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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One


PlayStation 4 or Xbox One?

PS4 34 80.95%
Xbox One 5 11.90%
Tie 1 2.38%
Neither 2 4.76%
zeldaring said:
Pemalite said:

Crysis 3 literally has a better, more robust, more extensive array of visual effects, techniques and presents superior graphics on 7th gen consoles.

This isn't "subjective". This is fact. CryEngine is technically more proficient than the RAGE engine.

If you can find where GTA5 is visually more technically impressive than this... I will eat my hat... Until then. You don't have an argument.

zeldaring said:

scale and sadboxy-ness impose a lot more performance costs and complications, so it makes every achievemnts much more impressive. But it trully is hard to weight scope vs. detail.

Open world games were a dime-a-dozen on 7th gen. I already listed a heap... So I will repeat myself yet again and make a notable mention of titles such as GTA4, Oblivion, Skyrim, FarCry, Fallout, Borderlands and more.

GTA5 isn't special in this regard.

This is bullshit.

You can have some very technical 2.5D games like Links Awakening on Nintendo Switch with it's material shaders, depth of field and smart use of specular highlights, which is arguably more technically proficient than say... Mario Odyssey.

The "type" of games and how they are presented is thus irrellevent, the underlying technology is what's important.

Case in point... Gamebryo powered Oblivion... A sprawling open world game with ample use of shader model 3.0 features and bloom... Yet that same engine powered another "2.5D" game like Defense Grid... Which ironically deployed the same visual effects, but just in a different manner.

Technically same feature visual sets, artistically and mechanically very different.

And before you ask, I have very low-level understanding of Net-Immerse turned Gamebryo turned Creation Engine as I have done a ton of modding and reverse engineering of shaders.

Because apparently... Qualifications and experience means everything to you, but doesn't apply to you.

zeldaring said:

In GTAV's category, it pulls no punches in terms of ambition while still having asset detail at least in the same league if not better than many games that are trying to do less.

No one in the history of this thread has ever said that GTA5 lacked ambition or scale.

This argument is redundant.

Isn't the point of all open world games is to have an explore-able world?

Isn't the point of all games in general is to have a new world to explore?

Different scales and scope, but that tends to be the entire point of a video game environment.

Many games list everything you list on 7th gen. I mean shit... FarCry had fire propagation and moveable foliage.

zeldaring said:

While on foot the world is highly interactive: many NPCs with high quality animations and physics (for the time) and many physically simulated 3D objects, tons of traffic, and you can also fly high enough that you can see the entire map on screen at once, and fall back down at reasonable speed without a hitch from the game and relatively discrete LOD transitions.

I would argue Breath of the Wild was more interactive with significantly more simulated aspects that you can interact with.

Same goes for many other open world games like... Again. FarCry... And ironically Minecraft even.

Do you even understand how they enabled such draw distances with such seamless LOD transitions? They used a technique called "impostering" where essentially they use a 2D photo of the 3D asset... This technique got popularized with Halo: Reach and was a massive efficiency boon.

I.E. This is another cutback from Halo 3 to Halo: Reach/Halo 4, where they abandoned the use of high quality geometric assets.

I am going to call you out on this lie.
Houses in Mirror Park are duplicated with some tweaks, they are the same model.

But unique assets isn't a technical achievement, it's a time/money limitation, not an engine limitation.

GTA5 is an impressive game, but it's not the most technically impressive on 7th gen, not by a long mile.

You said red dead is more of a show case  then GTAV which almost no one would agree with. Even a average joe can look look at both games and tell which one is doing more technically more demanding. My main point which you seem to cant understand is this subjective. every game engine is doing mutiple things that no one can really confirm which is techically more demanding just by looking at game unless one really blows the other away, crysis 3 pushed the most advanced tech for sure but it's not  replicating living breathing city with traffic, huge number of npc's that react accodingly  and the level of detail, scale and even the ai GTAV had is still better then most open world games today. yes open world games are dime a dozen but GTAV blows every single one away on 7th it's not even close. This is big budget open world  game that came out in 2020 and GTAV NPC's are still way more advanced.  if you can't see why many people think it's near the top of most impressive games that just your opinion and stop tring to act like your opinion are facts. It's probably that you never played GTAV when it came out because it was leaps above evrything else.

