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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Children, pregnant women killed in Nuseirat attack: Gaza authorities

The government media office in Gaza says most of the 36 people killed in Friday’s Israeli army attack on a family home close to the Nuseirat refugee camp were children. The media office added that pregnant women were among the dead in the house, which was located in the west of the camp located in central Gaza.

“We hold the American administration, the international community and the [Israeli] occupation fully responsible for the escalation of these crimes and massacres against defenceless civilians,” the statement on Telegram said.

More strikes reported on Nuseirat camp

Attacks on the Nuseirat camp have renewed this morning, killing at least seven people. They are taking place in a small space that is densely populated, and Israel does not take any precautions to protect civilians, so this is absolutely terrifying.

Palestinians search for relatives under rubble after Israeli strikes on Gaza City

Nuseirat camp residents search for relatives under rubble

Gaza death toll rises to 31,553: Ministry

The number of people killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since the start of the war has risen to 31,553, the Health Ministry in Gaza says. An additional 73,546 have been wounded, according to a statement by the ministry on X. In the past 24 hours, 63 people have been killed and 112 wounded, it added.


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Babies being born already malnourished in Gaza

Dominic Allen, a representative for the UN Population Fund Palestine, recently visited the Emirati hospital in Rafah. Conditions at the facility’s maternity ward are deeply disturbing, he said, with a stark rise in malnourished newborns and stillborn deaths.

“The doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal-sized babies,” Allen told Al Jazeera. “What they do see though tragically is more stillborn babies and more neonatal deaths.”

A baby, hospitalised due to malnutrition and dehydration, lies in an incubator at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya, Gaza

Deliberate starvation and destroying the healthcare system led to this

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Health system in Gaza ‘catastrophic’

Dr James Smith says Gaza’s health system collapsed in late October and it has not recovered since.

“That is because the supplies, resources, specialists and so on required have either not entered into Gaza or where such commodities or resources made available, it is impossible to work in a context of such extreme violence and insecurity,” said Smith, who used to work at the Al-Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza until earlier this year.

He told Al Jazeera from London that “the hospital is barely able to cope”, adding that a colleague there sent him a recent message, in which he called the situation “catastrophic”. “They have very limited means to provide care to patients, while patients are presenting some of the most horrific trauma-related injuries and also non-trauma-related healthcare problems I have ever seen,” he said.

People, often children, show up multiple times a day with severe traumatic amputations with more than one limp and such injuries in normal circumstances require prolonged specialist care that is simply not available at the current time, Smith added.

Injured Palestinians brought at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital wait for treatment, after an Israeli attacks on al-Maghazi Refugee Camp in Deir el-Balah, Friday

‘Words can’t describe’ situation in Gaza: Doctors Without Borders

A staff member of the international medical charity Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) has described the situation in northern Gaza, including the lack of food and medical supplies.

“The current situation in Gaza is catastrophic and words can’t describe it,” MSF nurse Loay Harb said, according to a post published by the organisation on X.

Harb, one of four staff members still working for MSF in the northern part of the enclave, said people have no water, flour, electricity and – at most times – no internet or mobile connection to communicate with the world.

Humanitarian organisations, including the UN, have repeatedly warned of the risk of famine in northern Gaza, an area that has not been reached by aid in weeks. Harb said the clinic where he worked could only treat patients with severe burns and wounds with basic healthcare.

Humanitarian situation in Gaza is ‘beyond catastrophic’

A Palestinian baby is bottle-fed at Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital, while Gaza residents face crisis levels of hunger and soaring malnutrition, in Rafah

‘Catastrophic’ humanitarian situation in Gaza ‘deteriorates by the minute’: UNRWA

The UN Palestinian refugee agency has said the situation in Gaza is “catastrophic” and “deteriorates by the minute”. “UNRWA teams work tirelessly & in extremely challenging conditions to assist families in dire need,” the agency said on X.

It also reiterated its call for an urgent ceasefire to be implemented across the Gaza Strip.

