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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Norway says Palestinian recognition part of ‘Oslo 2.0’ peace vision

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide says the Spanish, Irish and Norwegian recognition of Palestinian statehood was part of an “Oslo 2.0” peace vision for the Middle East.

“We cannot just be stuck with the way we wanted to do this in the 1990s; we have to realise … we are in 2024, and we need to upgrade this longstanding vision of a peaceful settlement,” he said.

Thirty years ago, Norway had mediated the Oslo Accords, a deal many believed could have been a precursor for peace in the region.

The first Oslo Accord signed in 1993 brought together former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat. The agreement saw each side recognise the other for the first time. Both sides also pledged to end their decades-long conflict.

The second accord, Oslo II, was signed in September 1995, detailing the structure of the bodies that the peace process was supposed to form.

The Oslo Accords were supposed to bring about Palestinian self-determination, in the form of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

However, the Oslo Accords witnessed a slow decline, with Israel continuing its occupation of Palestinian land and refusing to withdraw militarily from the majority of the West Bank while continuing to conduct raids into land considered under the full administration of the Palestinian Authority.

The big issue with the Oslo accords was that the Palestinians weren't considered. The PLO accepted a terrible deal to save their own hide and Israel made full use of that fragmented West Bank plan to push illegal settlements, rather than turning the other areas over to the PA as was part of the plan.

So please don't call it Oslo 2.0. It didn't work, it was a bad plan which has led to a nearly impossible situation to solve now.

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War continues

Palestinian groups claim attacks on Israeli forces in Gaza

The al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), says its fighters launched an attack on Israeli soldiers inside a building in northern Gaza.

The group released a video, which showed an Israeli soldier being spotted inside a building. A Palestinian fighter can then be seen firing a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) at the building, said to be located east of the Jabalia camp, where intense fighting has been ongoing for weeks.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, also claimed a mortar attack on a gathering of Israeli soldiers in Gaza.

Palestinians killed and maimed in an area they were told to evacuate to

The Rafah attack left hundreds of Palestinians displaced in that area with a shattered sense of safety and security. They were targeted, killed and maimed in a particular area that they were told to evacuate to.

The military did not stop right there; it went on and carried more attacks. Just a couple of hours ago it destroyed the only telecom division that feeds Deir el-Balah city with communication and internet connection. In the past three hours we’ve been completely off the grid – no internet connectivity whatsoever.

There are more air strikes in Nuseirat area as well as in eastern part of Khan Younis. We’ve seen scores of bodies brought from the eastern part of the central area of Khan Younis and Nuseirat refugee camp, all pour into Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah, for the past couple of hours.

Palestinians pray next to the bodies of their relatives killed by Israeli strikes

Palestinian medics evacuate casualties after Israeli attack on Nuseirat

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) showed in a post on X how its first responders transported the body of a woman who was killed in an overnight Israeli air strike on the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Two others were also transported by the medics, it added.

Continuous Israeli bombing on Bir an-Naaja area in northern Gaza

An Al Jazeera correspondent reports that continuous Israeli shelling has targeted the Bir an-Naaja area, west of the Jabalia refugee camp, in northern Gaza.

Three police officers killed in Israeli attack on Nuseirat

The Interior Ministry in Gaza has said in a statement that three members of the police force in the enclave were killed in an Israeli air raid this morning.

They were “performing their duties in supporting citizens” at the Nuseirat refugee camp when the bombs were dropped, it said, identifying them as Major Ahmed Jumaa Abu Nar, Sergeant Mahmoud Ziyad Jaber and Sergeant Mohammed Abu Rayala.

“The occupation’s focus on targeting police officers and members aims to undermine the system and create chaos in Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip,” the ministry said, adding that officers should be protected from attacks under international law.

Repeat article from November for those still claiming the right of self-defense.

Does Israel’s claim to self-defence hold up?

The death toll in Israel’s war on Gaza has now topped 36,000, with about 10,000 Palestinians missing and more than 81,000 wounded.

