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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

You're really trying to live up to your name. Have a drink, light one up, play a game, feel grass between your toes, what have you. But whatever you do, steer clear of far right social media.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

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Space Force National Guard.

WTF? The national guard's are for state protection. Is space suddenly the 51st state? Where are they supposed to report to? The international spa.....oh.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

LegitHyperbole said:

It was a at night but yeah, I'm 100% sure it happened. If they didn't execute him they jumped him or something. It's stuck right in my memory. Cool that they were arrested, I'd like to see how many seen prison time and what sentences they got, that'd be interesting.

For just an ideology they seem to be well outfitted and can easily group up when time calls for it all black clad like they sent a memo onbthe dress code, I suppose the Internet help with that. I remember seeing spray painted "liberals get the bullet too" so I suppose the more hardcore anarchists might use Antif-fah as cover for their actions. 

I am from Oregon and I do not remember this happening. PDX had an autonomous zone but the larger more famous one what actually in Seattle. 

If Trump wins there will be protest in PDX again, there will be property damage, someone could get hurt, they will shutdown I5, and it will be annoying as it gets national news stories but it won't last. The majority of people in these protest are adult kids (18-25) and they are unorganized. Politically, the George Floyd Protests were hard for Portland control because they started off with a lot of public approval. However as time went on many soured on the protests. There will be significantly less of an appetite to see Portland on fire again.

The closes thing to a "civil war" if Trump wins will not be waged with guns. It will be waged in the courts and state legislatures. States like Oregon further push back against whatever Trump administration either rolls out or rolls back. This happened last time but I imagine it will be much more aggressive this time on both sides. The Federal government lacks an enforcement mechanism in a number of areas, hence why we have sanctuary states. 

I do fear what new embolden Trump will try to do if elected. I fear that he will actually weaponize the justice department and go after political enemies. I fear much of the important career government workers could be cut and replaced by partisan hacks looking to score political points. However Trump is term-limited and I don't think he can do enough damage in 4 years. 

Mostly, I fear for the US in general. If my county is comfortable electing a criminal who tried to thwart democracy they won't care when said criminal works to dismantle the democratic system that got him elected in the first place. I fear what dividends that might mean for the future. 


My Real Redneck friends

PDF said:

LegitHyperbole said:

It was a at night but yeah, I'm 100% sure it happened. If they didn't execute him they jumped him or something. It's stuck right in my memory. Cool that they were arrested, I'd like to see how many seen prison time and what sentences they got, that'd be interesting.

For just an ideology they seem to be well outfitted and can easily group up when time calls for it all black clad like they sent a memo onbthe dress code, I suppose the Internet help with that. I remember seeing spray painted "liberals get the bullet too" so I suppose the more hardcore anarchists might use Antif-fah as cover for their actions. 

I am from Oregon and I do not remember this happening. PDX had an autonomous zone but the larger more famous one what actually in Seattle. 

If Trump wins there will be protest in PDX again, there will be property damage, someone could get hurt, they will shutdown I5, and it will be annoying as it gets national news stories but it won't last. The majority of people in these protest are adult kids (18-25) and they are unorganized. Politically, the George Floyd Protests were hard for Portland control because they started off with a lot of public approval. However as time went on many soured on the protests. There will be significantly less of an appetite to see Portland on fire again.

The closes thing to a "civil war" if Trump wins will not be waged with guns. It will be waged in the courts and state legislatures. States like Oregon further push back against whatever Trump administration either rolls out or rolls back. This happened last time but I imagine it will be much more aggressive this time on both sides. The Federal government lacks an enforcement mechanism in a number of areas, hence why we have sanctuary states. 

I do fear what new embolden Trump will try to do if elected. I fear that he will actually weaponize the justice department and go after political enemies. I fear much of the important career government workers could be cut and replaced by partisan hacks looking to score political points. However Trump is term-limited and I don't think he can do enough damage in 4 years. 

Mostly, I fear for the US in general. If my county is comfortable electing a criminal who tried to thwart democracy they won't care when said criminal works to dismantle the democratic system that got him elected in the first place. I fear what dividends that might mean for the future. 

Oh, yeah. It was in Seattle. I don't know much about what Trump will do or not or what PDX is tbh.

Renamed said:

Space Force National Guard.

WTF? The national guard's are for state protection. Is space suddenly the 51st state? Where are they supposed to report to? The international spa.....oh.

I meant to go and see if that was an AI generated deepfake, because there is no way he can be completely serious. Housing crisis, inflation, illegal immigration, lagging wages, abortion, and this is the issue that he decides to come out focused on?

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burninmylight said:
Renamed said:

Space Force National Guard.

WTF? The national guard's are for state protection. Is space suddenly the 51st state? Where are they supposed to report to? The international spa.....oh.

