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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

LegitHyperbole said:

I dunno to be honest. I'm just reminded of why I stay away from politics forums, don't need the stress of having to have opinions on things. I don't really care for it. 

What exactly is the point of getting involved with these conversations if you have nothing to say?

I'm in these conversations because I believe a lot of these topics are hugely important. Sometimes there's not a huge difference between two candidates, but sometimes people are literally murdered when certain political parties are in charge. 

If you want to talk about strawmen, your first sentence of your first post in here is invoking WW3, with absolutely no elaboration. Your second sentence is pinning blame on a hypothetical war. And the moment you get asked about it, you bail out.

You're not a victim here. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 24 June 2024

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the-pi-guy said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I dunno to be honest. I'm just reminded of why I stay away from politics forums, don't need the stress of having to have opinions on things. I don't really care for it. 

What exactly is the point of getting involved with these conversations if you have nothing to say?

I'm in these conversations because I believe a lot of these topics are hugely important. Sometimes there's not a huge difference between two candidates, but sometimes people are literally murdered when certain political parties are in charge. 

If you want to talk about strawmen, your first sentence of your first post in here is invoking WW3, with absolutely no elaboration. Your second sentence is pinning blame on a hypothetical war. And the moment you get asked about it, you bail out.

You're not a victim here. 

Cut him some slack! It’s stressful having opinions on things.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

LegitHyperbole said:

If I were American I'd vote on whichever one stops WW3 or at least delays it/tries to prevent it. Biden to me seems like an accelerationist (or him party cause he is certainly not in control) but that's just me. Really wish you lot had more to choose from than these two gobshites another time around.

That's complete nonsense. Biden drastically improved relations with the EU after the Trump disaster, thus lowering the threat of WW3.

Not to mention, Trump was buddying up with some of the worst leaders in the world. Biden winning was a big sigh of relief for the free world. We know from history how quickly countries can turn bad after they elect demagogues with fascist leanings. Worse when they already have masses of cult-like followers and even more willing to turn a blind eye.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 24 June 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Ryuu96 said:

How exactly will Biden bring us closer to war than Trump? The same Trump who said he would encourage Russia to "do whatever the hell it wants" to America's apparent allies. Trump's foreign policy on Israel vs Palestine will be just as bad and very likely worse than Bidens and his foreign policy on Russia would be to abandon Ukraine to their deaths and America's European allies.

There's a far, far, bigger chance of a world war breaking out due to Russia vs Ukraine than Israel vs Palestine (which I'd say the odds there are slim to none) but as we've been shown repeatedly throughout history, appeasement does not work against fascist imperialist, rolling over like a cowardly dog and saying "Take whatever you want! We're too afraid to stand up to you!" only encourages the imperialist country (and others like it) to indeed take whatever they want because nobody will stand up to them and stop them.

Germany and Japan went from one victory to another, grabbing land all over and showed no signs of slowing down, it was only until countries united and stood against them that they were actually stopped. Russia has completely fucked up its initial invasion goals and that's without NATO being involved, the best option to stop Russia would be to help Ukraine defeat them now and not allow a heavily militarised, war economy mode Russia to grow stronger and turn into a country who only knows war, they must be defeated now and not allowed to grow because that will make them hungry for more, that will make them even more confident that they can take more.

Russia does not want a world war despite the hundreds of threats they throw at us but if they think that they could take, lets say Latvia, without anyone standing up to them, they absolutely will push their luck and try that, which is why we need to show a united and firm stance to show Russia where the redline is and that we will not let them just take whatever they want.

I fully agree on the threat Russia poses if not contained. However Biden's administration has giving assurances to Netanyahu to back him up in case an all out war with Lebanon happens, which Netanyahu is dead set on starting as soon as he's done destroying Rafah.

Groups in Iraq are supporting the Houthis while thousands of Iran backed fighters are headed to Lebanon to strengthen Hezbollah. Israel wants to drag the USA into Israel's 'end game' in the Middle East.

Iran doesn't want war but they're not going to let Israel decimate Hezbollah with backing from the US. And if Biden is dumb enough to actually support Israel in an all out war with Hezbollah, then Russia might seize the opportunity to get way with more crap.

Biden needs to show a firm stance to Israel, an actual red line to end the war and not broaden it any further into Lebanon.

I don't know what Trump will do, he seems more into cutting off support either way even though Netanyahu would like to see him win the elections. Trump will give political cover but not so sure about him sending more military aid for all out war like Biden. That's still a while away though, Netanyahu is ready to invade Lebanon now. Biden is running out of time.