Israel has justified its offensive under a right to self-defence following Hamas’s attack on southern Israel on October 7.

Israel, backed by its allies, has cited Article 51 of the UN Charter to defend its actions. The charter states that until the UNSC takes measures to maintain international peace and security, “nothing in the charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations”.

Does it apply to Israel against Gaza?

Many experts aren’t convinced that it does apply.

“The right to self-defence can be invoked when the state is threatened by another state, which is not the case,” Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, said in an address to the Australian Press Club on Tuesday.

(That was November 15th)

The attack Israel faced on October 7 came from an armed group in a territory, Gaza, that Israel has effectively controlled.

Israel withdrew its forces from Gaza in 2005, but it has imposed a land, sea and air blockade on the enclave since Hamas came to power in 2007.

(Backed by Netanyahu)

That, according to Albanese, amounts to occupation – although Israel and its allies disagree with that assessment.

“Israel does not claim it has been threatened by another state. It has been threatened by an armed group within an occupied territory. It cannot claim the right of self-defence against a threat that emanates from a territory it occupies, from a territory kept under belligerent occupation,” Albanese said.

Albanese was referring to a 2004 advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which said the construction of Israel’s separation wall in the occupied West Bank was illegal. The ICJ rejected the Israeli argument to build the wall, saying it could not invoke the right to self-defence in an occupied territory.

Are there other challenges to Israel’s argument?

Other experts point to the devastating scale of Israeli attacks on Gaza.

“The death of a reported 4,710 children, attacks on healthcare, the withholding of water and electricity – these cannot be merely justified as a ‘right to self-defence’,” said Iain Overton, executive director of the London-based Action on Armed Violence, which conducts research and advocacy on armed violence against civilians.

He added that for Israel to claim this right without being challenged “would be a mockery of the international humanitarian law”.

It's over 15,000 children now (see the link)

‘How many red lines must be crossed?’: Norwegian Refugee Council chief

Jan Egeland, the head of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), has said in a post on X that the Rafah camp attack is another one of the “red lines” of Israel’s allies that have been trampled.

“No more red lines” is the appeal the aid organisation is making to European leaders meeting in Brussels now, he said.

Egeland also said that mass civilian casualties and attacks on hospitals were other red lines disregarded by the Israeli military.

Gaza continues to be hell on earth while the world watches.

And still getting worse day by day

Gaza’s al-Aqsa Hospital faces imminent shutdown due to fuel shortage: Government

Gaza’s Government Media Office says in a statement that Deir el-Balah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital is once again facing an imminent risk of shutdown.

It comes after Israeli forces blocked the supply of fuel on Sunday afternoon. This threatens to “stop health services during the next few hours for all departments of the hospital” and lead to a catastrophe, according to the office.

The government called on the international community to pressure Israel to supply 50,000 litres (13,208 gallons) of fuel to the hospital to ensure it can function for at least 10 days.

“The hospital administration holds the Israeli occupation and the American administration fully responsible for this terrible crime,” it said.

Gaza hospitals operating under ‘medieval’ conditions: UK doctor

Gaza hospitals are reduced to practicing “medieval medicine”, according to a British surgeon who recently returned from the besieged Palestinian enclave.

“It’s absolutely true to describe it as medieval medicine. It is what you would hear about or read about what would be happening in Europe maybe 300, 400 years ago,” Dr Khaled Dawas, the head of gastrointestinal surgery at University College London Hospitals, told the AFP news agency.

Dawas described dire conditions in Gaza with medical staff operating virtually without supplies, with intermittent power supplies and patients lying on the floor.

The 54-year-old surgeon, an Arabic speaker who has Palestinian parents, said many people in Gaza wounded or needing other medical attention tried to avoid going to the hospitals because it “means pretty much a death sentence”.

That was “because of the wound infections because of the conditions”.


