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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gameinformer readers best games of all time list 2024 vs 2018 350k votes

Fairly standard list you’ll find coordinated a hundred different ways. It’s hard to argue with some of the choices, but people really should broaden their horizons more.

ResetEra has a bit more variety at least

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The Witcher 3 should have held the crown. Still very few games have reached the level of exceptionalism in all aspects of how a game is crafted like that game. Usually there is something that disappoints or flaws to over look but with TW3 (after they fixed the launch issues) it's simply perfect in every area like the music, art, atmosphere, story, cutscenes, freedom, choice, graphics, VA, level design, quest design, itemzation, gameplay loop, pacing etc. and what makes it my GOAT is it's able to keep that level of consistency across insane scope in the base game and then still excel in further expanding the game. The game was my GOAT after launch but the fact that they ironed out those flaws and refined the game, fixing all issues cemented it in place. I'm hoping BG3 can dethrone it but I hear that game suffers the same act 3 let down that Divinity OS2 suffered.

16th seeded Apex Legends beating 1st seeded Super Metroid tells me all I need to know about the type of gamers that voted in the poll.

firebush03 said:
Leynos said:

Shit lists. From a shit magazine. These lists on any of these websites are heavily skewed to people who have a limited range in experiencing the wide world of games. There are some amazing games on the PC 88 that no one has heard of outside of Japan. Lots of stuff is popular there no one knows here. I don't believe in a No 1 best game of all time. It's too generic. Games are so complex from genres to their wide variety of mechanics. It can't be a clear no 1 at everything. You have to go by genre at the very least. Then break down the mechanics. In another case, you need to include a narrative. Story. Music. etc What is the music trying to achieve for each game? As one example. It's not as simple as a list like that. It's too simple-minded.

These lists usually come out of the most mainstream sites with the most basic mainstream views that boil down to a recent popularity contest. So many of these sites. If they ever had an original thought, it would die of loneliness.

slight bit pretentious (“It’s too simple-minded”) but I totally agree with you. It’s hard to really call any game *the* best of all time. You could discuss the most innovative game(s) of all time, you could discuss the game(s) with the best story of all time,…but best overall? that is a little too broad to hold any value imo. Sounds more like “Which game *feels* like it should be considered the best of all time?”.

That's how you have to look at these things, and most games on these lists are stellar.

G2ThaUNiT said:

Fairly standard list you’ll find coordinated a hundred different ways. It’s hard to argue with some of the choices, but people really should broaden their horizons more.

ResetEra has a bit more variety at least

Appeal to authority and lie with statistics. It's a common tactic.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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LegitHyperbole said:

The Witcher 3 should have held the crown. Still very few games have reached the level of exceptionalism in all aspects of how a game is crafted like that game. Usually there is something that disappoints or flaws to over look but with TW3 (after they fixed the launch issues) it's simply perfect in every area like the music, art, atmosphere, story, cutscenes, freedom, choice, graphics, VA, level design, quest design, itemzation, gameplay loop, pacing etc. and what makes it my GOAT is it's able to keep that level of consistency across insane scope in the base game and then still excel in further expanding the game. The game was my GOAT after launch but the fact that they ironed out those flaws and refined the game, fixing all issues cemented it in place. I'm hoping BG3 can dethrone it but I hear that game suffers the same act 3 let down that Divinity OS2 suffered.

Great game but got bored by the end or much sooner can't remember. The combat became way to easy where it didn't need skill, and this is still before i even beat a dark souls type of game. Personally my favorite games are now skill based/get gud type of games with a cool worlds to explore or level design. I need that thrilling boss battles and then take a break exploring and powering up. sekiro is # 1 of all time followed by BB and GOW 2018 for second.

I will say it's hard to match the feeling of being blown away of the n64 and ps2 era, being younger sure does help.

I respectfully disagree with the list. It's clearly skewed towards the type of person who would likely be on Gameinformer in whatever form that exists now. And it's fine, to have a list of what their audience likes, but I wouldn't generalize beyond that.

JWeinCom said:

I respectfully disagree with the list. It's clearly skewed towards the type of person who would likely be on Gameinformer in whatever form that exists now. And it's fine, to have a list of what their audience likes, but I wouldn't generalize beyond that.

They are all pretty similar imo, even restera is not a huge differnce aside from the snubbing of 16 bit games. The lists covers ign, gameinformer and restera users best of al time list. Ign being the most massive with 27 million votes.

zeldaring said:
LegitHyperbole said:

The Witcher 3 should have held the crown. Still very few games have reached the level of exceptionalism in all aspects of how a game is crafted like that game. Usually there is something that disappoints or flaws to over look but with TW3 (after they fixed the launch issues) it's simply perfect in every area like the music, art, atmosphere, story, cutscenes, freedom, choice, graphics, VA, level design, quest design, itemzation, gameplay loop, pacing etc. and what makes it my GOAT is it's able to keep that level of consistency across insane scope in the base game and then still excel in further expanding the game. The game was my GOAT after launch but the fact that they ironed out those flaws and refined the game, fixing all issues cemented it in place. I'm hoping BG3 can dethrone it but I hear that game suffers the same act 3 let down that Divinity OS2 suffered.

Great game but got bored by the end or much sooner can't remember. The combat became way to easy where it didn't need skill, and this is still before i even beat a dark souls type of game. Personally my favorite games are now skill based/get gud type of games with a cool worlds to explore or level design. I need that thrilling boss battles and then take a break exploring and powering up. sekiro is # 1 of all time followed by BB and GOW 2018 for second.

I will say it's hard to match the feeling of being blown away of the n64 and ps2 era, being younger sure does help.

If ya want that feeling, go for VR. That shit will blow your socks off again and again even though the games aren't nearly as big budget as we are used to. It will still blow your mind like the jump to 3d. 

LegitHyperbole said:
zeldaring said:

Great game but got bored by the end or much sooner can't remember. The combat became way to easy where it didn't need skill, and this is still before i even beat a dark souls type of game. Personally my favorite games are now skill based/get gud type of games with a cool worlds to explore or level design. I need that thrilling boss battles and then take a break exploring and powering up. sekiro is # 1 of all time followed by BB and GOW 2018 for second.

I will say it's hard to match the feeling of being blown away of the n64 and ps2 era, being younger sure does help.

If ya want that feeling, go for VR. That shit will blow your socks off again and again even though the games aren't nearly as big budget as we are used to. It will still blow your mind like the jump to 3d. 

I have such a massive backlog and i'm always tired the last thing i wanna do is moving while my playing video game plus it's expensive for something that only has a few intresting games, i won't lie it does look cool as heck.