‘We want to eat’: Palestinian child pleads to Egyptians from atop electricity pole

A Palestinian child has been filmed pleading to Egyptian soldiers for food after climbing an electricity pole to rise above the fence at Gaza’s southern border.

“I want to die now. We want to eat, we want to live. Why … There is no food to eat my brothers. We want to eat,” he pleaded, according to a video posted by a Palestinian activist on Instagram and verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit.

The UN Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, earlier warned that one in three children in Gaza are malnourished and that “famine is looming.”

Families in Beit Lahiya grow vegetables to stave off hunger

Amid the rubble-strewn street of Beit Lahiya, where the local mosque lies in tatters, green shoots of recovery are giving hope to residents as they celebrate Ramadan. Resident Mahmoud Ahmad turned to growing his own vegetables in large vases placed on the doorstep of his war-battered home. “The challenge lies in the scarcity of ingredients to prepare a meal,” he told Al Jazeera.  “Creativity is essential as we attempt to make the most of what we have.”

Ahmad grows eggplants and tomato and uses basic ingredients like dried thyme and flour for baking. He says he finds solace in breaking the fast with his family but misses the sound of the call to prayer that used to accompany them before the war.

A Palestinian family breaks their fast on the rubble of their house which was destroyed during Israel’s military offensive, during the holy month of Ramadan, in Beit Lahiya, on March 13

All cargo offloaded from first aid ship to reach Gaza

The first aid vessel to reach Gaza, operated by the Spanish charity Open Arms, has offloaded 200 tonnes of food aid to the besieged enclave, completing a first pilot project that could open the way for more assistance to come in via maritime corridors. US charity World Central Kitchen said “all cargo was offloaded and is being readied for distribution in Gaza”.

The group said earlier this week that a second shipment was being prepared in Cyprus and that thousands of tonnes of aid could reach Gaza each week going forward.

Humanitarian organisations have repeatedly called for Israel to open more land border crossings to let more humanitarian aid through, insisting that airdrops and maritime corridors are costly and inefficient ways of delivering assistance.

Second aid shipment for Gaza ready to sail from Cyprus

The second load of food aid is ready to depart by sea from Cyprus to Gaza, according to the island’s president, after the first aid shipment landed in the besieged Palestinian enclave overnight. “The first ship has started its return to Cyprus, and we are ready to dispatch the second ship,” Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides told journalists.

The second ship, with 240 tonnes of aid, is moored at Larnaca port awaiting a signal to sail.

US charity World Central Kitchen, which arranged the mission with the UAE and Spanish NGO Open Arms with support from the Cypriot government, said the new shipment included pallets of canned goods and bulk products.

Almost 200 tonnes of food arrived in the enclave late on Friday, the first shipment in a new maritime aid route.

The North of Gaza alone needs 2,320 tonnes of food and water a day to survive. That plus medical supplies, tents, fuel, solar panels, blankets.
That means 23 of these ships a day would be the minimum just for food and water.
It's better than planes which only drop 18 tonnes each, but just a slightly bigger drop in the ocean of dire need.

Egypt demands Israel to remove restrictions on entry of aid into Gaza through land ports

Ahmed Abu Zeid, the spokesperson of the Egyptian foreign ministry, has said in a statement on Facebook that his country “appreciates and welcomes every effort aimed at alleviating the humanitarian suffering of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip”.

He thanked “all international and regional parties that contributed to facilitate the arrival of such aid across the maritime corridor”. Abu Zeid added that “Egypt continues to make all efforts to strengthen the delivery of urgent aid to the sector through the Rafah Crossing and through the air descent.”

He said Egypt is demanding “Israel to remove barriers and restrictions on the entry of aid through land ports, and calling on it to operate the rest of the crossings to bring in more aid to avoid the worsening of the humanitarian situation in Gaza”.

Again it should be up to the Palestinians to form a government. But yes the PA puppet government is least-worst for Israel. Useless for Palestinians as it will just turn Gaza into another west bank.