Putin and Netanyahu need to be dealt with and Biden is not up to the task. Trump would likely only make things worse. It's up to Europe to contain Russia, while the Arab states will need to contain Israel. The USA is only making matters worse whether it's Biden or Trump.

SvennoJ said:
Ryuu96 said:


I fully agree on the threat Russia poses if not contained. However Biden's administration has giving assurances to Netanyahu to back him up in case an all out war with Lebanon happens, which Netanyahu is dead set on starting as soon as he's done destroying Rafah.

Groups in Iraq are supporting the Houthis while thousands of Iran backed fighters are headed to Lebanon to strengthen Hezbollah. Israel wants to drag the USA into Israel's 'end game' in the Middle East.

Iran doesn't want war but they're not going to let Israel decimate Hezbollah with backing from the US. And if Biden is dumb enough to actually support Israel in an all out war with Hezbollah, then Russia might seize the opportunity to get way with more crap.

Biden needs to show a firm stance to Israel, an actual red line to end the war and not broaden it any further into Lebanon.

I don't know what Trump will do, he seems more into cutting off support either way even though Netanyahu would like to see him win the elections. Trump will give political cover but not so sure about him sending more military aid for all out war like Biden. That's still a while away though, Netanyahu is ready to invade Lebanon now. Biden is running out of time.

Putin and Netanyahu need to be dealt with and Biden is not up to the task. Trump would likely only make things worse. It's up to Europe to contain Russia, while the Arab states will need to contain Israel. The USA is only making matters worse whether it's Biden or Trump.

I'm not happy with Biden's ironclad support of Israel no matter what they do but I just do not see it developing into WWIII which is an extreme jump from a localised war which I see the argument for, a localised war between a couple of countries while still horrific is nothing like a world war and would be more equivalent to previous wars in the Middle-East.

The only possible scenario I see it developing into a world war is if China in the chaos decides now is the time to invade Taiwan but China simply isn't ready yet (from a military standpoint) to do an invasion of Taiwan and America helping Israel is hardly going to restrict their ability to send warships to Taiwan.

While most countries there dislike Israel, they also hate the terrorist groups of Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. Nearly all 22 members of the Arab League designate Hezbollah as a terrorist group aside from Lebanon, Syria, Algeria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia is currently in conflict with the Houthis. None of them are willing to protect Palestine. The last time Israel went to war with Arab countries, the Six-Day-War ended up with Israel completely dominating them and that was before Israel acquired nukes.

Iran has always tried to hurt Israel outside their country, the fact that they still use Iran backed fighters but not officially Iranian armed forces tells me that Iran still does not want a war with Israel as they hide behind their "totally not supporting them" fighters. Not to mention the last thing Iran needs right now is a war when most of the country hates Iranian leadership and would love to see them dead, if America can weaken the Iranian regime it won't be long before a uprising breaks out to overthrow the government.

Iran has no ability to wage a conventional war against Israel. Most Arab countries wouldn't openly pick a side, they'd likely just stay quiet and let things play out. Lebanese Armed Forces will likely stay out of it, this would be a war between Israel and Hezbollah, not Israel and Lebanon. This would be the third war between Israel and Hezbollah, the last time Israel invaded in the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War Lebanese Armed Forces *mostly* stayed out of it. Some countries in that region would (not publicly, but privately) be happy to see Iran's influence further weakened.

Trump absolutely will not cut off support to Israel, Republican support for Israel is a lot stronger than it is for Democrats, Trump has repeatedly claimed himself as the most pro-Israel President ever, he told his donors that he will "crush" pro-Palestine protesters and deport them. He said that Israel has to "finish the problem". He said they have to "let things play out" and the biggest criticism of Israel he can muster is that "they have a PR problem" He has complained that any Jewish person who votes Democrat "hates their religion and Israel" and complained that Biden has "dumped" Israel and that the Democrats are "very bad" for Israel.

The only time Trump has ever been mad at Israel is when Netanyahu congratulated Biden on his victory in the election and when Israel refused to helped him kill the Iranian general...Like even Israel refused to help him kill an Iranian general. Trump is a bigoted xenophobe who hates Muslims and is only concerned about Israel's PR reputation and Trump will absolutely continue to send military aid, especially if Israel is paying for it, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 June 2024

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Ryuu96 said:

I'm not happy with Biden's ironclad support of Israel no matter what they do but I just do not see it developing into WWIII which is an extreme jump from a localised war which I see the argument for, a localised war between a couple of countries while still horrific is nothing like a world war and would be more equivalent to previous wars in the Middle-East.

