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I devoted too much time to Rogue Legacy 2 and Vampire Survivors. And when I am bored and don’t feel like hitting my backlog, I will go back and play both games.

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Farsala said:
Louie said:

I never experienced this myself with a single game. I don't game that much, if I put 50 hours into a game it's a lot. I do sometimes have spells where I'll play more than I should (in terms of time consumption) but that never lasts long and it's always manageable. 

I did, however, use to play games together with a group of friends and at some point the whole group (except myself) started playing Dota 2 excessively. They always wanted me to join, but the game just seemed like a huge time sink. They all racked up like 10,000+ hours of game time and apparently you're still considered a Dota 2 noob at that point. A friend of mine still plays the game and I think he's at 20,000+ hours now, which is absolutely insane for someone who isn't into the game (I think my most played game of all time is Advance Wars Dual Strike on the DS with 250 hours, which I played on and off for years). He tends to have spells where he just plays Dota 2 excessively for hours and hours and then he has to force himself to stop playing for a few weeks or months. He literally won't leave his house during his Dota addiction spells. It makes me worried at times. 

10,000 hours in a moba is an insane amount of time, let alone 20,000. An average match in Dota 2 is longer than league maybe around 1 hour, so he played like 20,000 matches? Win rate be like 10,000 wins and losses if matchmaking works well. Just to be clear 20,000 hours is more than 2 years and 3 months of playing an intense game. Dota 2 has only existed since 2013, so out of 11 years he has played dota 2 for 2 years, sleep maybe 2 or 3 years? Job? I think only pro level players would be above 20,000 hours, so I hope your buddy is at least trying to go pro, and it is at least his job.

Actually found 7 accounts with more than 2 years played, is he one of them?

Top 100 have around +10,000 hours maybe up to top 500.

Yeah, it's quite insane. I don't think he actually has more than 20,000 hours of playtime looking at the stats you provided (I guess he was bragging), but he's over 10,000 hours I think and that was quite some time ago (I remember because I thought through it and told him he's literally been playing the game for years). He has had no job for 7 or 8 years at this point and sometimes he's just playing Dota the whole day.

Edit: I have no idea how good he is at the game, but it's definitely not his job (he's not streaming or anything. He did find his ex-girlfriend via Dota, though. So I guess in that regards he was successful at least).

I put almost a thousand hours into gta online over the last 7 years. It stopped being fun after that I guess. I put a lot into the elder scrolls games too. I can’t think of a game that I had to stop because it was addicting. I just stop when the fun stops, or I finish the game.

I don't think I've ever forced myself to quite playing a game. Games like BOTW/TOTK and some Bethesda games I've put in well over 100+ hours into and just get to a point where I'm good it's time to play something else.

GT Sport and GT7 for me as well.

GT Sport I spend many hours a day on, online racing. My time driven on GT Sport is 3,937 hours over 1209 days and 15,664 online races. That doesn't include all the time spend in the menus and making liveries for tons of cars. It became a problem, that averages 3.25 hours per play session. I did use GT Sport for months as 'pain medication' after I dislocated a rib. I couldn't really sit without severe pain, playing online races standing distracted me from the pain for the duration of the race. Saving the real pain medication to get a few hours of painful sleep at night.

But it stuck and then I had to keep racing as much until I eventually burned out on the game. Which didn't happen till after the transition to GT7 and spending another 447 hours on GT7. The online race quality got me to quit, wasn't fun anymore with people rather playing bumper cars instead of racing. However over the holidays I got back in GT7, finished up all the offline races in VR and now do 2 hour endurance races in VR. I'm staying away from online though.

Another game that became surprisingly addictive was factory simulator on Roblox. So much I ended up with 5 accounts, 3 running on my laptop, 1 on my wife's laptop and 1 on an old PC in the basement. My laptop at the time, running a script to keep the windows from timing out.

Building stuff is addictive, then managing it became very time consuming

Just 2 examples of all the complex stuff I kept doodling together with tons of notes to calculate and implement optimal flow rate

It became an obsession.

Of course still nothing compared to the time we spend on Everquest and WoW back in the day.

However most of these if not all eventually stop being addictive. Factory Simulator was no longer supported and with no new challenges I first started setting myself new challenges, like using the fewest machines possible by timing everything just right

And other kind of restraints or combining multiple levels into a single huge factory.

Yet everything eventually grows old. Everquest became a late game grind, WoW became a late game grind, Racing the online quality deteriorated further and further, updates for games run out or you simply exhaust everything in a game.

But I basically have to force myself to stop playing every night lol. Go to bed.

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curl-6 said:

Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were insanely hard to pull away from like that, I'd sit down, play for a bit, look at the clock and somehow hours had passed by already.

Well crap I cannot get my GIF to work.  Oh well.  i agree with you.

Last edited by The_Yoda - on 05 January 2024

Monster Hunter is also crazy addictive.
I sunk over a thousand hours into Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii, and Rise is my most played Switch game by far.
The lure of that next piece of gear, that next upgrade, that next monster just kept me going and going, chasing the dopamine like a fiend.



axumblade said:

I devoted too much time to Rogue Legacy 2 and Vampire Survivors. And when I am bored and don’t feel like hitting my backlog, I will go back and play both games.

In regards to more recent games I too have payed Vampire Survivors a lot around 130 hrs 300+ in Monster Hunter World, and a fair few hours across the PC and PS4/5 versions of Hades then there are the games like Zen Pinball and MS Solitaire that must be closer to a thousand hrs if not more, that I have played on semi regular basis for years but don't have any figures, after  thinking about this I can recall at least another dozen games with 100 hrs reached, but the highest recorded time of mine is Grim Dawn, the funny thing is I started playing Grim Dawn early in the peace and having put 630 hours into it, I steam messaged a ex VGChartz member Lestatdark about the game knowing it was a genre he liked, but in all of our contact since then it was never again mentioned,so later on I decided to gift it for Christmas, noticed it wasn't on his wishlist so looked through his games to see if he already had the game and there it was with surprise surprise more than 6000! hours played.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 07 January 2024

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