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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

People show their true colours in times like this. I've lost respect for many people, I thought Destiny was a good dude but he's either in severe need of mental health care atm or he's just plainly a bad person. There is an evilness in the American citizens that you can see now, just a cesspool of hatred brewing. It's saddening to see. At least it's not many that are supporting Destinys rants but it's enough to be scary.

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RolStoppable said:
EricHiggin said:

I doubt the polls change all that much, but that's also a bad sign just for a different reason. It'll mostly be the minority of independents or undecideds, which is who decides the elections most of the time anyway.

I'd say there's a 4th way which is always the way I look at everything now initially. It's the swap interpretation. Swap Biden for Trump or vice versa, and see if the narrative and reaction would be the same if not similar at least.

In this case, this doesn't pass the swap test. If Biden were shot at and bleeding, the narrative and reaction would be very different than what we've seen. Wouldn't matter if people on the right were saying or suggesting the same or similar negative things about Biden, the view of the incident would be totally different, which makes no sense.

The only way I see this incident being negated and enough of those swing voters being persuaded back to the Dems, is if they change their candidate for someone seen as more electable, or if something tragic were to happen to Biden. The first would be acceptable, the second wouldn't be, unless it were natural death of old age, which would obviously be sad but is what it is, and politically would help offset any Trump sympathy for Biden sympathy.

The swap interpretation is something that can only work if two things are roughly equally good or bad. That's why it actually makes sense that Biden and Trump cannot be swapped for roughly equal results, because the two are very different.

Roughly equal, like how Dem voters can't stand Trump and Rep voters can't stand Biden?

Just because some on the left complain louder and more often doesn't mean their thoughts and feelings are stronger or more valid.

My point here was also based on assassination, so as long as both Dems and Reps find that unacceptable, then I don't see how it doesn't work. I'd rather not assume, but am I wrong about this assumption?

Dante9 said:

It's just fucking crazy. Things have gotten way out of hand with politics and tribalism.
This is what you get when a candidate is branded Satan himself in all the media, and everything is hyperbolic and even a fantasy world for some people. They think they are fighting against Sauron or something. Talk about true hate speech, this is it, if there ever was such a thing. But it's okay when it comes from the holier than thou side.
Or, if you want to go the conspiracy route, they wanted to take him out because they are running out of lawsuits and other ways to stop him. He's a fly in the ointment for the deep state.'re seriously blaming the left for this? From what we know now, wasn't the shooter a registered conservative? Have you ever watched right-wing media critically? Is the way they're talking about woke-ism, the left, antifa, sicko-socialism and all the other buzz words any better than what you claim the left are doing? 

Also just gonna say it's ironic that you're saying the left has been overly hyperbolic in their rhetoric while simultaneously exaggeration like crazy.

Get a clue, man.

LegitHyperbole said:

People show their true colours in times like this. I've lost respect for many people, I thought Destiny was a good dude but he's either in severe need of mental health care atm or he's just plainly a bad person. There is an evilness in the American citizens that you can see now, just a cesspool of hatred brewing. It's saddening to see. At least it's not many that are supporting Destinys rants but it's enough to be scary.

Masks are off in times of intense stress and dire.  It's not just you, I've had a similar experience. People are openly verbal with their bitterness and cruel nature now.  These are the same people that said Trump is the villain for enabling racism.  

As for the gun matters, it's less about Americans stopping shootings and more about protection from the government itself.  With how divided the country is, everyone is picking sides and are making sure they have the most ammo.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Looks to me this is a school shooter type who found a bigger target. More along the lines of various nutcases who have killed or attempted celebrities than actually politically motivated assassination.

This does improve Trump's odds but there's still months to go. Anything can happen - as this has shown.

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Too bad the shooter didn’t have better aim. And I would say the same thing if someone missed at Biden.

The quicker these two old corrupt MF’ers are out of the picture, the better for our country.

LudicrousSpeed said:

Too bad the shooter didn’t have better aim. And I would say the same thing if someone missed at Biden.

The quicker these two old corrupt MF’ers are out of the picture, the better for our country.

If he had better aim, we would have a riot on our hand, maybe a civil war.  I hate Trump, but this is great news he missed.  I don't even want to think about how MAGA supporters would react had he been hit.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

LudicrousSpeed said:

Too bad the shooter didn’t have better aim. And I would say the same thing if someone missed at Biden.

The quicker these two old corrupt MF’ers are out of the picture, the better for our country.

I wonder, if someone who disagreed with your past wished death on you, would you say the same thing?  

Nevemind you having a family or a life worth living... "I don't like man, man must die."  


"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Too bad the shooter didn’t have better aim. And I would say the same thing if someone missed at Biden.

The quicker these two old corrupt MF’ers are out of the picture, the better for our country.

I wonder, if someone who disagreed with your past wished death on you, would you say the same thing?  

Nevemind you having a family or a life worth living... "I don't like man, man must die."  


42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

That is with hindsight of course, yet arguably Project 2025 Trump not having an issue with Russia taking Ukraine and Biden providing bombs and cover for the ongoing genocide in Gaza, it's comparable to the early stages...

However assassinations only make things worse. Israel's strategy of regular assassinations has never payed off, only makes things worse. We were at the brink of all out war in the ME after Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Damascus to take out military leaders.

There are always more people, even more radical, ready to take over when the current leader(s) are taken out. Killing Trump won't make Project 2025 go away. Killing Biden won't end US support for genocide in Gaza. It will only make it worse as well as possibly triggering civil war in the USA.

If the shooter had killed Trump, things would be worse now.

Dante9 said:

It's just fucking crazy. Things have gotten way out of hand with politics and tribalism.
This is what you get when a candidate is branded Satan himself in all the media, and everything is hyperbolic and even a fantasy world for some people. They think they are fighting against Sauron or something. Talk about true hate speech, this is it, if there ever was such a thing. But it's okay when it comes from the holier than thou side.
Or, if you want to go the conspiracy route, they wanted to take him out because they are running out of lawsuits and other ways to stop him. He's a fly in the ointment for the deep state.

Trying to think of which side likes calling for Civil War, likes talking about how the other side is made up of terrorists, pedos.