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zeldaring said:
LegitHyperbole said:

The Witcher 3 should have held the crown. Still very few games have reached the level of exceptionalism in all aspects of how a game is crafted like that game. Usually there is something that disappoints or flaws to over look but with TW3 (after they fixed the launch issues) it's simply perfect in every area like the music, art, atmosphere, story, cutscenes, freedom, choice, graphics, VA, level design, quest design, itemzation, gameplay loop, pacing etc. and what makes it my GOAT is it's able to keep that level of consistency across insane scope in the base game and then still excel in further expanding the game. The game was my GOAT after launch but the fact that they ironed out those flaws and refined the game, fixing all issues cemented it in place. I'm hoping BG3 can dethrone it but I hear that game suffers the same act 3 let down that Divinity OS2 suffered.

Great game but got bored by the end or much sooner can't remember. The combat became way to easy where it didn't need skill, and this is still before i even beat a dark souls type of game. Personally my favorite games are now skill based/get gud type of games with a cool worlds to explore or level design. I need that thrilling boss battles and then take a break exploring and powering up. sekiro is # 1 of all time followed by BB and GOW 2018 for second.

I will say it's hard to match the feeling of being blown away of the n64 and ps2 era, being younger sure does help.

If ya want that feeling, go for VR. That shit will blow your socks off again and again even though the games aren't nearly as big budget as we are used to. It will still blow your mind like the jump to 3d.