I meant to go and see if that was an AI generated deepfake, because there is no way he can be completely serious. Housing crisis, inflation, illegal immigration, lagging wages, abortion, and this is the issue that he decides to come out focused on?

Because he cares not about solving issues that have no impact on himself and his rich donor class buddies.  It's all about legacy and ego.  He only applies himself toward projects of either vanity or profit.  His campaign and presidency have no bearing on the actual intent of the role.  It is merely a means for legacy and ego.  Vanity and profit.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Renamed said:

Space Force National Guard.

WTF? The national guard's are for state protection. Is space suddenly the 51st state? Where are they supposed to report to? The international spa.....oh.

Your comment caught me by surprise. So, I did some research.....

"Former President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to create a Space National Guard if he is elected commander-in-chief again in November, calling it a critical step in ensuring that America continues to strengthen its military defenses in space. 

“The time has come to create a Space National Guard as the primary combat reserve of the U.S. Space Force,” he told about 4,000 group members during a wide-ranging speech. “So as president, I will sign historic legislation creating a space National Guard.”

Your right Ren, the NG exists to protect/help their state, and not the federal government.  Also, the Space Force, as it exists, is all about supporting satellite launches and keeping those birds working in top order.  In other words, there are No Soldiers in space, and there is no need for them!!

Heck, the only people in space are civilian astronauts/cosmonauts/taikonauts aboard the ISS and China's Tiangong space station.

Lastly, the Space Force has a big enough budget to support their satellites, while the NG operates under their measly state budget.

I don’t want to jump the gun and say Harris is sure to win but I’ve been wondering in what direction the Republican Party will go if Trump loses again.

Let’s say Harris wins by a slightly larger margin than Biden did in 2020 (all the same states Biden won+North Carolina), this would be Trump doing worse in each election and Republicans losing 4 of the last 5 elections.

In this scenario, does the Republican Party reject Trumpism and try to moderate themselves or do they triple down and keep moving further to the right?

In the aftermath of the 2012 election, Republicans made a game plan to moderate their stances on social issues to try and do better with minorities, women, LGBT people and young voters but Trump came along and ruined those plans. Do they go back to that plan?

If they do reject Trump and moderate themselves, does Trump go third party and split up the party in half?

GOP-Prides themselves on being the “Party of Reagan”, promotes fiscal conservatism and free trade while focusing less on social issues.

MAGA-party of Trump/authoritarianism, isolationist/protectionist, anti-immigration and strong focus on social issues.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

I don’t want to jump the gun and say Harris is sure to win but I’ve been wondering in what direction the Republican Party will go if Trump loses again.

Let’s say Harris wins by a slightly larger margin than Biden did in 2020 (all the same states Biden won+North Carolina), this would be Trump doing worse in each election and Republicans losing 4 of the last 5 elections.

In this scenario, does the Republican Party reject Trumpism and try to moderate themselves or do they triple down and keep moving further to the right?

In the aftermath of the 2012 election, Republicans made a game plan to moderate their stances on social issues to try and do better with minorities, women, LGBT people and young voters but Trump came along and ruined those plans. Do they go back to that plan?

If they do reject Trump and moderate themselves, does Trump go third party and split up the party in half?

GOP-Prides themselves on being the “Party of Reagan”, promotes fiscal conservatism and free trade while focusing less on social issues.

MAGA-party of Trump/authoritarianism, isolationist/protectionist, anti-immigration and strong focus on social issues.

Who runs the RNC now?

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

zorg1000 said:

I don’t want to jump the gun and say Harris is sure to win but I’ve been wondering in what direction the Republican Party will go if Trump loses again.

Let’s say Harris wins by a slightly larger margin than Biden did in 2020 (all the same states Biden won+North Carolina), this would be Trump doing worse in each election and Republicans losing 4 of the last 5 elections.

In this scenario, does the Republican Party reject Trumpism and try to moderate themselves or do they triple down and keep moving further to the right?

In the aftermath of the 2012 election, Republicans made a game plan to moderate their stances on social issues to try and do better with minorities, women, LGBT people and young voters but Trump came along and ruined those plans. Do they go back to that plan?

If they do reject Trump and moderate themselves, does Trump go third party and split up the party in half?

GOP-Prides themselves on being the “Party of Reagan”, promotes fiscal conservatism and free trade while focusing less on social issues.

MAGA-party of Trump/authoritarianism, isolationist/protectionist, anti-immigration and strong focus on social issues.

With the way Trump rambles, can't stay on topic, and forgets now I can't imagine he will be able to mentally handle it at 82 years old 4 years from now.  Hopefully the Republican party boots Lara Trump and say's enjoy prison Donald, and takes back it's party.  A lot of the bigger maga candidates don't end up winning Senate and Governor seats when they run for the them, you see them win house seats in smaller republican dominant districts.