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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

zorg1000 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Maybe I'm overthinking it but I also get uncomfortable when I bang on about foreign policy in here with my long ass posts because I think the Americans would rather talk about domestic policy. Plus we already have the Israel/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine thread where those discussions can be held. I don't want to drown out all domestic talk with foreign policy talk, even if it's something I'm passionate about.

I don’t mind the talks about foreign policy, it’s obviously a very important topic. The thing that annoys me is when people act like it’s the only issue and say shit like it doesn’t matter who wins because both are bad at foreign policy.

Yes. Just to clarify, I have criticisms towards Biden recently but I still greatly appreciate everything America has done for Ukraine and I'd rather blow my own toe off than see Trump take over, I know for certain he will be 100x worse than Biden/Harris. Annoyingly cautious/slow support is better than no support at all. I want Biden to be pushed to do better, I know there's zero hope with Trump.

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JWeinCom said:
RolStoppable said:

Just who are the people who are answering the questions in these polls?

All the comedians must be right: This is a snapshot of the people's opinions who don't mind answering the questions of complete strangers on the phone.

We are now at the point where Trump runs on main issues like sex-change operations for pupils in schools that are happening without their parents' knowledge, immigrants eating the pets, strawberry ice-cream turning boys gay, babies getting executed after birth and Canada preparing for an invasion from the north because you can never trust the French. Apparently a portion of Canadians speaking French is a good enough basis to be reaching for that.

This is the easiest election in US history, ever. But somehow Trump still polls above 40% without any problems. The polls are rigged.

No, people are really that stupid. 

Ryuu96 said:

-Tweet Removed-


Trump is literally not capable of just admitting he was wrong or even just letting it go quietly. He will talk about immigrants eating pets at basically every opportunity now. 

But if they actually were taking the geese, then I say we need more Hatians in this country. Fuck geese.

Bring in the Canadian Geese and we'll have a war!

Yeah he can't admit he was wrong and he'll keep digging himself a hole.

I just wonder what the next animal will be! Dogs, cats, geese, maybe badgers next?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 September 2024

Apparently, humans are next. 

The full tweet from Loomer links to a tweet about alleged cannibalism in Haiti. I don’t have an X account (it’s a shithole site and always has been) so I can only do screenshots. 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 13 September 2024

There was a story about a woman eating their neighbor's cat, but she wasn't a migrant, and not from Springfield.

There was a story about Haitian migrants snatching geese, but there's no evidence that they were eating them.  

A lot of these things are half truths at best. 

And plenty of people do weird things. There are a horrifying number of stories about white women doing things with their dogs. Its not meaningful or common enough to justify a presidential candidate talking about it. 

And it's even horrifying if the candidate already doesn't care about how people are mistreated.

the-pi-guy said:

There was a story about a woman eating their neighbor's cat, but she wasn't a migrant, and not from Springfield.

There was a story about Haitian migrants snatching geese, but there's no evidence that they were eating them.  

A lot of these things are half truths at best. 

And plenty of people do weird things. There are a horrifying number of stories about white women doing things with their dogs. Its not meaningful or common enough to justify a presidential candidate talking about it. 

And it's even horrifying if the candidate already doesn't care about how people are mistreated.

This tweet is from Trump's innermost circle. He brought this vile woman to a 9/11 memorial ceremony in Pennsylvania. She has a long and storied history of being vile.  She is overtly racist. 

The problem here is... it works. His supporters lap this stuff up like ice cream. 

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:


It’s true. I drove through a place called Goose Creek earlier and there was no Goose. I couldn’t even find the creek. They took everything. 

Thom now enters.

It's funny, Laura ain't been that much more disgusting than Trump but they're all losing their minds at Laura. Bunch of idiots, this is what Trump represents, this is what MAGA represents. Just confirms my suspicions that any other person taking over the MAGA brand wouldn't receive the same support as Trump because it's the Cult of Trump. They straight up ignore that this is Trump too, while screaming about Laura.

They're both fucking scum.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 September 2024

Ryuu96 said:
jason1637 said:

Ukraine isnt Afghanistan. It means more to Russian history and how close it is makes it easy to annex. Look at Crimea Russia really stole that not too long ago. I 100% support Ukraine but this is war and if a deal were to happen I dont see anyway Russia isnt getting more land.

Were not going into World War 3 theres going to be limits to how much the West gets involved and continue to support Ukraine in this. And Russia has nuclear weapon as a last resort if the war goes on too long and they want to stop it. 

The key issues with Ukraine have been the West (largely America + Western Europe) dragging their feet in supporting Ukraine, constantly doubting Ukraine's ability, a stupid amount of bureaucracy where we've spent months debating on whether to send this, or that and constant stupid fear of "escalation" holding us back, that last one is largely coming from America and Germany.

Putin is not going to use nukes and that's exactly the fear that holds America back from helping Ukraine to the fullest.

It's not a popular policy here. Whoever it is we're not going to do more than supply and train. Any politician that tries to engage in direct war with Russia is getting their party elected out in the midterms and won't be relected as President. It's Career suicide.

We don't know what is in Putins mind. All we do know is that he has nuclaer weapon and the Kremlin is taking another look at their Nuclear weapon policies.

After all the brainwashing Russian media has done do get their population to believe Ukrainians are Nazi sympathizers and Putin is not going to back down he has said this himself.  Maybe i'm optimistic but I dont see how you take 20% of a countries land and back down. Especially someone as arrogant as Putin.