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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Man. WTF is Romney waiting for, Lol. Fucking Alberto Gonzales before him.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

Honestly this is probably the most realistic outcome. Russia isnt giving back the land if were being honest.

Ryuu96 said:

God, I need Harris-Walz to win to inject some positivity back into the world.

They'll inject war. Lol. You really think they're on our side? As Biden would say, C'mon maaaan. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

God, I need Harris-Walz to win to inject some positivity back into the world.

They'll inject war. Lol. You really think they're on our side? As Biden would say, C'mon maaaan. 

The last wars America started or joined was under both Bush's, Regan before them.  Lyndon B Johnson was the last Democrat to start a war in 1964.

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jason1637 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Honestly this is probably the most realistic outcome. Russia isnt giving back the land if were being honest.

Ukraine and the west won't compromise on this, not even if Trump tries to make this happen. It's not happening, the US president doesn't have complete say on this matter. Us Europeans do NOT want Russia to take a slice of Ukraine. KamalaTrump is not our leader. 

jason1637 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Honestly this is probably the most realistic outcome. Russia isnt giving back the land if were being honest.

Of course Russia isn't giving back the land they stolen willingly, that's why we need to help Ukraine to force them to give it back.

It's not the most realistic outcome, it's far too early to make predictions like this, Russia was in Afghanistan for 10 years before pulling out. Wars last a long time and things can change at the drop of a hat. Don't underestimate Ukraine as many have done multiple times in the past during this war. Again, wars last a long time, we need to do everything we can to give Ukraine a bigger advantage.

  • It was expected that Ukraine would fall in 3 days, the full-scale war has now been going on for over 2 years.
  • It was said that Ukraine wouldn't be able to take back land, Russia was forced to withdraw from Kyiv, Sumy.
  • It wasn't expected that Ukraine could take back Kherson and Kharkiv, they did.
  • It wasn't expected that Ukraine could do a uno-reverso on Russia and take land from Russia, they have.

As long as Ukraine continues to fight then we should continue to support them and Russia should not be rewarded with 20% of a country, what message does that send to every other country in the world that wants to do a land-grab? What message does that send to America's allies? What message does that send to Russia? And it's utter horseshit to say that Ukraine shouldn't be allowed to join NATO or EU afterwards, that's bullshit, Ukraine is an independent country that makes its own damn decisions.

This defeatist attitude is exactly what Russia hopes for because then they are rewarded for their genocidal campaign against Ukraine. I'd say though, it's one thing to believe this may be the eventual outcome, it's another thing to say out loud "Lets reward Russia for their slaughter with 20% of a country then force said country to be defenceless afterwards" while said country is still fighting for its life. Ukraine surrenders when it chooses, not when America chooses.

And Russia will just invade for the rest of Ukraine in the future when you ban them from joining any defensive alliances.

You're sending a pretty clear message to your allies that America won't do shit to defend them the moment things get even slightly uncomfortable for you. Bye bye Taiwan. Bye bye South Korea. Bye bye Europe. Let the dictators of the world have their way with you because we've decided to become isolationists.

How would you feel if Russia invaded America, your own state, slaughtered half your family, then some twats in Europe was telling America to surrender "for peace" and let Russia get away with the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Americans because we're upset about sending America financial aid? How would you feel when Europe tells America to give up 20% of its country to Russia? Then we kick you out of NATO.

We in Europe do not like surrendering to fucking Nazis.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

IkePoR said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

Inflation doesn't happen over night, it's a result of years of policies or an event that dramatically shifts supply and demand. 

So lets see if I got this right: it's covid and only covid then?  And nothing to do with mortgage interest rates, mortgage payments and rent being higher, the Russia-Ukraine war, or profligacy in the treasury? 

Yes, other things added to it such as Wheat prices increased when Putin set foot in Ukraine.  Mortgage rates were a direct effect of covid but also  increased because Trump kept them low during an economic boon area which started under Obama.  The stock market had a brief correction in 2018 when they tried to increase rates, and Trump freaked out on the treasury and made them drop rates.  Rates dropped further during covid, and eventually had to go up.  Guess what they went up everywhere even in European countries that once had negative interest rates.  Do some non biased research, it's not hard to do.

IkePoR said:

So lets see if I got this right: it's covid and only covid then?  And nothing to do with mortgage interest rates, mortgage payments and rent being higher, the Russia-Ukraine war, or profligacy in the treasury? 

And which of these are you blaming the current administration on?

A lot of different things are factors. The Russia Ukraine war meant oil has more competition. Which will affect transportation and other goods. 

Covid was absolutely massive though. The shutdowns that started under Trump's administration and reopening caused two huge shifts. 

Companies spent many billions to adjust to people staying at home. There were tons of shortages in tech, household goods, etc. 

And a lot of that has reversed in a pretty ugly way over the past couple years. 

Other things were factors absolutely, there are always a "billion" factors.  But Covid was a massive one, and that wouldn't have been notably different regardless of who was president right now. 

IkePoR said:

It's not brought up enough just how downright abysmal they are.  Both sides are horrible with spending.  

Personally I consider spending amounts to be just a small piece of the puzzle. It's not something that particularly concerns me in isolation. What matters is where it's going, how's it being spent, how it's being paid for. 

Take for example, healthcare spending. Universal healthcare was projected to cost something like $34 trillion over a decade. That's an absurd amount, and yet it's less than what we are projected to spend on our current healthcare system. So I consider the savings worth it, as well as the problems it solves. 

rapsuperstar31 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

They'll inject war. Lol. You really think they're on our side? As Biden would say, C'mon maaaan. 

The last wars America started or joined was under both Bush's, Regan before them.  Lyndon B Johnson was the last Democrat to start a war in 1964.

I'm not saying they'd start a war. I'm saying they'll inject war. Make it worse, Stoke the flames. Use countries against themselves. Usual democratic affairs. I'm also not saying your republican side is better and I hate that I have to say this by default, I am not your right wing party. I'm European.