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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Jaicee said:

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point.

Eh, I get it. Biden isn't a good candidate but there are no good options right now. It is entirely reasonable to believe that this whole push to replace him is going to do more harm than good in the long run. Ideally, he would have announced last year that he wasn't going to run for reelection, but we don't live in that world so we have to take the path that has the greatest chance of beating Trump. It is arguable that at this point "Ridin' with Biden" is that path, especially if you don't think he will drop out. If Biden stays in the race, we've created a monumental mess for ourselves...

Personally, I think he should drop out, but I don't know which path has the greatest odds of success.

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So, what's up with biden and his fascination with smelling people?

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

Yep it’s the liberals who are scared of data, that way they can continue to deny climate change, claim vaccines cause autism, accuse transgender people of  being groomers and believe that the 2020 election was stolen……oh wait, that’s conservatives who spout all that bullshit based on nothing! What specific data do you think liberals are scared of?

Also I never watch CNN so how about you do the bare minimum and actually respond to the actual points I make and get rid of these generalizations.

This whole conversation has gotten so stupid because you are so focused on one tiny aspect (the commission) and ignore everything else because you don’t have an actual rebuttal.

Just like a couple weeks ago when you claimed democrats don’t care about the middle class then ignored the list I made of pro-middle class things passed by this administration, then you changed your argument to being about messaging because you didn’t want to acknowledge that those things do in fact help the middle class.

Or when you talked about how both sides are radical and your only example for liberals was student loan forgiveness and how Biden is ignoring the SC ruling, then I laid out how Biden is not ignoring the SC ruling and explained the different categories that they were forgiving. You conveniently never responded after that, Why? Because you had no rebuttal.

The more you post in this thread, the more I’m  convinced you’re nothing but a troll, you probably haven’t lived in multiple countries like you claim, probably aren’t a millionaire like you claim and probably aren’t a scientist like you claim. Do you know why? Globe trotting, rich scientists are smart people and you’ve proven not to be because you can’t even respond to people on a video game forum without cherry picking their arguments.

I enjoy how you get personal every time I've made a point.  Also amusing to watch the mods ignore your personal attacks.

Here is the thing, believe me or don't believe me, facts don't care about your opinion.  Plus not believing me, in a way, is a compliment.

I think both sides are extreme and stupid.  And you are whining about my posts being short and lacking details.. do you recall me saying a few times over I don't feel wholly comfortable giving my full opinion because of forced assimilation and mob mentality? 

It is what it is.  I look forward to your next personal attack.  


Oh and MAGA Republicans are complete and utter morons.  Can't stand them.  They are afraid of data as well.  

I also think most issues are far more complex than people think.  People are really good at oversimplification and choosing which side to cheerlead.  My understanding is cops have a 55% higher suicide rate than the general population.  Just an example of something we probably should understand in more depth.

Hence I welcome data.  

Also Biden's debt program just got blocked in appeals court and I did comment on it.  The debt program is illegal, he has been told as such more than once.  That is the reality. 

The irony is after SAVE was wholly blocked in court I commented and you didn't....  I guess you didn't have a rebuttal.

But you haven’t made a point, you ignore and cherry pick, that’s the issue. When people give a multitude of reasons for something and you zero in on one single aspect of course they will get annoyed.

Don’t act like I’m the only one getting personal, you have told me I lack reading comprehension on multiple occasions, made sweeping generalizations on multiple occasions and threatened to leave the thread on multiple occasions.

It’s a forum where the topic is policy & issues so of course people are going to expect thought out & detailed responses instead of short, vague ones, that should be obvious. There is no forced assimilation or mob here, it’s people talking and disagreeing with each.

I like how you will generalize liberals (why are liberals afraid of data? If liberals were half as smart as they think they are) but with conservatives you make a point to distinguish between MAGA/non-MAGA factions.

I agree that many issues are complex which makes it even stranger that you want to give short & vague answers, seems counterproductive.