I think the biggest proof of what i'm saying is true is Wiiu. You had all these people that were very knowledgeable about graphics Tech making claims that all these games were far beyond ps3/360 and using a much more powerful and advanced 352 gflops GPU when it reality was not. also the most techically advanced game crysis 3 runs better on 360 so does that make 360 more powerful? like i said my method for judging console power is the best most logical method and even by the end when most developers had enough time to get used to the ps3 which was 7 years its was pretty damn close with them trading blows, so i would say ps3/360 is on par, but i would still say 360 is the superior platform for playing most games which is a fact.

It's still amazing to me that GTA5 looks and runs as good as it does on PS3. Rockstars pushed the PS3 to its limit with GTA5

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Pinkie_pie said:
zeldaring said:

You said red dead is more of a show case  then GTAV which almost no one would agree with. Even a average joe can look look at both games and tell which one is doing more technically more demanding. My main point which you seem to cant understand is this subjective. every game engine is doing mutiple things that no one can really confirm which is techically more demanding just by looking at game unless one really blows the other away, crysis 3 pushed the most advanced tech for sure but it's not  replicating living breathing city with traffic, huge number of npc's that react accodingly  and the level of detail, scale and even the ai GTAV had is still better then most open world games today. yes open world games are dime a dozen but GTAV blows every single one away on 7th it's not even close. This is big budget open world  game that came out in 2020 and GTAV NPC's are still way more advanced.  if you can't see why many people think it's near the top of most impressive games that just your opinion and stop tring to act like your opinion are facts. It's probably that you never played GTAV when it came out because it was leaps above evrything else.

I think the biggest proof of what i'm saying is true is Wiiu. You had all these people that were very knowledgeable about graphics Tech making claims that all these games were far beyond ps3/360 and using a much more powerful and advanced 352 gflops GPU when it reality was not. also the most techically advanced game crysis 3 runs better on 360 so does that make 360 more powerful? like i said my method for judging console power is the best most logical method and even by the end when most developers had enough time to get used to the ps3 which was 7 years its was pretty damn close with them trading blows, so i would say ps3/360 is on par, but i would still say 360 is the superior platform for playing most games which is a fact.

It's still amazing to me that GTA5 looks and runs as good as it does on PS3. Rockstars pushed the PS3 to its limit with GTA5

Yea they are amazing. Also look red dead 2 it's easily the most techically impressive game on 8th consoles.

zeldaring said:

You said red dead is more of a show case  then GTAV which almost no one would agree with. Even a average joe can look look at both games and tell which one is doing more technically more demanding. My main point which you seem to cant understand is this subjective. every game engine is doing mutiple things that no one can really confirm which is techically more demanding just by looking at game unless one really blows the other away, crysis 3 pushed the most advanced tech for sure but it's not  replicating living breathing city with traffic, huge number of npc's that react accodingly  and the level of detail, scale and even the ai GTAV had is still better then most open world games today. yes open world games are dime a dozen but GTAV blows every single one away on 7th it's not even close. This is big budget open world  game that came out in 2020 and GTAV NPC's are still way more advanced.  if you can't see why many people think it's near the top of most impressive games that just your opinion and stop tring to act like your opinion are facts. It's probably that you never played GTAV when it came out because it was leaps above evrything else.

Crysis 3 beats GTA5.
Uncharted 3 beats GTA5.
The Last of us beats GTA5.

The list goes on, there were some technical pushing 7th gen games irrespective of console.

But to blatantly assert that GTA5 is the be-all, end-all of 7th gen technical showpieces is blatantly false.

zeldaring said:

I think the biggest proof of what i'm saying is true is Wiiu. You had all these people that were very knowledgeable about graphics Tech making claims that all these games were far beyond ps3/360 and using a much more powerful and advanced 352 gflops GPU when it reality was not. also the most techically advanced game crysis 3 runs better on 360 so does that make 360 more powerful? like i said my method for judging console power is the best most logical method and even by the end when most developers had enough time to get used to the ps3 which was 7 years its was pretty damn close with them trading blows, so i would say ps3/360 is on par, but i would still say 360 is the superior platform for playing most games which is a fact.

I was an individual who argued against the WiiU being significantly more powerful.
I am also an individual who tends to poke holes through people Gflop claims, because the people who use those numbers, don't even know what it means.

As for Crysis 3 being better on Xbox 360... Yes you are correct. - And that is exactly my point being made.
It's technically a better game than GTA5.

Is it the most technically impressive game on PS3? No.

