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BFR said:
Hiku said:

Weird how they have videogames and movies in countries that don't have school shootings.
You know what glorifies gun violence though? Naming your school shooter son after a gun.

Meanwhile USA casually has guns in Wallmart

The 2nd Amendment sends its regards.

Which was written when people used muskets that had to be reloaded after every single shot, and took ages to do so.
And you couldn't buy guns in the supermarket next to your Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls. 

Hiku said: "Naming your school shooter son after a gun."

Colt wikipedia definition: A colt is a young male horse, usually below the age of four years.

So, by your logic the former Baltimore Colts football team was also named after a gun mfg.

Based on the father, seems as likely as these children being named after God's manifistation.

Anyway, Mike Pence says he's not endorsing Trump.

Former Vice President Mike Pence says he's not endorsing Trump | AP News

Not surprising, especially considering Janyuary 6th.

Last edited by Hiku - on 06 September 2024