Yes, more data is always welcome. As I and like 3 other users have repeatedly said, the commission in and of itself is not the problem, the lack of action is. You can collect data while also enforcing policy changes, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

For somebody saying that issues are complex, you are over simplifying again. The SC did not say student debt forgiveness is illegal, they said the previous plan was for specific reasons. The Biden administration then made changes that they believed did not interfere with that ruling. Republican lawmakers again tried to block it and it’s been paused while it goes through the court system.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Chrkeller said:


zorg1000 said:


I've been watching some videos of a Youtube series recently and I thought this one is fitting for both of you:

It goes over why liberals and conservatives have fundamentally different thinking and therefore different approaches to the same topics. It explains why conservative parties are suspectible to being taken over by far-right people (should answer Chrkeller's recurring question about what happened to the republican party).

The video also hits the nail on the head when it comes to the two of you's extensive discussions on student loan forgiveness.

I don't post this with the expectation that it will solve anything. It's just that it's worth watching and thinking about the points being made there. If you guys have the hours to write your long posts in political topics on this website, you certainly have 20 minutes for a video too.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

I enjoy how you get personal every time I've made a point.  Also amusing to watch the mods ignore your personal attacks.

Here is the thing, believe me or don't believe me, facts don't care about your opinion.  Plus not believing me, in a way, is a compliment.

I think both sides are extreme and stupid.  And you are whining about my posts being short and lacking details.. do you recall me saying a few times over I don't feel wholly comfortable giving my full opinion because of forced assimilation and mob mentality? 

It is what it is.  I look forward to your next personal attack.  


Oh and MAGA Republicans are complete and utter morons.  Can't stand them.  They are afraid of data as well.  

I also think most issues are far more complex than people think.  People are really good at oversimplification and choosing which side to cheerlead.  My understanding is cops have a 55% higher suicide rate than the general population.  Just an example of something we probably should understand in more depth.

Hence I welcome data.  

Also Biden's debt program just got blocked in appeals court and I did comment on it.  The debt program is illegal, he has been told as such more than once.  That is the reality. 

The irony is after SAVE was wholly blocked in court I commented and you didn't....  I guess you didn't have a rebuttal.

But you haven’t made a point, you ignore and cherry pick, that’s the issue. When people give a multitude of reasons for something and you zero in on one single aspect of course they will get annoyed.

Don’t act like I’m the only one getting personal, you have told me I lack reading comprehension on multiple occasions, made sweeping generalizations on multiple occasions and threatened to leave the thread on multiple occasions.

It’s a forum where the topic is policy & issues so of course people are going to expect thought out & detailed responses instead of short, vague ones, that should be obvious. There is no forced assimilation or mob here, it’s people talking and disagreeing with each.

I like how you will generalize liberals (why are liberals afraid of data? If liberals were half as smart as they think they are) but with conservatives you make a point to distinguish between MAGA/non-MAGA factions.

I agree that many issues are complex which makes it even stranger that you want to give short & vague answers, seems counterproductive.

Yes, more data is always welcome. As I and like 3 other users have repeatedly said, the commission in and of itself is not the problem, the lack of action is. You can collect data while also enforcing policy changes, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

For somebody saying that issues are complex, you are over simplifying again. The SC did not say student debt forgiveness is illegal, they said the previous plan was for specific reasons. The Biden administration then made changes that they believed did not interfere with that ruling. Republican lawmakers again tried to block it and it’s been paused while it goes through the court system.

So me saying you aren't reading my posts is equivalent to you calling me a troll + liar + openly questioning my intelligence?

Sure.  Whatever you say champ.  I don't have the words to even describe how silly you are being.

Calling me a troll was wrong.  Calling me a lair was wrong.  Basically telling me I'm unintelligent is wrong.

Take responsibility for your actions.

You made this personal because you've lost the argument. 

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 20 July 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:


zorg1000 said:


I've been watching some videos of a Youtube series recently and I thought this one is fitting for both of you:

It goes over why liberals and conservatives have fundamentally different thinking and therefore different approaches to the same topics. It explains why conservative parties are suspectible to being taken over by far-right people (should answer Chrkeller's recurring question about what happened to the republican party).

The video also hits the nail on the head when it comes to the two of you's extensive discussions on student loan forgiveness.

I don't post this with the expectation that it will solve anything. It's just that it's worth watching and thinking about the points being made there. If you guys have the hours to write your long posts in political topics on this website, you certainly have 20 minutes for a video too.

