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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How will be Switch 2 performance wise?


Your expectations on performance...

Ridiculously below this g... 1 3.13%
Way below this gen: Some ... 8 25.00%
Slightly below this gen: ... 16 50.00%
On pair with this gen: AA... 7 21.88%
Chrkeller said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Several platforms were mentioned in the poll, it's a poll. Its an unreleased platform so we dont know where it will land. It's clearly not a popular option. Yet you felt the need to obsess over the comparison? You have more than just that post comparing to PS5, you have several. Just looking through the thread, you have been completely obsessed with letting the thread know PS5 is more powerful and then Soundwave correctly calls out the obsession with PS5 comparisons and you act like so many people here saying that when clearly the poll results show no one expects that. No one even brings it up but you. The simple fact is, you are the one pushing the comparison to PS5.

Edit: I think your biggest gripe in this thread has been anyone that says beyond PS4 or PS4 Pro led you to believe means equals PS5 and then just became obsessed with convincing everyone it won't match PS5 when literally no one is arguing that. 

You are also viewing this thread in isolation.  Soundwave (and others) spent months claiming the S2 would be comparable to the ps5.  Then moved to "same class" of hardware.  To now finally acknowledging it isn't a ps5.  Soundwave spent months comparing to the ps5.  Christ he claimed Sony and MS needed to be afraid of the iphone.....

You are also ignoring when I posted my comparison, which was the point of the thread, my position was immediately challenged two posts later.  

If you want to ignore facts and blame me, fine.  But pretending Soundwave wasn't every bit as "obsessed" is disingenuous.  He pushed his views as much as I pushed mine.

The irony being we shut down the circle jerk, moved on to discussing software and you brought all this back up.  Why?  

If this is true then my bad, I didn't realize it was more than just this thread. I would hardly call you being challenged by a single poster excusable for you to turn this thread into a PS5 vs Switch 2 thread but again if the discussion between you and Soundwave was more than this thread then maybe I can understand your post now.

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Phenomajp13 said:
Chrkeller said:

You are also viewing this thread in isolation.  Soundwave (and others) spent months claiming the S2 would be comparable to the ps5.  Then moved to "same class" of hardware.  To now finally acknowledging it isn't a ps5.  Soundwave spent months comparing to the ps5.  Christ he claimed Sony and MS needed to be afraid of the iphone.....

You are also ignoring when I posted my comparison, which was the point of the thread, my position was immediately challenged two posts later.  

If you want to ignore facts and blame me, fine.  But pretending Soundwave wasn't every bit as "obsessed" is disingenuous.  He pushed his views as much as I pushed mine.

The irony being we shut down the circle jerk, moved on to discussing software and you brought all this back up.  Why?  

If this is true then my bad, I didn't realize it was more than just this thread. I would hardly call you being challenged by a single poster excusable for you to turn this thread into a PS5 vs Switch 2 thread but again if the discussion between you and Soundwave was more than this thread then maybe I can understand your post now.

No worries.  It got out of hand and I played my role.  

Any chance Nintendo supports PC releases?  Sounds like a crazy question but I didn't think Sony would.  

Chrkeller said:
Phenomajp13 said:

If this is true then my bad, I didn't realize it was more than just this thread. I would hardly call you being challenged by a single poster excusable for you to turn this thread into a PS5 vs Switch 2 thread but again if the discussion between you and Soundwave was more than this thread then maybe I can understand your post now.

No worries.  It got out of hand and I played my role.  

Any chance Nintendo supports PC releases?  Sounds like a crazy question but I didn't think Sony would.  

Maybe in the distant future but no time soon. I doubt within the next 30 years lol.

Phenomajp13 said:
Chrkeller said:

No worries.  It got out of hand and I played my role.  

Any chance Nintendo supports PC releases?  Sounds like a crazy question but I didn't think Sony would.  

Maybe in the distant future but no time soon. I doubt within the next 30 years lol.

Lol 30 years  this impossible to predict it could happen in 7 years easily.

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Maybe in the distant future but no time soon. I doubt within the next 30 years lol.

Lol 30 years  this impossible to predict it could happen in 7 years easily.

