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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

Chrkeller said:

I'm old enough to remember how confident Sony fans were about the ps3, coming off the ps2's success.

Exactly switch had everything go perfect for it. covid boost was massive for it, being the first hybrid console, having one of the most  revolutionary games ever at launch. Now switch 2 has way more issues, much higher price and who knows what games they will have, will games even be crossgen? and many kids i know who owned a switch have moved on to PC/ps5 cause nintendo took way too long and they wanted to play the latest third party games, even nintendo is fearful thats why they are taking so long releasing the switch 2. it's also gonna go up against the biggest most anticipated game in history. 

Last edited by zeldaring - on 23 May 2024

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PS3 only stumbled because Sony wanted to win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war and that caused the PS3 to be several hundred dollars more than the PS2 giving the XBox 360 an opening.

And even there, by the second half of that generation they were already back to selling more than XBox globally.

I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of how much impact Hollywood movies can have for Nintendo's already massive IP. We saw what multiple hit movies did for Marvel Comics characters. Even now we can see how much bigger of a brand Dune has become due to two hit movies. And obviously Barbie hasn't been this relevant in decades. Movies, even as they are today, are a game changer for brand popularity. That honestly I can see being a bigger factor than even the Switch 2 itself, that transcends whatever the hardware is. 

With respect to other game brands I don't think anyone has the same kind of wide appeal. Pokemon, Smash Brothers, more Mario films, Luigi's Mansion, Legend of Zelda could all be big hit movies IMO. Things like Uncharted and Sonic aren't pulling in the same kind of business, they're modest hits, not blockbusters. Nintendo has MCU potential sized hits. 

And there's everything that comes with that too ... tons more merchandising, billboards in big cities, Superbowl commercials, etc. etc. etc. 

Soundwave said:

PS3 only stumbled because Sony wanted to win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war and that caused the PS3 to be several hundred dollars more than the PS2 giving the XBox 360 an opening.

And even there, by the second half of that generation they were already back to selling more than XBox globally.

I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of how much impact Hollywood movies can have for Nintendo's already massive IP. We saw what multiple hit movies did for Marvel Comics characters. Even now we can see how much bigger of a brand Dune has become due to two hit movies. And obviously Barbie hasn't been this relevant in decades. Movies, even as they are today, are a game changer for brand popularity. That honestly I can see being a bigger factor than even the Switch 2 itself, that transcends whatever the hardware is.

Mario wonder just came out and it's not doing mind blowing numbers cause of the movie. GTA6 will kill all the hype for switch 2. DF just came out and said half of all sony users are still on ps4.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

PS3 only stumbled because Sony wanted to win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war and that caused the PS3 to be several hundred dollars more than the PS2 giving the XBox 360 an opening.

And even there, by the second half of that generation they were already back to selling more than XBox globally.

I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of how much impact Hollywood movies can have for Nintendo's already massive IP. We saw what multiple hit movies did for Marvel Comics characters. Even now we can see how much bigger of a brand Dune has become due to two hit movies. And obviously Barbie hasn't been this relevant in decades. Movies, even as they are today, are a game changer for brand popularity. That honestly I can see being a bigger factor than even the Switch 2 itself, that transcends whatever the hardware is.

Mario wonder just came out and it's not doing mind blowing numbers cause of the movie. GTA6 will kill all the hype for switch 2. DF just came out and said half of all sony users are still on ps4.

There are like 5 different Mario platformers and Mario Kart moving good numbers every week, you don't need to just buy Mario Wonder. The Switch continues to sell like a system 2-3 years younger than it actually is. 

Mario 1 movie is just what Iron Man was for Marvel, it's only the beginning, there is going to be bigger things coming. That Zelda movie I think is going to be a big hit too, the director/writer just did the new Planet of the Apes film which is doing well and has a good vision and respect for the IP. They are going to make a fortune with that movie. 

GTA6 does nothing to Nintendo IP's popularity, that's neither here nor there. Those are two ships passing in the night. I wouldn't really even be all that surprised if GTA6 is on the Switch 2 anyway. That's not really a "fall out your chair" shock, it would be more like "oh ok, neat good for GTA fans". Nintendo publishing GTA Trilogy for Switch (physical) would be a pretty big tip off that something was happening. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Mario wonder just came out and it's not doing mind blowing numbers cause of the movie. GTA6 will kill all the hype for switch 2. DF just came out and said half of all sony users are still on ps4.

There are like 5 different Mario platformers moving good numbers every week, you don't need to just buy Mario Wonder. The Switch continues to sell like a system 2-3 years younger than it actually is. 

Mario 1 movie is just what Iron Man was for Marvel, it's only the beginning, there is going to be bigger things coming. That Zelda movie I think is going to be a big hit too, the director/writer just did the new Planet of the Apes film which is doing well and has a good vision and respect for the IP. They are going to make a fortune with that movie. 

