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Forums - Sales Discussion - Clash of the October 20th titans: Which will sell more, Mario Wonder or Spiderman 2?


Which will sell more?

Super Mario Bros Wonder 125 84.46%
Spiderman 2 23 15.54%

I could be extremely wrong, but I feel like Mario Wonder sales are being damaged due to the fact that it was launched very late on Nintendo Switch. At least in Japan, sales of the game are already declining, and I don't see how it could have a boost. I don't know how is the situation in the rest of the world. Could be better or worse, we'll have to wait.

Spider-Man 2 on the other hand, released when the PS5 was 3 years old, and the system sales are growing, so more people will buy Playstation 5, and get the game. What could hurt its sales is a PC port. That's why I thought Spider-Man 2 could beat Mario Wonder in the long term.

But who knows.

TL;DR: Palworld will beat both games.

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PotentHerbs said:

Mario Wonder may end up winning this in the long run, but it definitely underperformed relative to many predictions in here.

A lot of people want to dunk on zeldaring, but his prediction is not as egregious as some predicting Wonder to outsell SpiderMan 2's lifetime in a single quarter lol.

What a ridiculous post, but since Mario is officially kicking Spidermans teeth in of course this is what you pull. It's underperforming because a few people predicted a larger launch quarter? Some predicted Spiderman to win this, did Spiderman underperform then? Zeldaring predicted a 20 million lifetime if I'm not mistaken, 2D Mario games are known for legs, that prediction looks dumb. As well as your attempt to take a jab at Mario after smoking Spiderman. Mario will win this, so deal with it.

Phenomajp13 said:
PotentHerbs said:

Mario Wonder may end up winning this in the long run, but it definitely underperformed relative to many predictions in here.

A lot of people want to dunk on zeldaring, but his prediction is not as egregious as some predicting Wonder to outsell SpiderMan 2's lifetime in a single quarter lol.

What a ridiculous post, but since Mario is officially kicking Spidermans teeth in of course this is what you pull. It's underperforming because a few people predicted a larger launch quarter? Some predicted Spiderman to win this, did Spiderman underperform then? Zeldaring predicted a 20 million lifetime if I'm not mistaken, 2D Mario games are known for legs, that prediction looks dumb. As well as your attempt to take a jab at Mario after smoking Spiderman. Mario will win this, so deal with it.

Lol it's the end of Switch's life cycle games will have shorter legs just look at tears of the kingdom, and no real proof mario wonder is kicking spiderman ass they seem pretty close and I expect spiderman to ahead by 1 million at this point.  Also people seem to forget that Mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward on wii came out late in wii life cycle and sold much worse then the prequels . Mario wonder  legs will depend on how strong switch remains this year, and I don't expect switch to keep going strong.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 28 January 2024

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

What a ridiculous post, but since Mario is officially kicking Spidermans teeth in of course this is what you pull. It's underperforming because a few people predicted a larger launch quarter? Some predicted Spiderman to win this, did Spiderman underperform then? Zeldaring predicted a 20 million lifetime if I'm not mistaken, 2D Mario games are known for legs, that prediction looks dumb. As well as your attempt to take a jab at Mario after smoking Spiderman. Mario will win this, so deal with it.

Lol it's the end of Switch's life cycle games will have shorter legs just look at tears of the kingdom, and no real proof mario wonder is kicking spiderman ass they seem pretty close and I expect spiderman to ahead by 1 million at this point.  Also people seem to forget that Mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward on wii came out late in wii life cycle and sold much worse then the prequels . Mario wonder  legs will depend on how strong switch remains this year, and I don't expect switch to keep going strong.

Wii and Switch have nothing in common, Wonder is also nothing like Galaxy. Switch and Wonder are far bigger successes than Wii and Galaxy. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty confident Wonder will possibly exceed Mario Galaxy sells its opening quarter and if course Wii was annilihated by Switch. So your examples are insanely bad. Other Mario games had better legs on Wii than Galaxy. I think most people here would rather compare the legs of Wonder to NSMB Wii or MK Wii instead of Galaxy because Wonder should be much higher than Galaxy but maybe not as high as NSMB Wii or MK Wii but we will see.

Phenomajp13 said:

What a ridiculous post, but since Mario is officially kicking Spidermans teeth in of course this is what you pull. It's underperforming because a few people predicted a larger launch quarter? Some predicted Spiderman to win this, did Spiderman underperform then? Zeldaring predicted a 20 million lifetime if I'm not mistaken, 2D Mario games are known for legs, that prediction looks dumb. As well as your attempt to take a jab at Mario after smoking Spiderman. Mario will win this, so deal with it.

Why don't you actually read my prediction in this thread before acting all emotional? I predicted Mario Wonder to win first week + lifetime. But oh wait, its all a rouse, and I'm trying to save face! What a laughable response. 

Like I said, zeldaring predicting 20M lifetime for Wonder may be a lowball, but its not the most egregious post in here. A few were expecting 15M - 20M units sold in this quarter for Wonder based on early thread sentiment. Some expected Mario Wonder to win first week as well as lifetime. Some expected Mario Wonder to outsell SpiderMan 2's lifetime in one quarter. Some expected Wonder to win because they didn't expect SpiderMan 2 to sell over 20M lifetime on just the PS5. That's what I meant by underperforming relative to many predictions in here. Understand?

