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PS3 only stumbled because Sony wanted to win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war and that caused the PS3 to be several hundred dollars more than the PS2 giving the XBox 360 an opening.

And even there, by the second half of that generation they were already back to selling more than XBox globally.

I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of how much impact Hollywood movies can have for Nintendo's already massive IP. We saw what multiple hit movies did for Marvel Comics characters. Even now we can see how much bigger of a brand Dune has become due to two hit movies. And obviously Barbie hasn't been this relevant in decades. Movies, even as they are today, are a game changer for brand popularity. That honestly I can see being a bigger factor than even the Switch 2 itself, that transcends whatever the hardware is. 

With respect to other game brands I don't think anyone has the same kind of wide appeal. Pokemon, Smash Brothers, more Mario films, Luigi's Mansion, Legend of Zelda could all be big hit movies IMO. Things like Uncharted and Sonic aren't pulling in the same kind of business, they're modest hits, not blockbusters. Nintendo has MCU potential sized hits. 

And there's everything that comes with that too ... tons more merchandising, billboards in big cities, Superbowl commercials, etc. etc. etc.