IcaroRibeiro said:
It should beat Zelda once it gets a PC release The question is I think this thread is asking about PS5 vs Switch sales, otherwise there will be then sales for the inevitable Switch 2 version of Zelda So far I'm leaning 80% in favour for Zelda winning in sales |
If you count an eventual PC release towards PS5 sales maybe. But it will sell better on PS5 overall, i think nobody should seriously doubt that. If you count PS5 and PC together... hmm... maybe it could outsell it. If Zelda gets a Switch 2 port, no chance in hell. But to be honest, we should except a AAA plattformer with PS5Pro Hype+ GOTY Award to outsell a 2D top down Zelda, heavily critisized by its fans. If you ad the fact that the plattform its running on will be replaced in some months it does not make things looking better for Astro...
Last edited by killer7 - on 06 February 2025