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Which was the better gen in your opinion?

Wii/PS3/360/DS/PSP 54 66.67%
Wii U/PS4/XBO/3DS/Vita 27 33.33%

...Mistake again


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

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Tico said:
LegitHyperbole said:

8th gen, there has never been such a golden age of gaming.

For me it is clear that the golden age of games was play1/nintendo64/saturn. And the facts I refer:

Goldeneye (1997):
10 employees
2.5 million
2.5 years
Result: 8 million copies sold

The last of us II (2020):
+200 employees
+200 million
6 years
Updates and patches that increase the cost
Result: 10 million copies sold.

Making games has a cost. And if it doesn't generate enough profits then the companies lose but we also lose: microtransactions, they launch the incomplete game so they can then sell us a DLC, they refuse to create new IPs, etc.

The only one that does it well is Nintendo.

I agree until a certain extent. But also not; just because they were cheap to produce and sold well doesnt mean that they were good games.

All that logic works until you compare graphics, physics etc. Ok, that may have been golden video game era for the companies, but not precisely for gamers. I prefer games with better graphics, that of course, include fun gameplay and good mechanics. So the the example you mention yes, it had everything except good graphics which, for technical limitations of their time, cant get any close to 8th gen games...


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

curl-6 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

People are blinded. There has never been a time in gaming (even with the shitty aspects) than right now and that makes 8th gen the better gen simply because it's newer, instead People see through rose tented glasses what's essentially inferior. This reminds me of people who keep saying there are no games to play, ffs like, there literally has never been more new games to play, the problem is there are TOO many new games.

I would disagree with the notion that newer inherently means better.

By that logic, every modern game would be better than every old game, yet I'd contend that something like Super Mario World, Metroid Prime, or RE4 2005 wipes the floor with the majority of modern games. 

There are valid reasons for someone to prefer the 7th gen over the 8th; perhaps the new IPs of the 7th resonated with them more, perhaps their favourite developers or franchises were better in the 7th, perhaps they strongly dislike certain trends that were popular in the 8th, etc.

Really depends what your looking for in games. As  gamers we have gotten way more skilled then before for example last time I played resident evil 4  which was my favorite game of all time. I almost fell asleep because how it easy it was and I was playing on hard mode. Compared to the remake which is much more challenging and fun to me now on hardcore mode. Same for Mario World it's a cake walk for anyone playing mario games since nes, it has to have the right balance of challenge, and using strategy and exploration for me to think the game is great.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I would disagree with the notion that newer inherently means better.

By that logic, every modern game would be better than every old game, yet I'd contend that something like Super Mario World, Metroid Prime, or RE4 2005 wipes the floor with the majority of modern games. 

There are valid reasons for someone to prefer the 7th gen over the 8th; perhaps the new IPs of the 7th resonated with them more, perhaps their favourite developers or franchises were better in the 7th, perhaps they strongly dislike certain trends that were popular in the 8th, etc.

Really depends what your looking for in games. As a gamers we have gotten way more skilled then before for example last time I played resident evil 4  which was my favorite game of all time. I almost fell asleep because how it easy it was and I was playing on hard mode. Compared to the remake which is much more challenging and fun to me now on hardcore mode. Same for Mario World it's a cake walk for anyone playing mario games since nes, it has to have thr right balance of challenge, and using strategy and exploration for me to think the game is great.

I would actually say games have generally gotten easier over time in order to appeal to a wider audience and make more money. Rising development costs in particular have driven a lot of games to broaden their demographic reach and lower the bar for entry. Not that this in inherently a bad thing, it just is what it is.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Really depends what your looking for in games. As a gamers we have gotten way more skilled then before for example last time I played resident evil 4  which was my favorite game of all time. I almost fell asleep because how it easy it was and I was playing on hard mode. Compared to the remake which is much more challenging and fun to me now on hardcore mode. Same for Mario World it's a cake walk for anyone playing mario games since nes, it has to have thr right balance of challenge, and using strategy and exploration for me to think the game is great.

