zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:
You're doing the same shit in multiple threads. By the way no one fucking cares that you are 60 fps or bust, or high settings or bust (but can't afford a PC or doesn't have a PC). Your gaming preferences aren't special. You don't need to reiterate to everyone that a game must be 60 fps like an 8 year old would.
If you don't have any intention of discussing a topic in good faith and have game interests that aren't about the topic at hand, then just leave the topic.
Otherwise it's like having a person on a bus who's just constantly ripping farts and stinking up the entire place, it's not pleasant for anyone.
Does this board not have a Sony section? Or are they not giving you any attention in there?
LOL i can afford pc but no real need for i'm with what ps5 delivers, and will probably sell my ps5 and up grade to a pro. anyway i see you can't discuss anything like adult so yea i'll stay out of your delusional threads and i'll be back to laugh when it's 8NM and you cry in your corner.
lulz I can do without this board for months at a time (and thanks for reminding me why I do that) so chances are I won't be here because I have a life, but sure, please do cling to that moment, from the way you describe it I'm sure if it happens it will be a real highlight of your year. Not gonna break down what that probably says about you, but you can take a guess.
I don't have a stick up my ass about gaming tech either, the game I've played the most this year thus far is probably F-Zero 99 which has SNES graphics, so oh noez, a Switch that's only a PS4 or better on the low end. How will I ever manage.
And thanks for stating you will stay out of the threads I do post. That should extend to your alt accounts also. I think that will be appreciated by everyone involved.