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Israel continues daily with more hostage taking

Israel arrests 20 Palestinians in the West Bank in the past day

The Israeli army has arrested at least 20 Palestinians in the West Bank, including former prisoners, in the past 24 hours, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. The arrests took place in the governorates of Tulkarem, Hebron, Tubas, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin and Jerusalem.

Palestinian prisoner groups estimate 7,605 Palestinians have been arrested by the Israeli army since October 7.

Israeli citizen accused of joining Hamas in Gaza dies in Israeli custody: Report

A Bedouin Israeli man who entered Gaza in 2016 and allegedly joined Hamas has died in Israeli custody, according to the Times of Israel.

The 26-year-old man, Juma Ibrahim Abu Ghanima, who was arrested when he tried to cross back into Israel during the continuing war, was found unconscious in his Israeli prison cell and later confirmed dead by the hospital he was brought to, according to the report, which cites Israel’s Prison Service.

Abu Ghanima had been charged by Israel with joining Hamas, undergoing military training with the group, and carrying out surveillance operations during his time in Gaza.

Israel shoots suspected gunman dead after Hebron attack

A gunman, who allegedly opened fire on an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron in the occupied West Bank, has been shot dead by Israeli soldiers, according to the Israeli military. No Israelis were injured and no damage was caused from the attack, the Israeli military statement said.

The Israeli military says its troops have “neutralised” a gunman who carried out a shooting in Hebron in the occupied West Bank. The Times of Israel reports the gunman opened fire at an Israeli settlement neighbourhood in the city, from a nearby cemetery.

Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, has a military-protected Israeli settlement of about 700 people. It has been a longstanding flashpoint of tension in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Israeli forces are now searching the area for further threats, according to a military statement.

Israeli forces tighten security, close shops in Hebron after shooting incident

Scattered video footage broadcast by local Palestinian platforms have documented the deployment of Israeli soldiers in the streets of Hebron following a shooting attack targeting an illegal Israeli settlement. The videos showed that the Israeli occupation forces tightening security measures, closing a number of entrances to the city as well as shops.

There was also footage of the mobilisation of the Israeli forces in the Islamic cemetery near the Karantina area in Hebron and the detention of a number of young men. 

Members of Israeli troops walk near a shooting scene in Hebron, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Saturday

Israeli army raids home of alleged Palestinian shooter in Hebron

The Israeli army says it has raided the home of Sheikh Mahmoud Nofal, who allegedly opened fire on an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron before being shot dead by Israeli soldiers. Hebron, the largest city in the occupied West Bank, has a military-protected Israeli settlement of about 700 people and has been a longstanding flashpoint of tension in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Israel’s war on the occupied West Bank

With the global media’s attention trained on Gaza since October 7, things have worsened for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, and near impossible for journalists to cover. With their movement severely restricted, dozens of Palestinian journalists have been arrested, often held without trial or charge.