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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Runoff, 2002, Game of the Year


2002, Game of the Year Runoff

Kingdom Hearts 9 16.07%
The Wind Waker 14 25.00%
Metroid Prime 22 39.29%
Battlefield 1942 3 5.36%
Eternal Darkness 4 7.14%
Resident Evil (REmake) 4 7.14%

Resident Evil Remake.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

This looks like its going to be another year with a runoff vote. I think in previous years, Nintendo fans often agreed what the top Nintendo game was in any given year, so there were fewer runoff votes. Nintendo fans are basically doing that for 2002 as well. But PS2 fans have a lot more variety in their tastes and so we are getting a lot of "Other" votes. Even GTA doesn't get the type of universal agreement that a Nintendo game often gets. The PS2's main strength is that it had a huge variety in its game library.

But what that all means for me is a whole lot of runoff votes LOL.

Sorry if I’m being dense, but why would a run-off be necessary if one game earns more votes than all “others” combined?

Voting for Wind Waker, bought a console for that, never bought anything else for that console.

But KHs was amazing, it's a shame the story of the series has gone nuts.

FFX came out this year for us UKers, plus Getaway was real good (so odd to think that Getaway came out and it had no hud, hp was your characters stance, had cover based shooting before it was all the rage and literally mapped out a part of London to take place in)

EDIT: Surprised at the current winner.

Hmm, pie.

Oh gee, Time Splitters 2 came out that year as well?
Glad I didn’t notice that. I might have been struck by voter paralysis.
It’s the game I’m always most likely to go back to.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

This looks like its going to be another year with a runoff vote. I think in previous years, Nintendo fans often agreed what the top Nintendo game was in any given year, so there were fewer runoff votes. Nintendo fans are basically doing that for 2002 as well. But PS2 fans have a lot more variety in their tastes and so we are getting a lot of "Other" votes. Even GTA doesn't get the type of universal agreement that a Nintendo game often gets. The PS2's main strength is that it had a huge variety in its game library.

But what that all means for me is a whole lot of runoff votes LOL.

Sorry if I’m being dense, but why would a run-off be necessary if one game earns more votes than all “others” combined?

In the past "Other" has gotten 2nd place, and then one of the "Other" games ended up winning in the runoff.  For example this happened with Phantasy Star in 1987. 

Being one of the 9 games in the poll is an advantage.  So, if there are enough "Other" votes, then a different game needs to have a chance at winning.  This has already happened enough in past polls to show that 2nd place is the right amount for "Other" to cause a runoff.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Sorry if I’m being dense, but why would a run-off be necessary if one game earns more votes than all “others” combined?

In the past "Other" has gotten 2nd place, and then one of the "Other" games ended up winning in the runoff.  For example this happened with Phantasy Star in 1987. 

Being one of the 9 games in the poll is an advantage.  So, if there are enough "Other" votes, then a different game needs to have a chance at winning.  This has already happened enough in past polls to show that 2nd place is the right amount for "Other" to cause a runoff.

Makes sense! Thanks!

It has to be said that Mario Sunshine on 2 votes is really telling. 3D Mario platformers are some of the best games of all time, but while Sunshine is still a good game, it certainly doesn't live up to the likes of 64 or Galaxy

So I know I already named my picks for 2002 and all, but I didn't really mention anything about The Wind Waker beyond its place on my list before and I feel like it deserves more than that. The Wind Waker is in sort of a three-way tie with Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild for the status of my favorite mainline Legend of Zelda game. That wasn't the experience I was anticipating at the time of launch. Like so many others, I rolled my eyes as the Saturday morning cartoony cel-shaded graphics and the revelation that you'd once again play as child Link the entire time. Many gamers at the time felt like Nintendo was sort of infantilizing the franchise to greater degrees over time. Looking back at it now though, that was a terribly premature judgment call! It was very inaccurate vis-a-vis Majora's Mask and inaccurate once more with The Wind Waker.

The bright colors of The Wind Waker betray the reality of its desolate, post-apocalyptic setting. The game features a more complicated and sympathetic version of Ganondorf, a potent environmental message, powerful themes centering on the necessity of hope in the form of generational change, and a soberingly honest conclusion that wraps up with an apology. And also the most impulsively fun and heroic role for Zelda...


...herself in any mainline console entry in the franchise. This is my favorite version of Zelda, seriously. She needed more of a role in what was ostensibly her own franchise, especially after being completely absent. And those Saturday morning cartoon aesthetics? They turn out to have a countervailing magic to the degraded setting that emphasizes the aforementioned theme of hope so central to the whole experience. While it's not an overbearing presence or anything, The Wind Waker's narrative I think might be my favorite storyline in the Legend of Zelda franchise. Just thought I'd mention since we have so many Legend of Zelda fans here!

Last edited by Jaicee - on 01 November 2023

Such a good year with Kingdom Hearts 1, GTA Vice City, Pokemon 3rd gen and Super Mario Sunshine.

My vote goes to KH1.

Ok, there is going to be a runoff vote for 2002. Give me a little while and I'll reset the poll.