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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Chrkeller said:
RolStoppable said:

I have no issue with Renamed's post. That's because I've never been against calling a spade a spade. Your view on democrats qualifies as shit, though.

As for your edit, you have to study history. The Nazi party were not socialists, they just put the word in their name as a cover.

I still see no commitment from you to vote for Harris. You bundle two different groups together into one in order to claim that you belong to this group, so I think it's fair to say that you aren't truly against MAGA.

The great thing about facts is they don't care about your opinion.  :) 

You are building quite a history of thinking that your opinion is factual while dismissing facts as mere opinions of others.

Chrkeller said:
burninmylight said:

Renamed's post is on the border line, but calling the Nazis socialists is flat out incorrect and falls under the category of misinformation.

National Socialist German Workers' Party

Either way, I leave this thread alone.  I'm not happy with the bias.

The fact that "Republicans are scared of women" is consider factual is absurd.  

If there's a bias, it's one in your favor. I'd like to point out that the counterexample you posted for shitposting is something you refered to as your view later on. Looks like a Freudian slip to me, but don't worry, you aren't going to get moderated even though you'd deserve it the most right now.

One last word on the Nazi thing though. In German the NSDAP is spelled out as Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Notice how some words are combined here. In the German language this means that two words that could be written separately on other occasions belong together here for a good reason. So the Nazis weren't socialists, but nationalsocialists. The term nationalist has baked in "othering", so racism, anti-semitism etc., so nationalsocialism is about a societal form that champions discrimination of others, which is called fascism when we use a more descriptive term.

Since Trump bowed out of a debate date that he had agreed on with Biden proves that Republicans are scared of women. After all, Trump is their leader and his followers almost certainly will support his decision. The assertion that Republicans are scared of women is backed up by facts, therefore... factual.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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Hiku said:
Chrkeller said:

The party has been hijacked, millions of us are aware and bothered by it.  Thus it isn't correct to group us.  The Nazi party were socialists.  that doesn't mean socialists are Nazis.  

North Korea's full name is Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

I see the-pi-guy beat me to it.

I imagine you don't think North Korea is particularly democtratic.
So I'd like to hear how the Nazi party were socialist in anything but name.

I've only ever seen this misconception being expressed by right leaning forum members.
Social Democracy, which is how you can describe nordic countries like Sweden and Norway, are very much capitalist countries. The main difference is that their social safetynet is much broader than it is in the US. More of the tax money goes back to the people in the form of meaningful programs like universal healthcare, or tuition free college. Instead of bombs.

Those are things that people like Bernie Sanders strive for. But the term socialism is conflated with communism by the right in the US, and it gets a negative connotation.
Many even think that Biden is a socilist.

More over, they tend to conflate economic models with governing models. 

Economic model-Capitalism.
Governing model-Democratic republic.

Socialism or communism is always envisioned as being an autocratic governing method.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Anyway we can cut back on the number of tweets posted in the Politics OT? I would like to be a part of that thread but all the tweets make it a glitchy mess for mobile users.

It’s like 90% of the thread is just reposting tweets copied from Resetera.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

Anyway we can cut back on the number of tweets posted in the Politics OT? I would like to be a part of that thread but all the tweets make it a glitchy mess for mobile users.

It’s like 90% of the thread is just reposting tweets copied from Resetera.

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 July 2024

Ryuu96 said:
zorg1000 said:

Anyway we can cut back on the number of tweets posted in the Politics OT? I would like to be a part of that thread but all the tweets make it a glitchy mess for mobile users.

It’s like 90% of the thread is just reposting tweets copied from Resetera.

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

Gotcha, sorry if that came off as critical towards you, I think you do a great job in all the various politics threads. More so speaking out of frustration as I had tried to quote someone and the page just kept reloading.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

Gotcha, sorry if that came off as critical towards you, I think you do a great job in all the various politics threads. More so speaking out of frustration as I had tried to quote someone and the page just kept reloading.

If we had a site owner that cared maybe basic ass glitches would be fixed, Lol.

Pretty much makes tweet embedding completely useless.

I'm going to try to talk to Bandorr about it but Bandorr isn't a mobile coder.

Ryuu96 said:
zorg1000 said:

Anyway we can cut back on the number of tweets posted in the Politics OT? I would like to be a part of that thread but all the tweets make it a glitchy mess for mobile users.

It’s like 90% of the thread is just reposting tweets copied from Resetera.

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

I want more tweets in the US Politics thread, because I don't want to go searching on the internet for the cool stuff. If zorg and other mobile users can't handle it, they still have this Election thread for US politics. Just because the site is bad to use for some people doesn't mean that we have to make it lame for everyone.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Yeah, I'll add that I like the tweets. I hate browsing Twitter so it helps me see what is happening without actually haven't to really use the hellsite.

I, the famous enlightened centrist of VGChartz, like the tweets in moderation. Sometimes you post a lot and it does slow down the page. Now I must go; there are lots of fences that need sitting on.

*flies away*

RolStoppable said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm trying to spread the news I find relevant (my idea was to use US Politics as a news dump) but since VGChartz is a broken mess I'll probably just stop posting in US Politics and go back to focusing on Russia/Ukraine War. It doesn't matter how many tweets it is, the glitch would still exist simply from posting a tweet if it is related to tweets.

I want more tweets in the US Politics thread, because I don't want to go searching on the internet for the cool stuff. If zorg and other mobile users can't handle it, they still have this Election thread for US politics. Just because the site is bad to use for some people doesn't mean that we have to make it lame for everyone.

sundin13 said:

Yeah, I'll add that I like the tweets. I hate browsing Twitter so it helps me see what is happening without actually haven't to really use the hellsite.

TallSilhouette said:

I, the famous enlightened centrist of VGChartz, like the tweets in moderation. Sometimes you post a lot and it does slow down the page. Now I must go; there are lots of fences that need sitting on.

*flies away*

Don’t worry, Ryuu & Pi Guy found a solution

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.