Israel defence minister: PA-linked Palestinian groups leading Gaza is least-worst option

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said local Palestinians associated with the Palestinian Authority (PA) should govern Gaza after the war because that is the most viable option, reports The Times of Israel.

Gallant, speaking at a security cabinet meeting on Friday, said there are four scenarios that could play out in Gaza after the war:

  • Hamas continues to rule if Israel does not entirely defeat it
  • Israel permanently occupies Gaza
  • Gaza falls into chaos with no structured leadership
  • Local Palestinians govern the Strip, taking their cue from PA-led Ramallah

The least detrimental of these scenarios, he said, is for the local Palestinians – who would be unaffiliated with Hamas – to lead the enclave.

However, Gallant’s comments drew backlash from several members of the security cabinet, including Transport Minister Miri Regev and Justice Minister Yariv Levin, who accused Gallant of effectively endorsing the PA, according to the Times of Israel.

Maybe stop committing genocide? Who knew it could be bad for your mental health.

Israeli military faces biggest mental health crisis since 1973 war: Official

Thousands of Israeli soldiers are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or other combat trauma, according to the head of the army’s mental health department. At least 1,000 of these soldiers have been diagnosed with “acute distress disorder”, department head Colonel Lucian Tatsa-Laur told Israeli newspaper TheMarker.

With the mental health decline, more and more soldiers are refusing to return to the battlefield after being granted temporary leave, a trend that is challenging army operations, said Tatsa-Laur.

“As a psychiatrist, I wish I had a magic wand that could make this whole period disappear,” he said.


Israel not serious about negotiating Gaza ceasefire

The Israeli government is not serious about negotiating a truce in Gaza, but it is coming under pressure by a segment of the Israeli public and by the United States. However, maintaining the government coalition alive is more important to [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu than the American support.

The US is simply paving the way for Israel to continue its war, while at the same time speaking rhetorically about peace and democratic values. It is not clear what the US’s request for Israel to evacuate Rafah before a ground offensive entails. What if 2,000-3,000 Palestinians remain, is it OK to kill them?!

And how come that the American plan to evacuate and displace – again – over a million people is now passing for the rational thing to do?

Israel continues daily with more hostage taking

Israel arrests 20 Palestinians in the West Bank in the past day

The Israeli army has arrested at least 20 Palestinians in the West Bank, including former prisoners, in the past 24 hours, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. The arrests took place in the governorates of Tulkarem, Hebron, Tubas, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin and Jerusalem.

Palestinian prisoner groups estimate 7,605 Palestinians have been arrested by the Israeli army since October 7.

Israeli citizen accused of joining Hamas in Gaza dies in Israeli custody: Report

A Bedouin Israeli man who entered Gaza in 2016 and allegedly joined Hamas has died in Israeli custody, according to the Times of Israel.

The 26-year-old man, Juma Ibrahim Abu Ghanima, who was arrested when he tried to cross back into Israel during the continuing war, was found unconscious in his Israeli prison cell and later confirmed dead by the hospital he was brought to, according to the report, which cites Israel’s Prison Service.

Abu Ghanima had been charged by Israel with joining Hamas, undergoing military training with the group, and carrying out surveillance operations during his time in Gaza.

Israel shoots suspected gunman dead after Hebron attack

A gunman, who allegedly opened fire on an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron in the occupied West Bank, has been shot dead by Israeli soldiers, according to the Israeli military. No Israelis were injured and no damage was caused from the attack, the Israeli military statement said.

The Israeli military says its troops have “neutralised” a gunman who carried out a shooting in Hebron in the occupied West Bank. The Times of Israel reports the gunman opened fire at an Israeli settlement neighbourhood in the city, from a nearby cemetery.

Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, has a military-protected Israeli settlement of about 700 people. It has been a longstanding flashpoint of tension in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Israeli forces are now searching the area for further threats, according to a military statement.

