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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Ryuu96 said:

If Trump loses again then the only path forward for a Republican win would be Hikki Haley, Imo. Trump is one of those once in a while cult personalities, yeah a lot are voting because they want to rip away women's rights and all that but a lot are voting because of the "personality" too. Ron DeSantis? JD Vance? Ted Cruz? Don Jr? All these dudes have nowhere near the level of cult following as Trump does, they have absolutely zero charisma, they're boring as fuck even to MAGA. They can't just co-opt the MAGA brand and let that carry them.

There's a chance they wheel out Trump at 82, a three time loser, I seriously doubt that will work if he loses for the 2nd time though, especially at that age when he's already showing mental decline. Either way, Harris needs to win first, Americans don't get complacent, this will be an incredibly and disgustingly close election, mostly due to the electoral college, if it was based on popular vote then I think Harris would comfortably win but I won't be comfortable until after the election.

As I mentioned before that is the debate I have with myself. Do Republicans care about winning more than they care about pissing of Democrats? 

I also think to really answer the question comes down to how do we define MAGA. If we define it more as Trumpism, centered around his cult of personality then yes, it dies with his loss. If it is a cultural war, stick to the libs mind set then yes I think it exist past Trump.

I define it a bit more to the latter, only because there have been times where even Trump has altered his positions to fit the base. Most notably we saw this with the vaccine. He used to take credit for it and now he does not because he noticed the boos it got at his rallies. Giving the sense that MAGA lives even beyond Trump.

Even the establishment R's like Rubio (who I did work for and is a shell of his former self) have become more MAGA. It's truly embarrassment now when I see him bend the knee to Trump & MAGA. I hope I am wrong.


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PDF: "I also think to really answer the question comes down to how do we define MAGA. If we define it more as Trumpism, centered around his cult of personality then yes, it dies with his loss. If it is a cultural war, stick to the libs mind set then yes I think it exist past Trump."

IMO, MAGA started with Trump and ends with Trump.  Honestly, both parties have been sticking it to each other for decades, that will only continue.

What separates Trump from previous Republican candidates is his MEGA ego, his TWO impeachments, sowing division in the US, etc....

Past Repub candidates I like: Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, Dole, McCain, Romney

The ones I don't like: Nixon, Ford, Trump

BTW, I actually campaigned for Dole in 1996, fun time!

We are roughly two months away from Election Day, any predictions? I’m going with:


Harris wins all the states Biden did and picks up North Carolina. It’s not an Obama 2008 blowout but it’s bigger than 2012/2020.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

We are roughly two months away from Election Day, any predictions? I’m going with:


Harris wins all the states Biden did and picks up North Carolina. It’s not an Obama 2008 blowout but it’s bigger than 2012/2020.

I'd add Florida and Texas on top of it, because Trump is now so uncool.

If the September 10th debate doesn't turn out to be a bump in the road for Harris (which I assume it won't), the trend in the polls will continue because Trump's campaign will become even more weird afterwards.

Another thing I want to say is that the urgency in the USA has been so fake. I am talking about statements like "only 120 days left until election day" and all the other numbers of days that got inserted there. After Harris got endorsed, there was an avalanche of interesting coverage, but after a few weeks it all became reiteration and now during this boredom we are still a full two months away from election day. There's no urgency whatsoever, instead there's so much time.

I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of Americans themselves view it the same way I do, meaning they don't even bother to really care about politics until one month before election day at best. That's why the polls are just a snapshot of time and everyone in the media keeps saying it. They know they've got little of substance, but they have to write and talk about it anyway all day, all week.

Having said that, here are some other predictions:

Election interference from Trump.

But hey, this time around the sitting president will call the national guard to perform a smackdown before it gets as ugly as in early 2021. So that's the bright side of it.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

zorg1000 said:

We are roughly two months away from Election Day, any predictions? I’m going with:


Harris wins all the states Biden did and picks up North Carolina. It’s not an Obama 2008 blowout but it’s bigger than 2012/2020.

Love your optimism, but I think if will be down to the wire again. 

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BFR said:

PDF: "I also think to really answer the question comes down to how do we define MAGA. If we define it more as Trumpism, centered around his cult of personality then yes, it dies with his loss. If it is a cultural war, stick to the libs mind set then yes I think it exist past Trump."

IMO, MAGA started with Trump and ends with Trump.  Honestly, both parties have been sticking it to each other for decades, that will only continue.

What separates Trump from previous Republican candidates is his MEGA ego, his TWO impeachments, sowing division in the US, etc....

Past Repub candidates I like: Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, Dole, McCain, Romney

The ones I don't like: Nixon, Ford, Trump

BTW, I actually campaigned for Dole in 1996, fun time!

Trump isn't going to let that happen.  That's why he took over the RNC or rather the purse of the Republican party.  They let him get too much control.  They will have to keep kissing his ass or else he will not support their campaign financially.   The number one item of the 2028 Republican platform will be pardoning Trump and releasing him from Prison.   And yes he is so narcissistic that he may try running from prison at the age of 83.

SanAndreasX said:
zorg1000 said:

We are roughly two months away from Election Day, any predictions? I’m going with:


Harris wins all the states Biden did and picks up North Carolina. It’s not an Obama 2008 blowout but it’s bigger than 2012/2020.

Love your optimism, but I think if will be down to the wire again. 

2020 was Biden-51.3%, Trump-46.8%, it’s not that different.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

RolStoppable said:
zorg1000 said:

We are roughly two months away from Election Day, any predictions? I’m going with:


Harris wins all the states Biden did and picks up North Carolina. It’s not an Obama 2008 blowout but it’s bigger than 2012/2020.

I'd add Florida and Texas on top of it, because Trump is now so uncool.

Trump won Texas by ~5.5% & Florida by ~3.5% in 2020. I don’t think Harris wins either but Texas continues trending blue and Florida is more similar to 2016 than 2020 so Trump wins Texas by ~3% and Florida by ~2%.

Hopefully that’s close enough that we can eek out a win in one or both of their senate races.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
RolStoppable said:

I'd add Florida and Texas on top of it, because Trump is now so uncool.

Trump won Texas by ~5.5% & Florida by ~3.5% in 2020. I don’t think Harris wins either but Texas continues trending blue and Florida is more similar to 2016 than 2020 so Trump wins Texas by ~3% and Florida by ~2%.

Hopefully that’s close enough that we can eek out a win in one or both of their senate races.

You underestimate how much coolness matters. It is what helped Trump win in 2016 nationwide.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
zorg1000 said:

Trump won Texas by ~5.5% & Florida by ~3.5% in 2020. I don’t think Harris wins either but Texas continues trending blue and Florida is more similar to 2016 than 2020 so Trump wins Texas by ~3% and Florida by ~2%.

Hopefully that’s close enough that we can eek out a win in one or both of their senate races.

You underestimate how much coolness matters. It is what helped Trump win in 2016 nationwide.

I always thought it was because most of the US sees elections as a reality TV show, and that Trump deserves their vote because he's the most experienced.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.