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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apple iPhone 15 Pro Will Have Console Games (RE4R, RE Village, Assassin's Creed, DS)

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Honestly this theory was supposed to be why handhelds died lol and it actually made sense but a home console is a premium experience, and thats the main point ps5 is brick under the tv shuld there all the time and the main point. a ipad matching in ps5 specs for gaming is like 3k lol.

iPad and Macbook and potentially AppleTV will have M-series chips that match/exceed a Playstation 5 though down the line. That's what some people are not getting. 

It's not just about an iPhone version.

You'll buy the version on the Apple store sure ... and then it will work on all these devices because Apple hardware family is all related. It's like if you buy a game for PC it works on your PC and Steam Deck, right? 

But imagine you can get the high fidelity at home and then continue playing the game on the go right on your iPhone ... that's going to be fascinating to see how consumers react to that. 

I mean you also need the controller or be a proper handheld for game on the go and it just doesn't feel good. even the switch is not a good handheld cause of the stupid joyscon with little small face button i swear that thing is designed for baby hands, switch 2 better change that.

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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

iPad and Macbook and potentially AppleTV will have M-series chips that match/exceed a Playstation 5 though down the line. That's what some people are not getting. 

It's not just about an iPhone version.

You'll buy the version on the Apple store sure ... and then it will work on all these devices because Apple hardware family is all related. It's like if you buy a game for PC it works on your PC and Steam Deck, right? 

But imagine you can get the high fidelity at home and then continue playing the game on the go right on your iPhone ... that's going to be fascinating to see how consumers react to that. 

I mean you also need the controller or be a proper handheld for game on the go and it just doesn't feel good. even the switch is not a good handheld cause of the stupid joyscon with little small face button i swear that thing is designed for baby hands, switch 2 better change that.

I'd recommend one of these for that use case

They fit easily into a coat pocket or even pants pocket, and then I'd say get an iPhone case that has a kick stand and voila ... you got yourself a pretty mean little OLED screen gaming device that's easy to carry around. I have the SNES variant, use it to play PS5/XSX games on my PC all the time and it travels great if I want to bring my laptop of a plane trip or something. I think there is an XBox version that even has analog rear triggers. 

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

I mean you also need the controller or be a proper handheld for game on the go and it just doesn't feel good. even the switch is not a good handheld cause of the stupid joyscon with little small face button i swear that thing is designed for baby hands, switch 2 better change that.

I'd recommend one of these for that use case

They fit easily into a coat pocket or even pants pocket, and then I'd say get an iPhone case that has a kick stand and voila ... you got yourself a pretty mean little OLED screen gaming device that's easy to carry around. I have the SNES variant, use it to play PS5/XSX games on my PC all the time and it travels great if I want to bring my laptop of a plane trip or something. 

Thats a nice controller. i have a samsung 21 ultra and use ps5 controller its cool. played mario galaxy 1 and 2, and zelda a link between worlds. it was fun. vastly prefer playing on tv though lol.

gtotheunit91 said:

So far, it doesn't seem like Apple is making the same mistakes that Google did. Google created an entirely new ecosystem and invested heavily into cloud streaming only tech that required a monthly subscription, on top of still having to purchase each individual game. 

Apple on the other hand is just adding these games into their app store and have them play natively on the device. Adding them into an already established ecosystem of billions of they may be in this for the long haul if they're making all the right moves. As much as it pains us at the prospect. 

Yes, but by then it'll just be casuals vs core gamers and Apple fans, instead of them trying to earn everyone in a more open manner.

I know they'll be in it for the long game, it's Apple, but what I don't want to see is them just snapping up everything and going "buy our already expensive hw or get used to our OS". There's billions of us on the planet and not everyone likes Apple, otherwise we'd be living in an Apple dominated world, where there is no Liinux, no Windows OS or even console based ones.

I've never really liked Apple since after leaving High School, and ever since then I was able to just ignore them and their premium products, but this isn't something I can easily ignore for long, not when we already have holding companies like Embracer/Tencent snapping stuff up, and MS of course doing the same (others as well like Sony). It'll eventually reach a point where it'll be Mac OS vs Windows all over again, and I'd really love for us not to go back to that. Gaming is already fractured for me on PC as it is, I don't want a strong arming tactic to get me to use Mac OS, because I'd just quit gaming.

I already know that Bob Eiger was propping up Disney to be sold into parts, and wouldn't you know it of all times, Apple fancies buying some of Disney's parts as well, so that's another horrifying prospect to watch unfold in the coming years. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Seems that Apple is paying for this ports, can’t find specific confirmation.

But they do have the Apple one subscription, music, Apple TV, cloud and gaming.

If they start going very serious about gaming and start acquiring AAA studios, Gamepass will be extremely affected since Apple will offer a complete experience compared to MS.

And this will affect Nintendo and Sony as well.

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Interesting, MS wants xCloud on mobile, Apple goes for native ports. While most mobile phone gamers just want something to pass the time while waiting for something else or some low effort game while watching tv.

Anyway the battle for the mobile AAA gamer has started.

I think this is also going to answer the question of "why is Apple putting the M2 chip into iPads? Who even needs that much power, complete overkill for an iPad" ... well, if you want to run console style games, all of the sudden it starts to make a lot of sense why they were doing that. Think you will see at the next event that centers around iPad a big focus on games using an M3 chip. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 12 September 2023

Soundwave said:

I think this is also going to answer the question of "why is Apple putting the M2 chip into iPads? Who even needs that much power, complete overkill for an iPad" ... well, if you want to run console style games, all of the sudden it starts to make a lot of sense why they were doing that. Think you will see at the next event that centers around iPad a big focus on games using an M3 chip. 

Why do you think they make powerful gpu's? Obviously it has a market. They been making 3k MacBook for years lol basically there is a Market where people want the highest end MacBook or iPad 

If apple wants to compete make a powerful home console and let me see some games. They have nothing like the last of us, Spiderman, gow, uncharted and Ghosts of tsushima. Saying people don't buy consoles for those games is just dumb. Literally each one of those games  is selling 20 million copies.

They were showing 2k console games playing on iPad a few years ago. If the selling point is still "almost as good as a console!" which is the oldest one in the book for handheld/mobile gaming. Then the bar is still consoles. Apple fans will buy anything even a $1000 stump for a monitor lol . The rest of us are sticking with cheaper and/or better ways to play PC/Consoles.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!