Israeli forces tighten security, close shops in Hebron after shooting incident

Scattered video footage broadcast by local Palestinian platforms have documented the deployment of Israeli soldiers in the streets of Hebron following a shooting attack targeting an illegal Israeli settlement. The videos showed that the Israeli occupation forces tightening security measures, closing a number of entrances to the city as well as shops.

There was also footage of the mobilisation of the Israeli forces in the Islamic cemetery near the Karantina area in Hebron and the detention of a number of young men. 

Members of Israeli troops walk near a shooting scene in Hebron, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Saturday

Israeli army raids home of alleged Palestinian shooter in Hebron

The Israeli army says it has raided the home of Sheikh Mahmoud Nofal, who allegedly opened fire on an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron before being shot dead by Israeli soldiers. Hebron, the largest city in the occupied West Bank, has a military-protected Israeli settlement of about 700 people and has been a longstanding flashpoint of tension in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Israel’s war on the occupied West Bank

With the global media’s attention trained on Gaza since October 7, things have worsened for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, and near impossible for journalists to cover. With their movement severely restricted, dozens of Palestinian journalists have been arrested, often held without trial or charge.

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Houthis, Hamas discuss ‘expanding confrontations’ with Israel in event of Rafah invasion

Senior figures from Hamas and Yemen’s Houthi rebels held a rare meeting to discuss coordinating their actions against Israel, according to unnamed sources cited by the AFP news agency. The agency has now reported that the discussions revolved around the possibility of “expanding confrontations and encircling” Israel.

A Palestinian source requesting anonymity said those present discussed the “complementary role of Ansar Allah [the Houthis] alongside Palestinian factions, especially in the event of an Israeli offensive on Rafah”.

Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships since the start of the war have disrupted global trade in solidarity with the Palestinians.

The Houthis, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group are all part of the Iran-backed “axis of resistance” hostile to Israel and the United States that also includes Lebanon’s Hezbollah and armed groups in Iraq.

The M/V Rubymar, a Belize-flagged, UK-owned bulk carrier is shown leaking oil in the Gulf of Aden after taking significant damage after an attack by Houthi rebels

As seen in Gaza, Israel considers homes military structures...

Video shows home wrecked by Israeli air raid in Lebanon’s Tayr Harfa village

Footage posted by Al Jazeera Arabic shows the aftermath of an overnight Israeli air strike in the southern Lebanese village of Tayr Harfa. The rubble of a destroyed home and its surrounding property is seen being cleared from the scene.

Earlier, Israel’s military posted aerial footage of the targeted air strike on what it described as a “Hezbollah military structure”. No casualties have been reported.

Translation: Documenting the scenes of an Israeli raid on a home in the town of Tayr Harfa, southern Lebanon, at dawn today.

Hezbollah claims hitting Israel’s Ramim barracks with Burkan missiles

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group has said it carried out an attack on the Ramim barracks of the Israeli military near the Lebanon-Israel border with two Burkan missiles. The incident took place at 1:04pm local time (11:04 GMT), its statement on Telegram said.

It did not say whether there were any casualties.

Israel shells residential area in southern Lebanon’s Jebbayn area

Intense Israeli artillery shelling has hit southern Lebanon’s Jebbayn area, causing severe damage in a residential neighbourhood, according to Lebanon’s NNA news agency. The agency also said the towns of Markaba and Wazzani were targeted by artillery shelling.

There were no immediate reports of casualties. Two missiles launched on the western outskirts of the town of Mays al-Jabal in separate raids failed to explode.

Smoke billows from the area of an Israeli air strike on the southern Lebanese village of Marwahin near the border with Israel on Saturday

I don't like seeing these images every week, but I don't like to ignore them either. Has it been 6 months yet? Seems like it was yesterday. Do these kids even get any sleep?

I know I am a broken record at this stage, but I don't understand how this is still going on. I donated directly this month instead of giving more to independent media (which I still believe are doing a great job shifting the Overton window).

The Unicef website has some "packages", it's heart breaking what sort of things they use the money for; hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste, water, school supplies? does any of this get through at all? Donation money is to buy them water? fucking water? to use with the toothpaste or what?