GTA6 does nothing to Nintendo IP's popularity, that's neither here nor there. Those are two ships passing in the night. I wouldn't really even be all that surprised if GTA6 is on the Switch 2 anyway. That's not really a "fall out your chair" shock, it would be more like "oh ok, neat good for GTA fans". Nintendo publishing GTA Trilogy for Switch (physical) would be a pretty big tip off that something was happening. 

It might come to switch 2 but probably not, maybe in 2 years if switch 2 is a big hit. its still gonna the biggest and most hyped game in history. it already has the most views of any piece of any none music entertainment in history. 

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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

There are like 5 different Mario platformers moving good numbers every week, you don't need to just buy Mario Wonder. The Switch continues to sell like a system 2-3 years younger than it actually is. 

Mario 1 movie is just what Iron Man was for Marvel, it's only the beginning, there is going to be bigger things coming. That Zelda movie I think is going to be a big hit too, the director/writer just did the new Planet of the Apes film which is doing well and has a good vision and respect for the IP. They are going to make a fortune with that movie. 

GTA6 does nothing to Nintendo IP's popularity, that's neither here nor there. Those are two ships passing in the night. I wouldn't really even be all that surprised if GTA6 is on the Switch 2 anyway. That's not really a "fall out your chair" shock, it would be more like "oh ok, neat good for GTA fans". Nintendo publishing GTA Trilogy for Switch (physical) would be a pretty big tip off that something was happening. 

It might come to switch 2 but probably not, maybe in 2 years if switch 2 is a big hit. its still gonna the biggest and most hyped game in history. it already has the most views of any piece of any none music entertainment in history. 

It's gravy either way. Nintendo is going to sell 160 million units without GTAV, if GTA was that big of a factor in impeding Nintendo, that shouldn't be possible. 

And conversely, even if Switch 2 gets GTA6, it's not like it makes a massive difference. It's a nice to have for Nintendo, not a must have. 

Getting Call of Duty is just about as big, especially if those games release yearly. Madden NFL would be a good get too, that's certainly quite likely. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

It might come to switch 2 but probably not, maybe in 2 years if switch 2 is a big hit. its still gonna the biggest and most hyped game in history. it already has the most views of any piece of any none music entertainment in history. 

It's gravy either way. Nintendo is going to sell 160 million units without GTAV, if GTA was that big of a factor in impeding Nintendo, that shouldn't be possible. 

And conversely, even if Switch 2 gets GTA6, it's not like it makes a massive difference. It's a nice to have for Nintendo, not a must have. 

Getting Call of Duty is just about as big, especially if those games release yearly. 

COD is probably sell 1 million on switch 2 the user base for those games are not gonna leave PC/PS5 eco system thats been around for a decade. It's not gonna be big at all on switch 2 sorry. GTA6 on other hand is gonna boost PS5 sales massively, that a game that all the casuals love.

Honestly I think GTA's sales are a bit overstated as a whole.

If Nintendo put Mario Kart 8 "on sale" for $10 every second month (and dropped full price to like $30) and just kept selling it for 10 more years, I'm sure they could sell over 100 million units even just on Switch platforms alone. These people buying this game for $10 to play on their cheapo PC aren't paying $500 to buy a PS5 for GTAVI. 

This board did this whole song and dance when people were claiming GTAIV launching on 360/PS3 would kill the Wii ... it didn't do anything to the Wii at all. Nintendo's success of lack thereof has nothing to do with GTA. 

GTAV did not really grow the PS4/XB1 over the PS3/360 either. 

If given a choice I'd rather have yearly COD + Madden NFL releases on the regular than GTA6, I think those help Nintendo more overall. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

I don't think Switch 2 is going to sell 150million but the take that GTA6 is going to kill the hype for it is... something.

GTA6 is going to be massive. It is also not going to be a major factor in whatever Switch 2 is going to end up selling.

Soundwave said:

Honestly I think GTA's sales are a bit overstated as a whole.

If Nintendo put Mario Kart 8's "on sale" for $10 every second month (and dropped full price to like $30) and just kept selling it for 10 more years, I'm sure they could sell over 100 million units even just on Switch platforms alone. 

This board did this whole song and dance when people were claiming GTAIV launching on 360/PS3 would kill the Wii ... it didn't do anything to the Wii at all. Nintendo's success of lack thereof has nothing to do with GTA. 

GTAV did not really grow the PS4/XB1 over the PS3/360. 

If given a choice I'd rather have yearly COD + Madden NFL releases on the regular than GTA6, I think those help Nintendo more overall. 

360/ps3 killed the wii though in terms of sales they sold like 180 million combined vs 100 million for the wii lol. As for mario kart 8 who knows, maybe they should drop the price. As of now some estimates have gtav has the most profitable piece entertainment ever.