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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1993, Game of the Year


1993, Game of the Year

Mortal Kombat II 6 7.50%
Doom 24 30.00%
Myst 2 2.50%
SimCity 2000 6 7.50%
Link's Awakening 11 13.75%
Phantasy Star IV 3 3.75%
Mega Man X 10 12.50%
Secret of Mana 10 12.50%
Starfox 1 1.25%
Other (please specify) 7 8.75%
SvennoJ said:
Dreamcaster999 said:

I definitely agree that they're great years, but really FF7 and OoT are gonna sweep the votes

Likely yep, and SM64 '96, DK64 '99 :/ Looks like Doom will be the only 'PC' game in the GotD poll. Thanks to being ported to every console in existence.
Shenmue might stand a chance in '99. Maybe Driver gets a few votes as the precursor to GTA3. And again too much stuff on PC to rally behind one or two titles.

I think Pokémon Gold/Silver has a better chance to win 1999.

As for PC games, I still believe StarCraft will have a good showing in the 1998 thread.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
SvennoJ said:

Likely yep, and SM64 '96, DK64 '99 :/ Looks like Doom will be the only 'PC' game in the GotD poll. Thanks to being ported to every console in existence.
Shenmue might stand a chance in '99. Maybe Driver gets a few votes as the precursor to GTA3. And again too much stuff on PC to rally behind one or two titles.

I think Pokémon Gold/Silver has a better chance to win 1999.

As for PC games, I still believe StarCraft will have a good showing in the 1998 thread.

Ah yeah Pokemon. Another series I never got into although I did play the Go version for a bit to see what it was all about with over a billion downloads now.

Starcraft will have to share the spot light with Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Grim Fandango, Fallout 2, Unreal, Thief: The Dark Project and more.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 09 October 2023

Back then, if you asked me this question, I would have definitely said Mk2, but today I have to go with Megaman X. I can go play somo MX right now.

Dreamcaster999 said:
S.Peelman said:

1998 has so many good games it's almost unfair to just have one poll.

The best year in gaming ever without a doubt. And 1997 isn't far behind actually. Those years are going to be a battleground.

I definitely agree that they're great years, but really FF7 and OoT are gonna sweep the votes

Baldur's Gate might be a stiff competition though

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Dreamcaster999 said:

I definitely agree that they're great years, but really FF7 and OoT are gonna sweep the votes

Baldur's Gate might be a stiff competition though

Nah, Fallout II is much better game than BG1, even if we're talking about just CRPG genre in 1998, let alone the fact that PC had so many great games that year,  so votes will be divided all over the place (in addition to those two, Half-Life, Starcraft, Grim Fandango, Thief: Dark Project, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines...).

On the other hand, most Nintendo gamers will probably vote for Ocarina, with some odd Rouge Squadron vote.