a PC port, it will come to Switch 2!

But will Nintendo accept a game that is a giant Playstation/Sony advertisement?

Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

After all these PC ports since 2019 everything is possible. But i also think before its getting a PC port, it will come to Switch 2!

But will Nintendo accept a game that is a giant Playstation/Sony advertisement?

Have you seen the switch eshop. They will accept anything 

I also think there is zero chance of Astro coming to Nintendo Platforms, that counters the whole branding of it being PlayStations flagship platformer designed around PS5 hardware. If anything lands on Nintendo it will be low value spinoffs (ala Lego Horizon) intending to bring people back to playstation or old PS4 era games. Astro is doing the exact job Sony intended it to do and is charting longer than games like Forbidden West, Ratchet Rift Apart etc so I don't think there is much grounding in any port talk for the time being.

"37% of the game's buyers are new users who haven't purchased a first-party title from PlayStation in two years."

Last edited by Otter - on 06 February 2025

Otter said:

I also think there is zero chance of Astro coming to Nintendo Platforms, that counters the whole branding of it being PlayStations flagship platformer designed around PS5 hardware. If anything lands on Nintendo it will be low value spinoffs (ala Lego Horizon) intending to bring people back to playstation or old PS4 era games. Astro is doing the exact job Sony intended it to do and is charting longer than games like Forbidden West, Ratchet Rift Apart etc so I don't think there is much grounding in any port talk for the time being.

"37% of the game's buyers are new users who haven't purchased a first-party title from PlayStation in two years."

How many people swore that PS games will never go to PC? How many people where convinced that no first party IP will never come to rivalling plattforms? Yet we got Lego Horizon. If Nintendo released Lego Super Mario on PS and PC wouldn't hordes of Nintendo Haters shout: Nintendo goes 3rd Party? Nintendo is doomed? Astro has a better chance for a Switch 2 release than on PC! I'd give astro till late 2026 and we get a PC Port minimum! Sony is looking to maximize their profits. They don't care where you play the games if you play THEIR games and subscribe on THEIR services.