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Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

A port of FF7 would be a pretty safe bet to make a return, and Switch ports aren't that expensive or risky given we've seen everything from Doom to Grounded to Outer Worlds to Sniper Elite to Kingdom Come Deliverance make the jump.

That Switch 2 will offer a worthwhile market is also a reasonably safe bet. Nothing's guaranteed, of course, but at this stage its safer to assume success than failure.

That doesn't explain why all the other games didn't get ported. Just like a lot of Japanese devs find Xbox to be unpalatable for profit for their games, a lot of western devs found the Switch to be unpalatable.

If it was easy and inexpensive then the Switch would have just as strong 3rd party support as PS or PC gets, especially with the massive install base taken into account.

I think a lot of studios are waiting for Switch 2, it's been discussed for like 3 years now. 

There is a lot of Western studio support on the Switch 1 anyway ... FC Soccer, Fortnite, Witcher 3, Overwatch, Hogwarts, DOOM, Diablo, Wolfenstein, Hellblade, Batman: Arkham, Minecraft, NBA 2K, No Man's Sky, Portal, Mortal Kombat, Red Dead Redemption, Civilization, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim ... there's a lot of IP that weren't on Nintendo systems before or had been missing for some time. 

We know Call of Duty is in the mix next time out, and more Microsoft content is coming because they are likely becoming a 3rd party (Sea of Theives, HiFi Rush ... maybe Halo and Forza at some point). I think Madden NFL and NHL will also be in for Switch 2. So there's not actually a ton more Western wise that I think is missing. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024