Yeah I think that sums it up pretty accurately.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Chrkeller said:

So me saying you aren't reading my posts is equivalent to you calling me a troll + liar + openly questioning my intelligence?

Sure.  Whatever you say champ.  I don't have the words to even describe how silly you are being.

Calling me a troll was wrong.  Calling me a lair was wrong.  Basically telling me I'm unintelligent is wrong.

Take responsibility for your actions.

You made this personal because you've lost the argument. 

It's easy to make yourself look less offensive than the other party when you leave out most of the things you said. Being more covert makes the casual observer miss what's been going on, but this is a small forum with low activity, so... it may not work so well.

What I found interesting is that you said that you can't disclose your full opinion here despite the facts, according to you, supporting your side. It's interesting because usually when someone says that they can't express their opinion here, it's because they actually know that they don't have facts to back them up. They also tend to be on the MAGA train, so the logical end for their fear is that they know that they are bigots and that gets moderated. In your case, however, I believe you when you say that you don't belong to the MAGA crowd. So your fear to express your full opinion makes me curious.

Are you afraid of mobs despite being intelligent? I for one enjoy situations where I have the arguments and data to back me up and a mob comes at me; I just wreck the whole lot and months later when the dust has settled and such a thread gets bumped for one or the other reason, onlookers have a different perspective on what happened. It's a shame that you are wasting such an opportunity. Or maybe you aren't wasting anything, because you realize this isn't child's play like arguing against Soundwave's crazy insistence that mobile gaming can challenge console gaming.

You know what zorg was right about? You ignore and cherry-pick. His post that you replied towas about more than the bickering about personal attacks, but you focused entirely on that to make it easy for yourself. When someone does that, they've likely lost the argument and attempt to reframe the battleground.

Oh, and to conclude, I am so ferocious that I alone qualify as a mob already. Consider yourself ganged up upon. Run for the hills.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

sundin13 said:
Jaicee said:

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point.

Eh, I get it. Biden isn't a good candidate but there are no good options right now. It is entirely reasonable to believe that this whole push to replace him is going to do more harm than good in the long run. Ideally, he would have announced last year that he wasn't going to run for reelection, but we don't live in that world so we have to take the path that has the greatest chance of beating Trump. It is arguable that at this point "Ridin' with Biden" is that path, especially if you don't think he will drop out. If Biden stays in the race, we've created a monumental mess for ourselves...

Personally, I think he should drop out, but I don't know which path has the greatest odds of success.

The democrats are currently like a company that has opted for the seemingly safest choice despite it becoming apparent to everyone else that it's actually an almost surefire choice towards demise. There's a reason why the people most in favor of Biden staying in the race happen to be republicans.

This particular election isn't much about personality for the democrats anyway. They just need someone bland and electable, because what should be put in the foreground is policy. Not even what the democrats will do, but rather what the republicans plan to do. Project 2025 is what it all should be about. Talk about what it is, continue to link Trump to it who will deny that he knows what it is about and that he's in it. Cherry-pick the topics of Project 2025 that the population cares about the most. Democracy, abortion and... yes, pornography. The topic hardly any American will openly talk about despite almost every American being interested in.

Let us Europeans enjoy this. Your elections are a clown show already anyway, so go all in.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

shavenferret said:

So, what's up with biden and his fascination with smelling people?

Sometimes these things are tricky.

Because they're not objective things, they're subjective cultural norms. 
They change over time, different cultures have different priorities. Like in some cultures it's 100% normal to bathe with your entire family until you're much older. There's a scene in My Neighbor Totoro where the dad, a 10 year old and a 4 year old are having a bath together. That's considered an extremely wholesome movie by a lot of standards, but that's not something that would be viewed as particularly wholesome in American culture. That would sound a lot of alarm bells if it were put into a movie today in America. 

Similarly some things that grandparents did to their kids aren't viewed to be as appropriate today. 

Politicians being a bit touchy with kids (whether that's holding them or kissing stranger's kids) was kind of a wholesome trope, not even that long ago. Politicians kissing babies

Today I think more and more we're viewing that as weird/creepy behavior in the US. Maybe due to some cultural changes towards respecting other people's space more, maybe due to political polarization (people are more likely to view opposing politicians as creeps). 


Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 20 July 2024