Two people killed in Israeli attack on Rafah hospital: Gaza Health Ministry

The ministry says it condemns what it calls Israel’s “heinous crime” of targeting health teams at the Kuwaiti Hospital in the southern Gaza city and the killing of two health workers there.

It added the attack “confirms the occupation’s intention to annihilate and collapse the health system in the Gaza Strip”.

“We appeal to the international community and international and human rights organisations to intervene to protect health facilities and their workers from terrorism, killing and destruction by the Israeli occupation,” the ministry asserted.


Around the Network

Transparent Israeli probe is an oxymoron, why does the UN keep asking for the perpetrator to investigate itself...

UN’s Middle East chief calls for ‘transparent’ Israeli probe into Rafah air strikes

The United Nations’ Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland has condemned the Israeli air strikes on displaced Palestinians in Rafah, saying he is “deeply troubled by the deaths of so many women and children”.

“I call upon the Israeli authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident, hold those responsible for any wrongdoing to account, and take immediate steps to better protect civilians,” he said in a statement.

“All parties in the conflict must refrain from actions that set us further away from achieving an end to hostilities and further jeopardise the already fragile situation on the ground and the broader region.”

Add it to the hundreds of other calls for transparent investigations and calls to adhere to international law. 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

UN rights chief voices ‘horror’ at Israeli strike

The United Nations human rights chief has voiced “horror” at last night’s Israeli air strike on a displacement camp in Rafah that killed at least 45 people, demanding “accountability”.

“The images from the camp are horrific and point to no apparent change in the methods and means of warfare used by Israel that have already led to so many civilian deaths,” Volker Turk said in a statement, also calling on Palestinian armed groups to stop firing rockets and to “unconditionally release all hostages at once”.

More bothsideism. Even if Palestinian armed groups released the hostages right now, little chance they would make it alive to the border. Ceasefire is needed first.

‘No more shifting red lines’ in Gaza: US Muslim rights group tells Biden

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says US President Joe Biden will once again cross red lines set by himself and the international community if he keeps arming Israel despite the carnage in Rafah.

“No more shifting red lines, no more calls for [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to investigate itself, and no more military, financial or diplomatic support for this genocide,” the US group said in a post on X.

“All Americans are being stained with the blood of innocent Palestinians by your support for this slaughter. It must end. Now.”

EU foreign policy chief ‘horrified’ by Rafah air strikes

The European Union’s top foreign policy official, Josep Borrell, says in a post on X that the Israeli strikes on Rafah prove that no place is safe in Gaza.

“These attacks must stop immediately,” he said, adding that the interim orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop the Rafah invasion must be implemented, and international human rights law must be respected.

Horrified, I don't believe it. You still won't sanction Israel, not even put a ban on further arms transfers to Israel. You don't respect international law, it's your duty to enforce the ICJ ruling as a member of the UN and ICJ. All the EU has is more words.

Well maybe this could lead to something

EU ministers give green light to Rafah border missions: Borrell

The European Union’s foreign ministers have approved the reactivation of an EU border mission at Rafah, according to the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

“I have a green light from EU ministers to reactivate the Rafah border mission,” he said, adding that such a mission would need the support of Egypt, Israel and Palestinians.

Or probably not, seems very weak. Mission strength 18 (10 int. and 8 local)

It ran from 2005 to 2007 and has been on standby until 2016, it's mostly a training mission

Currently, the Mission focuses on supporting GABC (General Administration for Borders and Crossings) in enhancing border and anti-smuggling control, based on intelligence-oriented approach and on strengthening GABC operational staff’s ability to operate the terminal in accordance with international standards, in regard to advanced border-control related activities and the use of new/state-of-art technologies or training on specialised skills.

EUBAM Rafah has also intensified its cooperation with the other relevant EU missions and agencies, EU member states and other international stakeholders to support the PA on border-related matters with a view to a return to the RCP (Rafah Crossing Point)

This is for after the war, not applicable right now.

My useless country

Ottawa pledges visas for 5,000 Palestinians in Gaza related to Canadians

That figure is an increase from the 1,000 temporary resident visas allotted under a special programme for Gaza announced in December, the immigration ministry says in a statement, adding that many people have expressed interest.

“While movement out of Gaza is not currently possible, the situation may change at any time. With this cap increase, we will be ready to help more people as the situation evolves,” Immigration Minister Marc Miller said.

According to Canadian media reports, Ottawa has been unable to get Palestinian visa holders out of the Gaza Strip under the programme.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has faced growing domestic pressure to secure a lasting ceasefire to end the Israeli offensive. However, that pressure has translated into limited, largely symbolic action.

1000 or 5000, doesn't matter. Not a single person has been able to use the visa program since it was announced in Januari.

EU in action

‘Audacious, outrageous’: Gaza protesters slam Greek deportation order

Nine people from the United Kingdom and the European Union member states are facing deportation from Greece days after they took part in a protest in solidarity with Palestine at a Greek university.

A total of 28 people were arrested by Greek police during the protest and encampment at the Athens Law School on May 14 on charges including disturbing the peace, damaging property, trespass as well as violations of the laws on weapons and flares, all of which they deny.

War goes on

Hezbollah claims four attacks on Israeli targets near Lebanon-Israel border

Lebanese armed group Hezbollah says it has hit four Israeli targets today, in response to the Israeli army’s attacks on homes and villages in southern Lebanon.

It said on its Telegram channel that it launched an air attack on the Beit Hillel military base in northern Israel. Its snipers also “directly hit the newly-developed spy equipment at the Miskaf General site” which is also in northern Israel. Hezbollah said it targeted a building used by Israeli soldiers in northern Israel’s Margaliot settlement and confirmed injuries.

We reported earlier about Hezbollah’s claim of attack on the al-Malikiyah site used by Israeli forces during border fighting. Rockets and artillery shells were used and a drone dropped explosives with precision, Hezbollah claimed.


Lebanon’s Hezbollah says it fires rockets at northern Israel

The Iran-aligned Lebanese group says it has launched a barrage of rockets at northern Israel in response to a deadly Israeli strike outside a south Lebanon hospital earlier in the day.

Hezbollah fighters fired “dozens of Katyusha rockets” at northern Israel “in response to the Israeli enemy attack that targeted the Martyr Salah Ghandour Hospital in Bint Jbeil”, the group said in a statement.

Air raid sirens sounded in northern Israel, according to the Israeli military.

Earlier in the day, Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency (NNA) said “an enemy drone” targeted “a motorcycle near the Salah Ghandour Hospital in the town of Bint Jbeil”, killing one person and wounding others.

Hezbollah has traded regular cross-border fire with Israel since the day after Hamas’s October 7 attacks on southern Israel.


Houthis claim attacks on three ships, two US destroyers in nearby seas

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis say they have launched attacks on three ships in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and two US destroyers in the Red Sea.

There has been no statement confirming these attacks from the United States Army at this time.

The Houthis, who describe their attacks on ships as acts of solidarity with Palestinians in Israel’s war in Gaza, named three of the ships as the Larego Desert and the MSC Mechela in the Indian Ocean, and the Minerva Lisa in the Red Sea.

Israel demolishes Palestinian homes in West Bank’s Hizma and Tubas: UN

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is reporting new demolitions of Palestinian homes in Hizma and Tubas in the occupied West Bank. Israeli forces have demolished at least 10,769 structures in the occupied West Bank since 2009, displacing at least 16,332 people, according to UN data.

“Demolitions are typically carried out due to lack of Israeli-issued permits, which are nearly impossible to obtain, but in some cases the circumstances are different, including punitive demolitions and demolitions carried out as part of military activities,” OCHA said.

Israeli forces target residential apartment in Rafah

Our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues are reporting that an Israeli bombing targeted a residential apartment at Za’roub roundabout, west of the southern Gaza city.

