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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1999, (Runoff) Game of the Year


1999, Game of the Year (Runoff)

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal 10 19.23%
Final Fantasy VIII 11 21.15%
Super Smash Bros 11 21.15%
Age of Empires II 14 26.92%
Homeworld 1 1.92%
Gran Turismo 2 1 1.92%
Resident Evil 3 4 7.69%

I would have said Soul Calibur because of the Dreamcast version, but the arcade version came out in 1998, so I guess it's out official contention.

Honest, out all the games that had their initial release in 1999, nothing would come close to even being in my Top 100. Outside of playing Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast (I was at Walmart early on 9/9/99 to get a DC), nothing else really stood out to me as far as new releases.

Last edited by Shadow1980 - on 16 October 2023


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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SvennoJ said:


Command & Conquer kept going strong as well with Tiberian Sun


It got me super addicted to making the best park ever with intertwining rides and synchronized roller coasters. It's also the first game I uploaded save games from to share and downloaded other people's creations. I wish I could find that site again (likely gone) as I lost my save games in a HDD failure. I miss my perfect park lol, only lives on in my memories now. Just like Transport Tycoon you could adjust the terrain to fit to your park to make it all look even better.


Ah, seems I indeed forgot about C&C Tiberian Sun. During this age I played a fair bit of C&C. First the original, then Red Alert and Tiberian Sun. Also played Generals a little later which was different but still fun. None will still be on my favourites list, but Tiberian Sun deserved a mention at least.

Bold about RCT: Might be this site; It's where I used to get my custom stuff. Though I'm unsure whether or not this actually has RCT1 stuff, or if it's all RCT2. It definitely not dead though. Then there's also this post at the OpenRCT website, with links to custom content. Haven't checked all the links, some seem to be dead, plus it might again also be just RCT2 and RCT3. RCT2 really replaced RCT1.

SvennoJ said:


That's the first screenshot I have with Shazzon in the text chat, who I have been married to now for 19 happy years. Yep all that down time had people chat a lot and you got to know each other really well while playing the game. Also the game was played by a lot of girls and couples, it was a very social game. My wife started the game in Butcherblock mountains, opposite side of the world. She took the boat to Freeport around at the same time I as I ended up there which made us meet up in the Commonlands. We started chatting, sharing our life stories and gradually fell in love.


Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning this in the Top 50 thread some year. I agree with BraLoD, it's a great story and pretty much the dream to meet your significant other with and through your hobby.

Another amazing year.
Between Alpha Centauri, Age of Empires II, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Jagged Alliance II, The Longest Journey, Homeworld, Outcast, Might and Magic VII and many others it is hard to pick one.

But one game really stood out for me that year, Planescape: Torment, for not many games ask you "What can change the nature of the man?".

Also, 1999 was the year that first Quantic Dream's game, Omikron: The Nomad Soul, released. While flawed in some ways, it was quite ahead of its time, and it's still one of my favourite games to this day. David Bowie is also always a plus for a game to have in its cast and to feature some of his songs.

Shadow1980 said:

I would have said Soul Calibur because of the Dreamcast version, but the arcade version came out in 1998, so I guess it's out official contention.

Honest, out all the games that had their initial release in 1999, nothing would come close to even being in my Top 100. Outside of playing Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast (I was at Walmart early on 9/9/99 to get a DC), nothing else really stood out to me as far as new releases.

I see that you're partial to the Dreamcast... no love for Shenmue, Power Stone, or Crazy Taxi?

I start with my game of year which is Unreal Tournament. This was the first game I played heavily with friends in LAN parties and I still consider to one of the greatest PvP FPS ever. The speed of play and controls are just perfect for what I want out of a competitive fps.

I also use to play this game in school during my senior year of high school. During my last year of high school, I was bussed to a tech school for half the day where they had a CISCO program that trained us to take the CCNA Test. As you would imagine from a class full of people that sign up to learn networking it did not take us long to figure out how to LAN our computers together. Great memories playing unreal tournament in class with added challenge of if teacher started walking around class room to exist out fast. Great times.

