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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gameinformer readers best games of all time list 2024 vs 2018 350k votes

Again, another issue with this sites list is even Elden Ring didn't get there and it's not long since the hype boom coming off Shadow of the erd Tree. This is a nostalgia win, I think OoT is great but good lord has it aged like milk got mixed up in it's wine bottle. Gotta wonder if they ran this list again in a month or two would it end up the same when people's moods shift.

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LegitHyperbole said:

Again, another issue with this sites list is even Elden Ring didn't get there and it's not long since the hype boom coming off Shadow of the erd Tree. This is a nostalgia win, I think OoT is great but good lord has it aged like milk got mixed up in it's wine bottle. Gotta wonder if they ran this list again in a month or two would it end up the same when people's moods shift.

I personally would rather play through OOT again than Elden Rings or any souls like game.

I prefer my list on this site from the greatest games thread we do annually here.

rapsuperstar31 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Again, another issue with this sites list is even Elden Ring didn't get there and it's not long since the hype boom coming off Shadow of the erd Tree. This is a nostalgia win, I think OoT is great but good lord has it aged like milk got mixed up in it's wine bottle. Gotta wonder if they ran this list again in a month or two would it end up the same when people's moods shift.

I personally would rather play through OOT again than Elden Rings or any souls like game.

Harsh words. Why? You've never played or you don't wanna replay a Soulsborne over OoT? And why? Soulsbornes are designed to be repayable while Zelda's OoT - pre BOTW formula is the same thing over and over again. I need you to elaborate on your reasoning behind this, I'm perplexed. Elden Ring is basically a modern version of the first Zelda.

These votes are done by a majority who have never played beyond the 360 era. No way in hell my generation stands a chance, most of those games are shit. It does not help with their mindset of graphics, graphics and graphics. Once upon a time a teenager told me goldeneye was shit because the visuals looked crap.

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NobleTeam360 said:

I prefer my list on this site from the greatest games thread we do annually here.

Got a link to that?

rapsuperstar31 said:

16th seeded Apex Legends beating 1st seeded Super Metroid tells me all I need to know about the type of gamers that voted in the poll.

Younger generations of gamers will continue to tickle in even if the average userbase is getting older.

In time, 32/64-bit will vanish from these lists, too. Us old farts and our nostalgia games will just be replaced as time goes by.






Random_Matt said:

These votes are done by a majority who have never played beyond the 360 era. No way in hell my generation stands a chance, most of those games are shit. It does not help with their mindset of graphics, graphics and graphics. Once upon a time a teenager told me goldeneye was shit because the visuals looked crap.

goldeneye is shit now, one of the best games ever for it's time but it aged like milk, and it's not just graphics it's gameplay.

zeldaring said:
Random_Matt said:

These votes are done by a majority who have never played beyond the 360 era. No way in hell my generation stands a chance, most of those games are shit. It does not help with their mindset of graphics, graphics and graphics. Once upon a time a teenager told me goldeneye was shit because the visuals looked crap.

goldeneye is shit now, one of the best games ever for it's time but it aged like milk, and it's not just graphics it's gameplay.

It was merely an example of how all the younger ones find graphics the number one variable in video games. Yes, goldeneye has aged badly.

Random_Matt said:
zeldaring said:

goldeneye is shit now, one of the best games ever for it's time but it aged like milk, and it's not just graphics it's gameplay.

It was merely an example of how all the younger ones find graphics the number one variable in video games. Yes, goldeneye has aged badly.

If you look at the biggest poll 27 million votes by ign top 8 it's hardly about graphics.


Gow 2018 great graphics and probably the best combat in gaming in a action game

Bloodborne graphics are good amazing game

Botw nice graphics but no one is buying that for graphics.

Batman arkham city amazing game, nice graphics.

COD mw2 great game and amazing multiplayer

Gtav best open world game in gaming. Gameplay not great but the world is amazing to explore and just so many things to do.

Gta San Andreas graphics were mind blowing even for ps2.