the-pi-guy said:
Hiku said:
That guy naming his son after a horse seems as likely as these children being named after God's manifistation.
To be fair, people don't usually name their kids like that.Â
The Colt company itself was created by Samuel Colt.Â
Not sure what you mean, but there are over 25 000 Sephiroths in the US, according to the Social Security Administration's government webpage.

Otherwise, typing Colt into Google image search, it looks like 100 images of guns for every 1 image of anything else.
I think the connotation to the gun brand should be the most well known. Especially for that child who grew up with an irresponsible gun owner as their parent.

Either way, I wasn't trying to make a serious point about the name, but equating it to the claim that videogames and movies are to blame.
The main issues imo are the child's exposure and access to guns, and how they are portrayed/viewed in the US, and constantly in the mindshare of people. Resulting in guns more commonly coming to mind as a potential solution, than for people in countries where you almost never see or hear of them.
JD Vance says that the school shootings are "just a fact of life".
Yet there are so many other countries where this doesn't happen at all. Or if it does, it's not a common occurance.
Last edited by Hiku - on 06 September 2024