Getting all worked up before official numbers are even announced too lol. Would it make you feel better if I revised my original lifetime prediction of 40M - 50M for Mario Wonder to 200M+? Don't worry, SpiderMan 2 sales won't hurt you anymore, Mario will make sure of it! 

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Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

Lol it's the end of Switch's life cycle games will have shorter legs just look at tears of the kingdom, and no real proof mario wonder is kicking spiderman ass they seem pretty close and I expect spiderman to ahead by 1 million at this point.  Also people seem to forget that Mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward on wii came out late in wii life cycle and sold much worse then the prequels . Mario wonder  legs will depend on how strong switch remains this year, and I don't expect switch to keep going strong.

Wii and Switch have nothing in common, Wonder is also nothing like Galaxy. Switch and Wonder are far bigger successes than Wii and Galaxy. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty confident Wonder will possibly exceed Mario Galaxy sells its opening quarter and if course Wii was annilihated by Switch. So your examples are insanely bad. Other Mario games had better legs on Wii than Galaxy. I think most people here would rather compare the legs of Wonder to NSMB Wii or MK Wii instead of Galaxy because Wonder should be much higher than Galaxy but maybe not as high as NSMB Wii or MK Wii but we will see.

My examples was comparing zelda ttp and mario galaxy to their sequels despite have a much bigger user base mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward sword because they came at the end of the life cycle.

PotentHerbs said:
Phenomajp13 said:

What a ridiculous post, but since Mario is officially kicking Spidermans teeth in of course this is what you pull. It's underperforming because a few people predicted a larger launch quarter? Some predicted Spiderman to win this, did Spiderman underperform then? Zeldaring predicted a 20 million lifetime if I'm not mistaken, 2D Mario games are known for legs, that prediction looks dumb. As well as your attempt to take a jab at Mario after smoking Spiderman. Mario will win this, so deal with it.

Why don't you actually read my prediction in this thread before acting all emotional? I predicted Mario Wonder to win first week + lifetime. But oh wait, its all a rouse, and I'm trying to save face! What a laughable response. 

Like I said, zeldaring predicting 20M lifetime for Wonder may be a lowball, but its not the most egregious post in here. A few were expecting 15M - 20M units sold in this quarter for Wonder based on early thread sentiment. Some expected Mario Wonder to win first week as well as lifetime. Some expected Mario Wonder to outsell SpiderMan 2's lifetime in one quarter. Some expected Wonder to win because they didn't expect SpiderMan 2 to sell over 20M lifetime on just the PS5. That's what I meant by underperforming relative to many predictions in here. Understand?

Getting all worked up before official numbers are even announced too lol. Would it make you feel better if I revised my original lifetime prediction of 40M - 50M for Mario Wonder to 200M+? Don't worry, SpiderMan 2 sales won't hurt you anymore, Mario will make sure of it! 

Not a single mention in your post of anyone predicting Spiderman 2 to outsell Mario, you are so caught up in this that you don't even care to acknowledge those predictions. That's why its obvious what you are trying to do. You are so hurt its pathetic, there were plenty of people that made those prescriptions yet you ignore them because you want to so badly to make Mario sound bad because of the likely turnout. So again, did Spiderman 2 underperform according to the many predictions of Spiderman 2 beating Mario? Stop cherrypicking specific Mario predictions to fuel your console warrior post.

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Wii and Switch have nothing in common, Wonder is also nothing like Galaxy. Switch and Wonder are far bigger successes than Wii and Galaxy. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty confident Wonder will possibly exceed Mario Galaxy sells its opening quarter and if course Wii was annilihated by Switch. So your examples are insanely bad. Other Mario games had better legs on Wii than Galaxy. I think most people here would rather compare the legs of Wonder to NSMB Wii or MK Wii instead of Galaxy because Wonder should be much higher than Galaxy but maybe not as high as NSMB Wii or MK Wii but we will see.

My examples was comparing zelda ttp and mario galaxy to their sequels despite have a much bigger user base mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward sword because they came at the end of the life cycle.

Except Wonder isn't a sequel to another game already on Switch.

Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

My examples was comparing zelda ttp and mario galaxy to their sequels despite have a much bigger user base mario galaxy 2 and zelda skyward sword because they came at the end of the life cycle.

Except Wonder isn't a sequel to another game already on Switch.

 Mario wonder is just continuation of 2d mario like skyward sword was a continuation of ttp

As for him for the other poster you replied to to hardly anyone said they would close most prediction had mario wonder at 35-40 million here lol.

zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Except Wonder isn't a sequel to another game already on Switch.

 Mario wonder is just continuation of 2d mario like skyward sword was a continuation of ttp

As for him for the other poster you replied to to hardly anyone said they would close most prediction had mario wonder at 35-40 million here lol.

Whats your point? Yes it's a continuation of 2D Mario but not a sequel to anything on Switch.

As for that other nonsense, you pulled that completely out your ass. The consensus was not 35 to 40 million. That's your problem, you lack the commonsense to realize you can't just take the most optimistic predictions and apply them to everyone, just because you are butthurt your pessimistic prediction has already blown up in your face. This is exactly why you and potent are doing this. You both are acting like everyone was so optimistic so you can claim your pessitimic nonsense was more accurate. Predictions for both games were all over the place, post people didn't even give numbers but instead just said Mario will win. You are one of the few that gave a figure which seemed pessitimic. Just because we thought your 20 million was pessitimic doesn't mean we are predicting 40 million lol, there are figures between a pessitimic 20 million and optimistic 40 million, how about 30 million lol.