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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Ports should be faster when they are not built with a single piece of hardware in mind.  I've always assumed FF was built with playstation in mind, so lot's of custom coding, thus ports were not easy.  Same reason TLoU was a god awful port.  If Square develops more generically using graphic setting sliders, making ports super quick.  Capcom figured it out years ago with RE.  

Fact is, outside Nintendo, exclusives are dead.  Even Nintendo, I think, at some point will support more hardware.  Granted I think we are at least 10 years out from that.  

They're not even *starting* ports until the exclusivity periods are over ... no shit your port is going to take longer when you don't even start it, what's the reason for waiting months to even being the porting process? It's nonsense and it's all part of their weird deals they were making with Sony. 

Square was a dumb company that was living in 1999, their new president finally has said enough is enough. It's like a girl who gets into a relationship with a guy that won't let her see any of her other friends, and this goes on for years, she realizes she's unhappy, at some point she needs to just break up with him. 

Exclusives are dead which is good for Nintendo, not so great for Sony though. Nintendo will double down on it because they love it when they are the "special one" in the industry, so if you're waiting for that, you'll be waiting a long, long time probably. 

Square was flatly run by morons.

I don't plan on waiting, S2 will be day 1.  I just won't be surpised if Nintendo expands their games at some point in the future.  I mean who would have guessed Sonic on Nintendo platforms, Sony games on PC and MS games on playstation?  The market has changed a bunch.  

Sony will be fine, their games sell well on PC and I think will gain growth.  

PC + S2 is the best combo.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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Capcom released RE4 Remake on PS4/XBSS/PS5/XBSX/PC day 1 and have since also ported the game to PSVR2, Mac OS, iPhone, and iPad and probably will be there very early if not day 1 on Switch 2... so gimme a break Square-Enix. It's obvious you were purposely making slow ports by sitting around for months doing nothing at Sony's direction.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

Porting to PC and Xbox is somewhat cheap, but it still takes months for SE to do the ports.

Porting to Switch is significantly more challenging. Games that get ported to Switch tend to be games that are guaranteed to make a return. Switch 2, we don't know anything about yet, so no comment.

A port of FF7 would be a pretty safe bet to make a return, and Switch ports aren't that expensive or risky given we've seen everything from Doom to Grounded to Outer Worlds to Sniper Elite to Kingdom Come Deliverance make the jump.

That Switch 2 will offer a worthwhile market is also a reasonably safe bet. Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but at this stage its safer to assume success than failure.

That doesn't explain why all the other games didn't get ported. Just like a lot of Japanese devs find Xbox to be unpalatable for profit for their games, a lot of western devs found the Switch to be unpalatable.

If it was easy and inexpensive then the Switch would have just as strong 3rd party support as PS or PC gets, especially with the massive install base taken into account.

Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

A port of FF7 would be a pretty safe bet to make a return, and Switch ports aren't that expensive or risky given we've seen everything from Doom to Grounded to Outer Worlds to Sniper Elite to Kingdom Come Deliverance make the jump.

That Switch 2 will offer a worthwhile market is also a reasonably safe bet. Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but at this stage its safer to assume success than failure.

That doesn't explain why all the other games didn't get ported. Just like a lot of Japanese devs find Xbox to be unpalatable for profit for their games, a lot of western devs found the Switch to be unpalatable.

If it was easy and inexpensive then the Switch would have just as strong 3rd party support as PS or PC gets, especially with the massive install base taken into account.

I think a lot of studios are waiting for Switch 2, it's been discussed for like 3 years now. 

There is a lot of Western studio support on the Switch 1 anyway ... FC Soccer, Fortnite, Witcher 3, Overwatch, Hogwarts, DOOM, Diablo, Wolfenstein, Hellblade, Batman: Arkham, Minecraft, NBA 2K, No Man's Sky, Portal, Mortal Kombat, Red Dead Redemption, Civilization, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim ... there's a lot of IP that weren't on Nintendo systems before or had been missing for some time. 

We know Call of Duty is in the mix next time out, and more Microsoft content is coming because they are likely becoming a 3rd party (Sea of Theives, HiFi Rush ... maybe Halo and Forza at some point). I think Madden NFL and NHL will also be in for Switch 2. So there's not actually a ton more Western wise that I think is missing. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Honestly I think people ignored the switch because they were waiting on the cliff that never came.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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Call of Duty
Final Fantasy mainline
Monster Hunter 6 (Wilds)
Madden NFL

Are really the 5 major ones missing from Switch's ecosystem, and I think Nintendo will get most of those. COD is already confirmed. Final Fantasy I think is likely at this point. Monster Hunter looks like they help back on the graphics fidelity on purpose, so that's probably a go. Madden NFL, I think is going to happen, that's not a game that's really pushing next-gen consoles any longer (and NHL series too). If Final Fantasy comes then Kingdom Hearts is likely a go too.

GTA6 is really the big question mark, but it's not like Nintendo needs to have it, they sold more hardware than anyone ever before without GTAV. It's a nice to have, it's not a must have for Nintendo.

If Nintendo can get Halo and Forza due to MS' console business going down the toilet, that would be a big boon for them too. I'd rather have Halo than GTA. 

Porting X86 games (PC, PS,Xbox) to ARMS (Switch) also makes it easier to port to Mobile because that uses ARMS as well.
Or I can turn it around and say wanting to port to Mobile, makes a Switch(2) version a no-brainer.

I feel like I watched a completely different Monster Hunter trailer than everyone else. Tons of monsters on the screen. Great volumetric effects. The lightning had great lighting and particle effects. I think the game looks pretty darn good. I'm not sure why everyone thinks it looks so bad.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:

I feel like I watched a completely different Monster Hunter trailer than everyone else. Tons of monsters on the screen. Great volumetric effects. The lightning had great lighting and particle effects. I think the game looks pretty darn good. I'm not sure why everyone thinks it looks so bad.

It looks "great" in some way Horizon: Forbidden West and RE4 Remake look great ... great for a PS4 game. Actually looks significantly worse than Horizon: FW on PS4 likely because it has a lower budget. I would doubt Capcom is spending $200+ million on any game project any time soon, they certainly aren't spending that kind of dough on this game anyway. 

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll quietly change your opinion when it's revealed for Switch 2 and say "actually it doesn't look that good at all".  

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

I feel like I watched a completely different Monster Hunter trailer than everyone else. Tons of monsters on the screen. Great volumetric effects. The lightning had great lighting and particle effects. I think the game looks pretty darn good. I'm not sure why everyone thinks it looks so bad.

It looks "great" in some way Horizon: Forbidden West and RE4 Remake look great ... great for a PS4 game. Actually looks significantly worse than Horizon: FW on PS4 likely because it has a lower budget. I would doubt Capcom is spending $200+ million on any game project any time soon. 

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll quietly change your opinion when it's revealed for Switch 2 and say "actually it doesn't look that good at all".  

To be fair Forbidden West and RE4 Remake do look great.  Especially with max setting at 120 fps.  I thought Wilds looked good.  

Why would I change my mind?  I am getting a S2 day 1.  Nintendo is my favorite developer.  Games scales easily.  I don't doubt the S2 will run Wilds.  It won't run it like my 4090, but nobody expects it to.  

Your characterization of my position is, pun intended, wildly off base.  

There hasn't been a Nintendo console I haven't owned.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED