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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 2024 Prediction League - Until Dawn at 67

Kyuu said:

It's amazing to see it hit a 94 at 79 reviews! The score will probably go down a point or two when troll reviews hit. Huge congrats to Team Asobi!! JAPAN STUDIO IS ALIVE BABY.

Still 94 with 98 reviews, as most games it may still drop to 93 (or 92, but I find it less probable, based on which kind of game it is, there should be little to complain about it).

I'm impressed.

Last edited by BraLoD - on 05 September 2024

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Astro Bot is currently sitting at #70 at all time metacritic score.

Games with a 94 score range from #52 to #85, so it's basically in the middle of the 94 range, which means that it will most likely remain at 94 and not go up or down for at least a couple more reviews.

Well done Astro Bot! Wow, finally a game that makes me seriously consider a PS5!


Kyuu said:
BraLoD said:

Astro's Playroom had 4 stages (16 sections) and a speedrun mode and I clocked 7 hours on it, Astro Bot having 80 stages (dunno how big, if more like a section or a stage from Playroom) should get me more than 20 hours easily.

I love collecting every single stuff and enjoying the stages in the first time, tho.

I think some "planets" have only items in them and take less than a minute to beat lol. We'll find out soon enough.

On HowLongToBeat, for "completionists":

Rescue Mission: 13.5 hours

Astro's Playroom: 5 hours

Looks like AstroBot PS5 is about 20-30% longer than the PS4/VR game. I was hoping it's closer to twice as long. But there will be some free DLC released before year's end that could give it a few extra hours. I read somewhere that "time attacks" aren't available at release.

I considered buying it day 1, assuming it was 20-25 hours. Around half that expected time, and I unfortunately will delay. Positive is that it won't take away too much of my time for JRPGs. The negative being that I will buy it and then a week later need another game in all likelihood.

CD-Action: the game is incredibly charming, fell just short of being perfect! My overall experience was just fantastic!

Score: 80

Reasoning: the other games where good too, so must take away from it.

Playstation reviews... lol, as expected.

Around the Network
BraLoD said:

Astro Bot is currently sitting at #70 at all time metacritic score.

Games with a 94 score range from #52 to #85, so it's basically in the middle of the 94 range, which means that it will most likely remain at 94 and not go up or down for at least a couple more reviews.

Long term MC score tends to be around two points below 24hr MC score. I anticipate it’ll sit around high 92 or low 93. Still an utterly astonishing feat by Asobi Studio! Platformer not made by Nintendo to rival Mario…I am very excited for this game.

firebush03 said:
BraLoD said:

Astro Bot is currently sitting at #70 at all time metacritic score.

Games with a 94 score range from #52 to #85, so it's basically in the middle of the 94 range, which means that it will most likely remain at 94 and not go up or down for at least a couple more reviews.

Long term MC score tends to be around two points below 24hr MC score. I anticipate it’ll sit around high 92 or low 93. Still an utterly astonishing feat by Asobi Studio! Platformer not made by Nintendo to rival Mario…I am very excited for this game.

I think it should end up at 93, dropping 2 points on a game that have little to be called on sound a bit much, but yes, usually 2 points down for most games above 90 after the first batch of reviews.

Well, I think we just found what’s winning GOTY this year.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

BraLoD said:

CD-Action: the game is incredibly charming, fell just short of being perfect! My overall experience was just fantastic!

Score: 80

80 is "just short of being perfect"?

Metacritic should remove the top 3 and bottom 3 review scores to remove outliers made for clicks.