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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How will be Switch 2 performance wise?


Your expectations on performance...

Ridiculously below this g... 1 3.13%
Way below this gen: Some ... 8 25.00%
Slightly below this gen: ... 16 50.00%
On pair with this gen: AA... 7 21.88%
Chrkeller said:

What is the first game people want to see on the S2? Mario Galaxy 3 is my pick. I thought galaxy was as close to perfection as a game could be. And the S2 is a massive upgrade compared to the Wii. I would love to see Galaxy 3.

The OP is about multiplat comparisons, but since the title's thread question is about software performance, I don't see why we can't talk about the main show that are Nintendo titles.

So I updated with a bonus question: Wich Nintendo franchises will make a return and how much their new entries can advance (visually and mechanically) with the hardware jump?

Mario Galaxy is definitely the best contender to be a Visual Marvel and since we are talking about galaxies, StarFox can't be left out. I really want an ambitious title, not just another arcade mechanism.

Mario Kart is certain to make a return, 10 years without a brand new title, they better be cooking something amazing.

Now the first that I want to see, would be Mario Kart no doubt 

Last edited by 160rmf - on 13 February 2024



We reap what we sow

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160rmf said:
Chrkeller said:

What is the first game people want to see on the S2? Mario Galaxy 3 is my pick. I thought galaxy was as close to perfection as a game could be. And the S2 is a massive upgrade compared to the Wii. I would love to see Galaxy 3.

The OP is about multiplat comparisons, but since the title's thread question is about software performance, I don't see why we can't talk about the main show that are Nintendo titles.

So I updated with a bonus question: Wich Nintendo franchises will make a return and how much their new entries can advance (visually and mechanically) with the hardware jump?

Mario Galaxy is definitely the best contender to be a Visual Marvel and since we are talking about galaxies, StarFox can't be left out. I really want an ambitious title, not just another arcade mechanism.

Mario Kart is certain to make a return, 10 years without a brand new title, they better be cooking something amazing.

Now the first that I want to see, would be Mario Kart no doubt 

I'm not going to hold my breath but I want a Pilot Wings and Wave Race revival.

This is too funny. A thread about where switch will end up Power wise and Soundwave is offended because people are discussing where it will end up Power wise.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 13 February 2024

To be fair zeldaring, you and Chrkeller are the posters that are obsessed with Switch 2 comparisons to PS5. Chrkeller was literally the first poster to even mention PS5 in this thread. That's exactly what Soundwave is talking about, you both literally ran into this thread to tell the world Switch 2 won't match PS5 like anyone seriously expects that. Again Chrkeller was the first poster to even mention PS5, that tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in this thread.

Phenomajp13 said:

To be fair zeldaring, you and Chrkeller are the posters that are obsessed with Switch 2 comparisons to PS5. Chrkeller was literally the first poster to even mention PS5 in this thread. That's exactly what Soundwave is talking about, you both literally ran into this thread to tell the world Switch 2 won't match PS5 like anyone seriously expects that. Again Chrkeller was the first poster to even mention PS5, that tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in this thread.

I'm not obsessed at all. I just made bet that it would not match series s and discussing  the topic at hand. Chrkeller is a huge Nintendo fan that just wants people to manage expectations.

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zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

To be fair zeldaring, you and Chrkeller are the posters that are obsessed with Switch 2 comparisons to PS5. Chrkeller was literally the first poster to even mention PS5 in this thread. That's exactly what Soundwave is talking about, you both literally ran into this thread to tell the world Switch 2 won't match PS5 like anyone seriously expects that. Again Chrkeller was the first poster to even mention PS5, that tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in this thread.

I'm not obsessed at all. I just made bet that it would not match series s and discussing  the topic at hand. Chrkeller is a huge Nintendo fan that just wants people to manage expectations.

Huge Nintendo fan that is parroting something that really only he mentioned and the poll literally shows hardly anyone is expecting, yet you two aren't obsessed? Sure bud, you literally mentioned in this thread about how right you are going to be about Mario Wonder (which you wont) and Switch 2 hardware being weaker than series S (which literally has a poll showing most people expect ps4/ps4 pro). Like seriously you are both clearly obsessed and are just trying to argue with someone.

What I want to see is what Monolith can do on Switch 2. Xenoblade 4 or new IP. They know how to squeeze all the juice they can from hardware.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Phenomajp13 said:

To be fair zeldaring, you and Chrkeller are the posters that are obsessed with Switch 2 comparisons to PS5. Chrkeller was literally the first poster to even mention PS5 in this thread. That's exactly what Soundwave is talking about, you both literally ran into this thread to tell the world Switch 2 won't match PS5 like anyone seriously expects that. Again Chrkeller was the first poster to even mention PS5, that tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in this thread.

How was I the first poster to mention the ps5 when the OP has the ps5 listed in the poll?  

Nothing I posted was ever off topic from the OP.  What about my first post is problematic?  

"Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious."

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 13 February 2024

Chrkeller said:
Phenomajp13 said:

To be fair zeldaring, you and Chrkeller are the posters that are obsessed with Switch 2 comparisons to PS5. Chrkeller was literally the first poster to even mention PS5 in this thread. That's exactly what Soundwave is talking about, you both literally ran into this thread to tell the world Switch 2 won't match PS5 like anyone seriously expects that. Again Chrkeller was the first poster to even mention PS5, that tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in this thread.

How was I the first poster to mention the ps5 when the OP has the ps5 listed in the poll?  

Nothing I posted was ever off topic from the OP.  What about my first post is problematic?  

"Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious."

Several platforms were mentioned in the poll, it's a poll. Its an unreleased platform so we dont know where it will land. It's clearly not a popular option. Yet you felt the need to obsess over the comparison? You have more than just that post comparing to PS5, you have several. Just looking through the thread, you have been completely obsessed with letting the thread know PS5 is more powerful and then Soundwave correctly calls out the obsession with PS5 comparisons and you act like so many people here saying that when clearly the poll results show no one expects that. No one even brings it up but you. The simple fact is, you are the one pushing the comparison to PS5.

Edit: I think your biggest gripe in this thread has been anyone that says beyond PS4 or PS4 Pro led you to believe means equals PS5 and then just became obsessed with convincing everyone it won't match PS5 when literally no one is arguing that. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 13 February 2024

Phenomajp13 said:
Chrkeller said:

How was I the first poster to mention the ps5 when the OP has the ps5 listed in the poll?  

Nothing I posted was ever off topic from the OP.  What about my first post is problematic?  

"Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious."

Several platforms were mentioned in the poll, it's a poll. Its an unreleased platform so we dont know where it will land. It's clearly not a popular option. Yet you felt the need to obsess over the comparison? You have more than just that post comparing to PS5, you have several. Just looking through the thread, you have been completely obsessed with letting the thread know PS5 is more powerful and then Soundwave correctly calls out the obsession with PS5 comparisons and you act like so many people here saying that when clearly the poll results show no one expects that. No one even brings it up but you. The simple fact is, you are the one pushing the comparison to PS5.

Edit: I think your biggest gripe in this thread has been anyone that says beyond PS4 or PS4 Pro led you to believe means equals PS5 and then just became obsessed with convincing everyone it won't match PS5 when literally no one is arguing that. 

The reality is ps4 to ps4 pro.