Israeli bombardment of Rafah ongoing

Our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues are now reporting that Israeli artillery shelling has targeted homes in the Saudi neighborhood, also situated west of Rafah. We will bring you more on this as more information comes in.

Several deaths reported in another Israeli attack on Rafah

Israeli forces have targeted a house in the al-Hashashin area, north of the southern Gaza city, resulting in several people being killed and wounded, according to local sources.

Footage obtained by Al Jazeera shows those wounded arriving at the Emirates Crescent Hospital, including children.

One local resident said the shelling targeted an area populated by displaced civilians and tents, noting that residents transported the wounded in civilian vehicles before ambulance teams rushed to the area.

“I was sitting by land in the presence of mobile phones, and I saw nothing but martyrs,” an injured child said about about the bombing.

US defending Israel as usual with zero proof to back up Israel's claim two senior Hamas terrorists were killed. Which would still not excuse any war crimes, especially not dropping a 2,000 pound bomb of a humanitarian encampment designated as a safe area.

US urges Israel to protect civilians after ‘devastating’ strike: White House

The United States has urged Israel to take every precaution to protect civilians after “devastating images” from its military strike, according to the US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby.

“Israel has a right to go after Hamas, and we understand this strike killed two senior Hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against Israeli civilians,” Kirby was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying. “But as we’ve been clear, Israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians.”

“We are actively engaging the [Israeli army] and partners on the ground to assess what happened, and understand that [it] is conducting an investigation,” he said.

The US has been widely criticised for providing Israel with weapons that are believed to be used to kill civilians in Gaza.

Actively engaging with the Israeli army to make this go away asap.

It's 45 confirmed already, will likely end up more dying from burns and other wounds.

Most of those who were killed had severe burns on their bodies, he added. As al-Mughayer’s team worked to rescue survivors and retrieve bodies, they encountered charred remains and people whose limbs had been blown off.

Images of charred bodies in Rafah tent camp attack ‘unbearable’: German ministry

Germany’s Federal Foreign Office says the investigation into the attack announced by the Israeli army “must now be carried out quickly”. “The images of charred corpses, including children, in the air strike in Rafah are unbearable,” the ministry said in a post on X.

“The civilian population must finally be better protected.”

As the second biggest arms trader with Israel (30%), I guess its pretty bearable for Germany. Still zero action, just support for more genocide. Carry out the self investigation quickly so it can leave the news asap. Germany is fully complicit in all the horrors continuously happening in Gaza.

Rafah hospital out of service: Official

The Kuwaiti Hospital in the southern Gaza city has been rendered non-operational, according to its director, due to intentional attacks by Israeli forces on the hospital’s staff and the surrounding area.

“Due to the enemy’s expansion of the military operation in Rafah Governorate and the repeated and deliberate attacks on the hospital’s surroundings, the most recent of which was targeting the hospital gate, which led to the death of two staff working in the hospital, as well as the injury of 5 medical staff in a previous targeting, we announce that the Kuwait Specialized Hospital will be out of service,” Dr Suhaib al-Hams said in a statement.

“The working medical teams were transferred to the field hospital, which is being prepared in the al-Mawasi area” on Gaza’s coast, he added. This statement follows an Israeli attack on a displacement camp in Rafah on Sunday night, with some of those injured being transported to the Kuwaiti Hospital.

Algeria requests UNSC meeting on Rafah massacre

Algeria has requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to discuss the situation in Rafah, one day after Israeli strikes on a displacement camp there killed at least 45 people.

The meeting is expected to take place tomorrow at 19:00 GMT and will be a closed consultation, during which no resolutions can be voted on, only tabled and then voted on later.

The UNSC will also be briefed by Juliette Touma, director of communications for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Why is it always Algeria or other members of the Global South that have to spur the UNSC into 'action'. US, Canada, Europe, Australia where are your morals, where is your respect for international law.

They can get aways with murdering as much children and woman as they want and its always the same excuse.