Shame on all of us, shame. 

The world gone crazy....

Russian invadeing Ukraine:
400k+ causilites on russian side (military that arnt able bodied anymore to fight) (~180,000 deaths) and 190k+ casulties on ukrines side (~80k deaths). In ukrine thers been over 30,000 civilian deaths as well.

Then theres this..... the Israel hamas war... again, alot of civilian deaths (over 30k as well).

Can we just all chill out?
I miss the 90's, they seemed so much more peacefull.

JRPGfan said:

The world gone crazy....

Russian invadeing Ukraine:
400k+ causilites on russian side (military that arnt able bodied anymore to fight) (~180,000 deaths) and 190k+ casulties on ukrines side (~80k deaths). In ukrine thers been over 30,000 civilian deaths as well.

Then theres this..... the Israel hamas war... again, alot of civilian deaths (over 30k as well).

Can we just all chill out?
I miss the 90's, they seemed so much more peacefull.

Perception of peace is largely tied to how important the various wars are deemed by Europeans and the same holds true for Americans. There are ongoing wars all the time - I think the number of days recorded without active fighting in a war on this planet since 1945 is around 10 (in words: ten) - but us Europeans don't care about Africans and Asians. But we do care about Europe, hence why Ukraine continues to be a persistent topic on the news. And we care about Israel as the only Asian country we give a damn about as a consequence of collective guilt that the holocaust was allowed to happen.

A feeling of guilt that is apparently so strong that it even makes us willing to support the far-right Israelis who commit a genocide in Gaza right now. This is so messed up, because the lesson learned from the holocaust should be that we do not stand by and watch how something like it happens again.

As for the 1990s, it was the time of the civil war in Yugoslavia where also a genocide was committed (much smaller scale than Gaza though). So... selective memory at work here, if even something that happened in Europe is forgotten.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

JRPGfan said:

The world gone crazy....

Russian invadeing Ukraine:
400k+ causilites on russian side (military that arnt able bodied anymore to fight) (~180,000 deaths) and 190k+ casulties on ukrines side (~80k deaths). In ukrine thers been over 30,000 civilian deaths as well.

Then theres this..... the Israel hamas war... again, alot of civilian deaths (over 30k as well).

Can we just all chill out?
I miss the 90's, they seemed so much more peacefull.

We didn't have the internet back then, and as Rol said, the West didn't care all that much about all these

The big spike is the Rwandan genocide.

Europe had its own war in Yugoslavia: It is estimated that more than 100,000 people were killed and two million people, more than half the population, were forced to flee their homes as a result of the war that raged from April 1992 through to November 1995 when a peace deal was initialled in Dayton. Thousands of Bosnian women were systematically raped.

Gaza is most likely going to surpass the death toll from Yugoslavia. The official number sits at 31,500, however many bodies don't make it to a hospital to get counted. Miscarriages, babies dying after birth from malnutrition don't even have a birth certificate to be counted. Many more people will die due to the collapse of the healthcare system, malnutrition, starvation, diseases spreading, unexploded bombs, structures further collapsing.

It is clear nobody ever learns from history :(

Gaza and Ukraine are in the spot light now, however there are currently 110 armed conflicts going on in the world

Today, it monitors more than 110 armed conflicts and provides information about parties, the latest developments, and applicable international law. Some of these conflicts make the headlines, others do not. Some of them started recently, while others have lasted for more than 50 years.

ME + North Africa: 45+
Africa: 35+
Asia: 21
Europe: 7
Latin America: 6

The following military occupations constitute the majority of armed conflicts that are taking place in Europe, four out of seven conflicts: Russia is currently occupying Crimea (Ukraine), Transdniestria (Moldova), as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgia), while Armenia is occupying parts of Nagorno Karabakh (Azerbaijan). Europe is also the theatre of an international armed conflict (IAC) between Ukraine and Russia, and of two non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) in Ukraine opposing governmental forces with the self-proclaimed ‘People’s Republics’ of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.