Xbox 360 had less peak performance than the PS3, remember... The Playstation 3 doesn't need all it's games to have better graphics and performance... It just needs one single best game that is technically better than all Xbox 360 games.
And that single game came from Naughty Dog.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

You said red dead is more of a show case  then GTAV which almost no one would agree with. Even a average joe can look look at both games and tell which one is doing more technically more demanding. My main point which you seem to cant understand is this subjective. every game engine is doing mutiple things that no one can really confirm which is techically more demanding just by looking at game unless one really blows the other away, crysis 3 pushed the most advanced tech for sure but it's not  replicating living breathing city with traffic, huge number of npc's that react accodingly  and the level of detail, scale and even the ai GTAV had is still better then most open world games today. yes open world games are dime a dozen but GTAV blows every single one away on 7th it's not even close. This is big budget open world  game that came out in 2020 and GTAV NPC's are still way more advanced.  if you can't see why many people think it's near the top of most impressive games that just your opinion and stop tring to act like your opinion are facts. It's probably that you never played GTAV when it came out because it was leaps above evrything else.

Crysis 3 beats GTA5.
Uncharted 3 beats GTA5.
The Last of us beats GTA5.

The list goes on, there were some technical pushing 7th gen games irrespective of console.

But to blatantly assert that GTA5 is the be-all, end-all of 7th gen technical showpieces is blatantly false.

zeldaring said:

I think the biggest proof of what i'm saying is true is Wiiu. You had all these people that were very knowledgeable about graphics Tech making claims that all these games were far beyond ps3/360 and using a much more powerful and advanced 352 gflops GPU when it reality was not. also the most techically advanced game crysis 3 runs better on 360 so does that make 360 more powerful? like i said my method for judging console power is the best most logical method and even by the end when most developers had enough time to get used to the ps3 which was 7 years its was pretty damn close with them trading blows, so i would say ps3/360 is on par, but i would still say 360 is the superior platform for playing most games which is a fact.

I was an individual who argued against the WiiU being significantly more powerful.
I am also an individual who tends to poke holes through people Gflop claims, because the people who use those numbers, don't even know what it means.

As for Crysis 3 being better on Xbox 360... Yes you are correct. - And that is exactly my point being made.
It's technically a better game than GTA5.

Is it the most technically impressive game on PS3? No.

Xbox 360 had less peak performance than the PS3, remember... The Playstation 3 doesn't need all it's games to have better graphics and performance... It just needs one single best game that is technically better than all Xbox 360 games.
And that single game came from Naughty Dog.

You really have no clue how advanced gtav engine is it shits on uncharted 3 ans crysis 3 and just talking pure speculation

Maybe watch this video and see how crazy advanced this game. You probably never even played the game.

Graphics, lighting, volumetric clouds, draw distance, object density, even underwater is fully modeled, NPC density and complexity, you could knock people's guns, hats and glasses off, great AI, NPC interactions, real-time cutscenes with seamless transitions to gameplay and vice versa, facial animations, horse muscle simulation, car physics and deformation that no other AAA game could reach and more. That's all in last gen games on PS3/X360 sorry it's shit on every game and your opinion is not gonna change my mind.

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zeldaring said:

You really have no clue how advanced gtav engine is it shits on uncharted 3 ans crysis 3 and just talking pure speculation

Maybe watch this video and see how crazy advanced this game. You probably never even played the game.

It's not. But keep believing it.
You still haven't provided a counter to the visuals in Crysis 3 by showcases GTA5 visuals that were intrinsically better.

But hey, if a random youtube fan video from someone random of unimportance that reinforces your confirmation bias is all you have to backup your so called "argument"... Then you don't have an argument.

zeldaring said:

Graphics, lighting, volumetric clouds, draw distance, object density, even underwater is fully modeled, NPC density and complexity, you could knock people's guns, hats and glasses off, great AI, NPC interactions, real-time cutscenes with seamless transitions to gameplay and vice versa, facial animations, horse muscle simulation, car physics and deformation that no other AAA game could reach and more. That's all in last gen games on PS3/X360 sorry it's shit on every game and your opinion is not gonna change my mind.

I don't think you fully grasp how impressive CryEngine actually is.
But watch and weep.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

You really have no clue how advanced gtav engine is it shits on uncharted 3 ans crysis 3 and just talking pure speculation

Maybe watch this video and see how crazy advanced this game. You probably never even played the game.

It's not. But keep believing it.
You still haven't provided a counter to the visuals in Crysis 3 by showcases GTA5 visuals that were intrinsically better.