I would actually say games have generally gotten easier over time in order to appeal to a wider audience and make more money. Rising development costs in particular have driven a lot of games to broaden their demographic reach and lower the bar for entry. Not that this in inherently a bad thing, it just is what it is.

In case of Nintendo games yes but incase of Sony and fromsoftware absolutely not. I'm being honest here in the 7th gen I couldn't find any game that was AAA really challenging. Assassin's Creed for example beautiful location and amazing world for its time but the combat was one of the saddest things in gaming. Uncharted was easy as heck as well and just boring shooting. All Sony games 8th gen offer difficulty setting that have a really good balance imo. Fromsoftware 8th gen Also finally has games that dont like crap with so much jank

Last edited by zeldaring - on 06 July 2024

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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I would actually say games have generally gotten easier over time in order to appeal to a wider audience and make more money. Rising development costs in particular have driven a lot of games to broaden their demographic reach and lower the bar for entry. Not that this in inherently a bad thing, it just is what it is.

In case of Nintendo games yes but incase of Sony and fromsoftware absolutely not. I'm being honest here in the 7th gen I couldn't find any game that was AAA really challenging. Assassin's Creed for example beautiful location and amazing world for its time but the combat was one of the saddest things in gaming. Uncharted was easy as heck as well and just boring shooting. All Sony games 8th gen offer difficulty setting that have a really good balance imo. Fromsoftware 8th gen Also finally has games that dont like crap with so much jank

We're just gonna have to disagree there; people naturally experience difficulty differently.

I found a lot of 7th gen games gave a very satisfying challenge; Monster Hunter Tri, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, Bayonetta, Dragon's Dogma, (another new IP I forgot to mention) Donkey Kong Country Returns, etc.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

In case of Nintendo games yes but incase of Sony and fromsoftware absolutely not. I'm being honest here in the 7th gen I couldn't find any game that was AAA really challenging. Assassin's Creed for example beautiful location and amazing world for its time but the combat was one of the saddest things in gaming. Uncharted was easy as heck as well and just boring shooting. All Sony games 8th gen offer difficulty setting that have a really good balance imo. Fromsoftware 8th gen Also finally has games that dont like crap with so much jank

We're just gonna have to disagree there; people naturally experience difficulty differently.

I found a lot of 7th gen games gave a very satisfying challenge; Monster Hunter Tri, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, Bayonetta, Dragon's Dogma, (another new IP I forgot to mention) Donkey Kong Country Returns, etc.

I really don't consider some of those AAA games, AAA would be something pushing graphics, story and have a high budget. Besides you haven't even played any of those 8th games that are challenging.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

We're just gonna have to disagree there; people naturally experience difficulty differently.

I found a lot of 7th gen games gave a very satisfying challenge; Monster Hunter Tri, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, Bayonetta, Dragon's Dogma, (another new IP I forgot to mention) Donkey Kong Country Returns, etc.

I really don't consider some of those AAA games, AAA would be something pushing graphics, story and have a high budget. Besides you haven't even played any of those 8th games that are challenging.

To be fair, I don't think you've played every 7th gen game either. Also AAA titles aren't the only games that exist; one of the great things about the 7th gen was that there was more AA stuff on offer, especially on Wii.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I really don't consider some of those AAA games, AAA would be something pushing graphics, story and have a high budget. Besides you haven't even played any of those 8th games that are challenging.

To be fair, I don't think you've played every 7th gen game either. Also AAA titles aren't the only games that exist; one of the great things about the 7th gen was that there was more AA stuff on offer, especially on Wii.

I have played most of the highest rated AAA games which is what i'm talking about and combat has vastly improved, The mechanics now are much deeper with more options and way more challenging. We can thank fromsoftware for that it shows that challenging games can be a huge success.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 07 July 2024

Games have gotten way easier overtime. People have forgotten what "Nintendo hard" means.

Souls is a soft return to the old days of hard, but not really. Souls is easier than the average NES game.

Growing up I could only beat probably half the games I owned, today not being able to finish a game is just a foreign concept.


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