Some of my other favorite games from this year are
Planescape: Torment – Might not be as high up there on my list of wrpg when it come to game play but from a experience/story stand point it one of the greatest wrpgs ever made.

There was also a few great JRPGs this year
Valkyrie Profile being the best of them and probably favorite PlayStation game release this year.

Followed by Legend of Dragoon

Finally Wild Arms 2 which I do not think I seen mention yet, I had a ton of fun playing this game. The only real issue with Wild Arms 2 is the US PS1 launch localization was fairly bad.

Finally a game I actually completely forgotten about till this thread but I did spent plenty of hours in during the early 2000’s Roller coaster Tycoon.

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Dreamcaster999 said:

I see that you're partial to the Dreamcast... no love for Shenmue, Power Stone, or Crazy Taxi?

Actually, I only ever owned SC and Sonic Adventure. Money was real tight back in 1999/2000, and I had to save up for a while to get the DC and those two games, despite it only being $300 total. By time I had any appreciable amount money to spend on myself, the DC had been discontinued. Also, Gen 6 marks the point where I really started to reduce my spending on video games as I had lost a lot of interest in the medium by the early 00s. I bought at most a dozen games across all of Gen 6, and I don't recall spending a dime on video games for all of 2000. For the first half of the 00s, most of my interest was focused on anime, and most of what little spending money I had went to anime DVDs. I didn't really start to regain a major interest in gaming until the 360 was released.


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

S.Peelman said:

Ah, seems I indeed forgot about C&C Tiberian Sun. During this age I played a fair bit of C&C. First the original, then Red Alert and Tiberian Sun. Also played Generals a little later which was different but still fun. None will still be on my favourites list, but Tiberian Sun deserved a mention at least.

Bold about RCT: Might be this site; It's where I used to get my custom stuff. Though I'm unsure whether or not this actually has RCT1 stuff, or if it's all RCT2. It definitely not dead though. Then there's also this post at the OpenRCT website, with links to custom content. Haven't checked all the links, some seem to be dead, plus it might again also be just RCT2 and RCT3. RCT2 really replaced RCT1.

Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning this in the Top 50 thread some year. I agree with BraLoD, it's a great story and pretty much the dream to meet your significant other with and through your hobby.

Great links, nedesigns actually goes all the way back to uploads from 2000. I don't see mine though, and don't recognize the site. Yeah RCT2 was everything RCT was and more. I switched to RCT2 as well and made more parks there. So many cool parks there, itching to play again lol. I never got into RCT3, isometric view just works better for these kind of games. It also ran horribly in 2004 and looked worse compared to RCT2. Modern screenshots of the complete edition look a lot better and it should run fine nowadays as well. Maybe worth to give that another shot.

And yep, video games basically shaped my life. First they got me interested in programming, then Duke Nukem 3D landed me my job, then Everquest changed my life. From Qeynos to Greater Faydark in game, from Amsterdam to Canada in real life. And continued on in WoW as Bromir and Trinket. (Until the arrival of kids changed our lives again)

At first glance, it didn't seem like a great year (only a solid one). However, reading some of the posts here, there are actually some very notable releases: FreeSpace 2, Jagged Alliance 2, Crash Team Racing, Age of Empires II, among others... I should probably vote for Heroes of Might and Magic III, but since I haven't played it (yet!), I'll go against my better judgement and vote for FreeSpace 2 instead. There seems to be a surprisingly strong case for HoMM3, but I can't bring myself to vote for it since I haven't played it (the same goes for Jagged Alliance 2), and while I love Crash Team Racing, I don't think it's as significant a release as FreeSpace 2 was (it's still very highly regarded in its genre, more so that CTR, I think).

Looks like Other is taking the win this round, outpacing the lumped together Pokemons :p
(Btw didn't Pokemon Crystal release in 2000? December 2000 even)
It's going to be hard to reshuffle the poll!

Weak year compared to previous years. Going RE3.