Lol Nintendo isn't releasing PC games. The same Nintendo was releasing smartphone games and is now pulling the plug. Nintendo has first party behemoths that boost their platform, they don't need to support other platforms. Their budget isn't out of hand like their competitors. You are out of your mind to think they will in the next 7 years lol. Mario Kart might sell 80 million. An exclusive.

Around the Network
Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

Lol 30 years  this impossible to predict it could happen in 7 years easily.

Lol Nintendo isn't releasing PC games. The same Nintendo was releasing smartphone games and is now pulling the plug. Nintendo has first party behemoths that boost their platform, they don't need to support other platforms. Their budget isn't out of hand like their competitors. You are out of your mind to think they will in the next 7 years lol. Mario Kart might sell 80 million. An exclusive.

Companies always wanna  grow. Anything could happen in 7 years. It would a very smart move and it would not even hurt their hardware sales  imo. People are buying the switch for the games but also being mobile is a huge reason. I'm not saying day one but would it really hurt their  business if games came out 2 years later? 

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Lol Nintendo isn't releasing PC games. The same Nintendo was releasing smartphone games and is now pulling the plug. Nintendo has first party behemoths that boost their platform, they don't need to support other platforms. Their budget isn't out of hand like their competitors. You are out of your mind to think they will in the next 7 years lol. Mario Kart might sell 80 million. An exclusive.

Companies always wanna  grow. Anything could happen in 7 years. It would a very smart move and it would not even hurt their hardware sales  imo. People are buying the switch for the games but also being mobile is a huge reason. I'm not saying day one but would it really hurt their  business if games came out 2 years later? 

No because Nintendo wants to grow via their own platform. This isn't hard to understand, there's a reason Sony can't even get pass 120 million since PS2 while Nintendo has soared pass 150 million soon to be twice since PS2. Nintendo isn't releasing games on other platforms, its what differentiates their hardware not being portable. That's your problem, you put way too much focus on form factor and hardware power when you should be paying attention to the games. Steam Deck right now offers everything Switch offers but better yet Switch kicks it's teeth in, that's because Switch has Nintendo's behemoths exclusively while Steam Deck competes with all those gaming PCs and PS/Xbox. Same issue PS/Xbox have is that they compete for support from all those 3rd parties. There are too many competitors competing for the same support leading to the audience being spread between them all. It will only get worse as Nintendo also starts to offer more of those 3rd party titles. Switch will always have those first party behemoths to itself leaving them untouchable.

Now Sony talking about more multiplatform releases, lol. Wonder if they dip their toe into the Switch 2 pool like Microsoft has.

Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

Companies always wanna  grow. Anything could happen in 7 years. It would a very smart move and it would not even hurt their hardware sales  imo. People are buying the switch for the games but also being mobile is a huge reason. I'm not saying day one but would it really hurt their  business if games came out 2 years later? 

No because Nintendo wants to grow via their own platform. This isn't hard to understand, there's a reason Sony can't even get pass 120 million since PS2 while Nintendo has soared pass 150 million soon to be twice since PS2. Nintendo isn't releasing games on other platforms, its what differentiates their hardware not being portable. That's your problem, you put way too much focus on form factor and hardware power when you should be paying attention to the games. Steam Deck right now offers everything Switch offers but better yet Switch kicks it's teeth in, that's because Switch has Nintendo's behemoths exclusively while Steam Deck competes with all those gaming PCs and PS/Xbox. Same issue PS/Xbox have is that they compete for support from all those 3rd parties. There are too many competitors competing for the same support leading to the audience being spread between them all. It will only get worse as Nintendo also starts to offer more of those 3rd party titles. Switch will always have those first party behemoths to itself leaving them untouchable.

Explain the wiiu, GC and N64 then. 2 of them which failed horribly. I think exclusives sell systems but there are several factors  why a console has great sales just look at the ps5 its selling great with only 1 exclusive game in 4 years lol. it's only behind the switch by 1 or 2 million launch aligned.

PS5 isn't even going to come within 20 million of the Switch. Sony's already saying PS5 sales have peaked and will decline from here on out, lol.

I'm not sure if they're even going to hit PS4 numbers.