But hey, if a random youtube fan video from someone random of unimportance that reinforces your confirmation bias is all you have to backup your so called "argument"... Then you don't have an argument.

zeldaring said:

Graphics, lighting, volumetric clouds, draw distance, object density, even underwater is fully modeled, NPC density and complexity, you could knock people's guns, hats and glasses off, great AI, NPC interactions, real-time cutscenes with seamless transitions to gameplay and vice versa, facial animations, horse muscle simulation, car physics and deformation that no other AAA game could reach and more. That's all in last gen games on PS3/X360 sorry it's shit on every game and your opinion is not gonna change my mind.

I don't think you fully grasp how impressive CryEngine actually is.
But watch and weep.

Ok how this run on 360/ps3. It's run terrible and sub HD . Gtav is replicating a whole city as realistic as possible with actually believable world is , just the traffic simulation alone is more complex then anything in botw which just barren waste land.

Anyone with common sense would know the level of calculations need to run a city with tons of npcs and car traffic as well as air traffic in a packed city would know it's gonna have way more tasks to calculate then some woods or jungle area. The wiiu would crumbed to 15-20fps trying to run gtav with that terrible cpu. Just look at botw in kokorki village, how drops frame hard and that's not even close to as complex  the amount of things going in gtav.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 29 July 2024

zeldaring said:

Ok how this run on 360/ps3. It's run terrible and sub HD . Gtav is replicating a whole city as realistic as possible with actually believable world is , just the traffic simulation alone is more complex then anything in botw which just barren waste land.

It's not a barren wasteland at all; the world is full to the brim with interactive systems.

Cloud cover is generated procedurally and driven by the game's wind simulation.

Particles from everything from Link disturbing leaves on the ground to enemies to weapons behave according to the wind conditions.

Grass is rendered down to individual polygonal blades which are also affected by the wind, by Link, by enemies, and can be burned.

Fire propagates, spreading through contact between flammable materials, generating updrafts, burning vegetation, cooking food, and once again, being affected by the wind.

Trees can be cut down, with the fallen trunk acting as a dynamic physics object that can roll down a slope to bowl over and damage an enemy.

Metal objects, water, and wet objects conduct electricity.

The world is populated with wildlife that interacts not only with Link but with enemies.

Rain makes things wet, and generates puddles in the environment, both of which then evaporate over time.

Different materials have different buoyancy; in water a metal sword will sink while a wooden torch will float.

I get that downplaying Nintendo is your whole thing, but you're being absurd here. 

Fire arrows cook animals. Shooting electric arrows in a pond kills all the fish. Wearing a fire sword can keep Link warm in the cold. Ice weapons keep him cool in hotter areas.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Ok how this run on 360/ps3. It's run terrible and sub HD . Gtav is replicating a whole city as realistic as possible with actually believable world is , just the traffic simulation alone is more complex then anything in botw which just barren waste land.

It's not a barren wasteland at all; the world is full to the brim with interactive systems.

Cloud cover is generated procedurally and driven by the game's wind simulation.

Particles from everything from Link disturbing leaves on the ground to enemies to weapons behave according to the wind conditions.

Grass is rendered down to individual polygonal blades which are also affected by the wind, by Link, by enemies, and can be burned.

Fire propagates, spreading through contact between flammable materials, generating updrafts, burning vegetation, cooking food, and once again, being affected by the wind.

Trees can be cut down, with the fallen trunk acting as a dynamic physics object that can roll down a slope to bowl over and damage an enemy.

Metal objects, water, and wet objects conduct electricity.

The world is populated with wildlife that interacts not only with Link but with enemies.

Rain makes things wet, and generates puddles in the environment, both of which then evaporate over time.

Different materials have different buoyancy; in water a metal sword will sink while a wooden torch will float.

I get that downplaying Nintendo is your whole thing, but you're being absurd here. 

Sorry. I wasn't trying to downplay it's discussing this with permalite  this topic is annoying. For wiiu cpu breath of the Wild is a miracle just like gtav is a miracle for 7th gen consoles but In comparsion to something like gtav is pretty barren of course obviously making a real life city with npcs, traffic simulation,  is gonna have way more  going on and I don't think the wiiu cpu could handle it, that's what i meant to say, but he seems think he can look 2 totally different    games that are not far off techically and know which is more technically demanding like some kind of super computer program. GTA comparisons, I'm not 100% sure GTA has more interactivity, but its world is orders of magnitude more thriving and populated than BotW's, with complex traffic systems, police, jobs, shoppers, entire societal and AI systems and all the rest. Different focuses with different tech and gameplay considerations, benefits, pros and cons. just look at botw in kokriko village which is not even close and the fps starts dipping hard.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 29 July 2024