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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your personal, single best game of all time.


The Winner is...

The Witcher 3 4 9.52%
Not the Witcher 3. (Comment) 38 90.48%

The most fun I had was also in Vanilla WOW back then. I remember how intense it was when you tried to beat the raid bosses and dies for the whole evening. Then when the boss went down finally everyone was so happy. Same also in burning crusade. I stopped playing in wrath of the lich king and after that was more of a casual player

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Honorable mentions to god of war 3 and god of war ps4 as well as uncharted 2 and final fantasy X and VII (ps1) and of course Secret of mana and a legend of Zelda a link to the past

LegitHyperbole said:

88% of people in that poll are cultured. It's cool to see.

Fixed it for ya. Now excuse me princess I need to get back to playing Edge of Skyhigh on PS1. Then later some Bloody Gear on PC Engine.

Last edited by Leynos - on 28 July 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Yoshi's Island. Now and forever.

Great graphics, great music, great level design. The most fun I've ever had with a video game.

For most of the Switch lifespan, BOTW was my uncontested #1 representant ... Um not so sure about that knowadays because my current playthrough of TOTK has changed my stance on that ranking. Despite the first time discovery of Hyrule in the previous game making most of my fun, the sequel is simply more fleshed out and has more interesting physics and enemy scenarios to play with.

Anywoo, forget what I said previously because my choice is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Future Redeemed DLC cimmented it as such :)

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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I would still choose Ocarina of time and Mario Galaxy. However, I have to admit that after playing the Witcher 3, it was the first time I thought that a game was better in almost all aspects. But for it's time, Ocarina was just perfect. And the Witcher 3 is not. I could still play Ocarina of Time in 30 years and have a fantastic feeling playing it. The same for Mario Galaxy. Visually, it doesn't keep up with Odyssey, not even close. But at that time it looked fantastic and for fun I would give it a 12.


The game is the best game ever because who wouldn't want to spend hours wandering around a mystical desert in a stylish red poncho, feeling profound emotions while sliding down sand dunes and trying to figure out if that mysterious stranger next to you is a chick or a dude so you can add them and cry together from the experience you just shared with them? It's like a spiritual pilgrimage! You get to chirp in a beautiful, wordless language and experience moments of sheer awe and wonder as you uncover the ancient secrets of a forgotten civilization. Plus, where else can you find a game where the main objective is to make you cry tears of joy while appreciating the sheer beauty of existence? Truly, Journey isn't just a game; it's an emotional rollercoaster wrapped in breathtaking visuals and a mesmerizing soundtrack.

Deyon said:


The game is the best game ever because who wouldn't want to spend hours wandering around a mystical desert in a stylish red poncho, feeling profound emotions while sliding down sand dunes and trying to figure out if that mysterious stranger next to you is a chick or a dude so you can add them and cry together from the experience you just shared with them? It's like a spiritual pilgrimage! You get to chirp in a beautiful, wordless language and experience moments of sheer awe and wonder as you uncover the ancient secrets of a forgotten civilization. Plus, where else can you find a game where the main objective is to make you cry tears of joy while appreciating the sheer beauty of existence? Truly, Journey isn't just a game; it's an emotional rollercoaster wrapped in breathtaking visuals and a mesmerizing soundtrack.

You might like Abzu. From some former Journey devs. Abzu isn't an online game but to put it simply. Journey Underwater. It's quite good.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Chrono Trigger, probably. A few honorable mentions:

  • Metal Gear Solid 3
  • Bioshock
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Red Dead Redemption 2

I could pick any of these to be my favorite, honestly. But today I'm choosing Chrono Trigger.

1. Breath of the Wild (NSW) - Never imagined to loose myself in a game again at my older age.
2. Tetris (GB) - Perfect pick up and play game design.
3. A Link to the Past (SNES) - Timeless.
4. Ducktales (NES) - My favorite Platformer of all time.
5. Warcraft2 (PC) - My goto during college

ps. But ask me tomorrow and I might change my mind