The only possible scenario I see it developing into a world war is if China in the chaos decides now is the time to invade Taiwan but China simply isn't ready yet (from a military standpoint) to do an invasion of Taiwan and America helping Israel is hardly going to restrict their ability to send warships to Taiwan.

While most countries there dislike Israel, they also hate the terrorist groups of Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. Nearly all 22 members of the Arab League designate Hezbollah as a terrorist group aside from Lebanon, Syria, Algeria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia is currently in conflict with the Houthis. None of them are willing to protect Palestine. The last time Israel went to war with Arab countries, the Six-Day-War ended up with Israel completely dominating them and that was before Israel acquired nukes.

Iran has always tried to hurt Israel outside their country, the fact that they still use Iran backed fighters but not officially Iranian armed forces tells me that Iran still does not want a war with Israel as they hide behind their "totally not supporting them" fighters. Not to mention the last thing Iran needs right now is a war when most of the country hates Iranian leadership and would love to see them dead, if America can weaken the Iranian regime it won't be long before a uprising breaks out to overthrow the government.

Iran has no ability to wage a conventional war against Israel. Most Arab countries wouldn't openly pick a side, they'd likely just stay quiet and let things play out. Lebanese Armed Forces will likely stay out of it, this would be a war between Israel and Hezbollah, not Israel and Lebanon. This would be the third war between Israel and Hezbollah, the last time Israel invaded in the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War Lebanese Armed Forces *mostly* stayed out of it. Some countries in that region would (not publicly, but privately) be happy to see Iran's influence further weakened.

Trump absolutely will not cut off support to Israel, Republican support for Israel is a lot stronger than it is for Democrats, Trump has repeatedly claimed himself as the most pro-Israel President ever, he told his donors that he will "crush" pro-Palestine protesters and deport them. He said that Israel has to "finish the problem". He said they have to "let things play out" and the biggest criticism of Israel he can muster is that "they have a PR problem" He has complained that any Jewish person who votes Democrat "hates their religion and Israel" and complained that Biden has "dumped" Israel and that the Democrats are "very bad" for Israel.

The only time Trump has ever been mad at Israel is when Netanyahu congratulated Biden on his victory in the election and when Israel refused to helped him kill the Iranian general...Like even Israel refused to help him kill an Iranian general. Trump is a bigoted xenophobe who hates Muslims and is only concerned about Israel's PR reputation and Trump will absolutely continue to send military aid, especially if Israel is paying for it, Lol.

Yes it's clear Iran doesn't want a full war and the other Arab countries are trying to stay out of it.

Yet Trump got us this far with his support for Netanyahu, the settlements etc. He will make things worse while the US is already concerned the Iron Dome won't be able to protect Israel in a full scale war

It seems the real objective from Iran's (counter) attack was to test the defenses and to get a good view of where all the missile defense systems are located. Confirmed by Hezbollah publishing drone footage of those locations. Trump is definitely arrogant enough to ignore the warning signs and plunge Israel in a deadly war with Hezbollah.

But sure, WW3 it won't be straight away. It will not good for the world economy and Arab states are concerned enough about US' meddling to turn to BRICS. The US is driving the ME towards China and Russia. Setting the stage for what sides they'll pick if WW3 breaks out. China is also getting more involved in the ME, working with Saudi-Arabia to stabilize relations with Iran etc. China rather sees a united ME instead of a divided one made by the USA and Israel.

Anyway true, between Biden and Trump, genocide Joe is less destructive :/ Trump is even faster at making more enemies. And Ukraine needs to lobby more in Europe for support as US support is unreliable. Trump winning would indeed remove support from Ukraine and re-allocate some of that to Israel to create more havoc in the ME.

The danger with Biden is that he keeps eroding international law and any trust left in the UN at a slower pace. Slow enough for it to already becoming the new normal. Trump is universally distrusted around the world, Biden is still getting away with his slower path to setting the stage for a possible WW3.

The next 4 years are definitely going to change the world(order) in some way.

Anyone going to be watching the "debate" tomarow night?


hellobion2 said:

Anyone going to be watching the "debate" tomarow night?

Personally I am avoiding it like the plague for two reasons.  First, Trump (after Jan 6th) isn't an option for me.  Second, watching a senile old man debate a wreckless borderline illiterate sociopath is just too depressing.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
hellobion2 said:

Anyone going to be watching the "debate" tomarow night?

Personally I am avoiding it like the plague for two reasons.  First, Trump (after Jan 6th) isn't an option for me.  Second, watching a senile old man debate a wreckless borderline illiterate sociopath is just too depressing.  

I get my American news from the Daily Show, so I'll get to see all the highlights.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.