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Forums - Sales Discussion - Senua's Bomba: Hellblade 2 Fails To Chart Even In Europe's Top 100

Played the first, was bored to tears, have no interest in the sequel.

Developers should focus on gameplay and level design. Then comes graphics, followed by story.

Too many developers are doing things in the wrong order.


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Chrkeller said:

Played the first, was bored to tears, have no interest in the sequel.

Developers should focus on gameplay and level design. Then comes graphics, followed by story.

Too many developers are doing things in the wrong order.

The only correct order:

1. Mechanics/Level-design

2. Content/Variety

3. Animations/Physics/Scale/AI

4. Visuals (artistic)

5. Story

6. Hair! (falls under physics and visuals but it deserves its own spot :P)

7. Visuals (technical)

99. Skin pores

Release the game for Playstation and XS. Later release if for pc.

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For comparison, another really nice looking game, Plague Tale: Requiem, had a budget of around $25 million, was on a Gamepass and sold 3+ millions.

It is a very niche title also on GamePass.

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Just for the sake of a complete picture: Requiem was released on Switch, PS5, X|S (GP) and PC (GP & retail).

Maybe Gen Z are starting to wake up. Game visuals are near the bottom end of importance, although they are worth it if the other variables are up to scratch.

Random_Matt said:

Maybe Gen Z are starting to wake up. Game visuals are near the bottom end of importance, although they are worth it if the other variables are up to scratch.

Has GenZ ever cared about graphics?  They play Minecraft and Fortnite.

Now me, an old man, I prefer pretty graphics now.  Anything older than late PS3 can't hold my interest for long.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
Random_Matt said:

Maybe Gen Z are starting to wake up. Game visuals are near the bottom end of importance, although they are worth it if the other variables are up to scratch.

Has GenZ ever cared about graphics?  They play Minecraft and Fortnite.

Now me, an old man, I prefer pretty graphics now.  Anything older than late PS3 can't hold my interest for long.

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

HoloDust said:

For comparison, another really nice looking game, Plague Tale: Requiem, had a budget of around $25 million, was on a Gamepass and sold 3+ millions.

Point taken but can we take a moment and appreciate what results Plague Tale got for just $25 million?  We are easily looking at a 300% ROI.  Clearly not as good as Palworld and HellDivers 2 but still very nice.