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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor - Nintendo to join the VR industry?

OneTime said:

Sounds fake to me. VR is expensive and not portable. It doesn't fit into Nintendo's offerings in an obvious way.

If anything, Nintendo should be reducing hardware prices... Towards the end of its life, the NES was $85 with two controllers.

 Well it's not the early 90s anymore and Switch already dabbled in VR. Not jus Labo but Mario Odyssey and BOTW support Switch VR goggles

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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High frame rate and resolution is required for VR, seems on line to the expected specs of switch 2.
Also, if they keep forward the multiples ways to play design choice (handheld, tabletop, TV) VR could be one of them, is on line on the design of the switch and expands it.
I think it makes sense.
Just dont build the console around it. Give it as option to this niche.

Leynos said:

Wow! Blast from the past!

Hynad said:
Kyuu said:

VR is amazing. But the nausea, motion sickness, and disorientation that come with it are not. My opinion on VR changed for the worse after getting PSVR2.

For a lot of people, VR's main problem is not something that advanced technology can solve. Being "too immersive" is a double-edged sword that may -at least initially- do unpleasant things to your mind. If you have the patience to torture yourself and train your mind, then you are in for something truly incredible.

Myself and a couple of friends who tried my PSVR2 felt the same way. A few minutes in RE7 and GT7 VR fucked me up. For two whole days, I pretty much felt like "Rayman"... my limbs didn't feel right anymore, as if they were detached and didn't really belong to me. If I hadn't done some research and prepared myself for the worst, I would have freaked out.

I still think VR has a place in the future, and I'm sure Nintendo will experiment with it and do incredible things. But I don't know if it'll ever truly be mainstream, precisely because it's too immersive for its own good.

It’s not for everyone, and some people experience what you did, but not everyone. Probably not even a majority of users.

VR gives me none of those issues, luckily enough.

Right, but I think a large number of gamers might have trouble adapting. They will adapt if they commit and follow certain guidelines but it takes some effort. I'm glad you didn't go through that.

the-pi-guy said:

Kyuu said:

Was this something that you had the first time? Did you try VR again after that? 

I remember the first time that I spent like 30 minutes in VR, I remember that feeling weird like you described for several hours I think.

But that was the only time I had that experience. 

It didn't help that I played (for over a week, up to an hour daily) during the hotter days in summer (Australia). I adapted somewhat, but some days were just randomly worse than others. And before long, my mind started associating VR more with nausea than enjoyment or immersion. "Rayman" stopped being a thing by the 3rd or 4th day though.

Norion said:

Nintendo could do really cool stuff with VR so I'd like this to be true.

Kyuu said:

Huh I have never heard of that side effect before. Did you have any trouble using your limbs for those couple days or was it just a weird feeling?

It's mostly just my arms but I didn't have any trouble using them. To a certain degree, it felt like I was controlling somebody else's arms. My elbow didn't feel like it was located in the right position and the proportions weren't right. I suspect it's because Ethan Winters in VR has smaller arms than mine, and my mind was sort of telling me to go back to RE8 where my real body is lol.

The other major problem is nausea/motion sickness. Like... just the act of slowly walking initially gave me a strong sense of vertigo, it was crazy. I adapted to it to an extent, but the moment I was surrounded by werewolves (days later), it was too much to bear.

They're definitely joining the VR industry but I read somewhere that, in order to cut costs, it will only produce images in black and red.

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Leynos said:

VR stinks. AR stinks. 3D stinks. No thanks. Nintendo can't help themselves with extra bullshit but nah. A more powerful Switch with DLSS and b/c all we need.


Kyuu said:
Norion said:

Huh I have never heard of that side effect before. Did you have any trouble using your limbs for those couple days or was it just a weird feeling?

It's mostly just my arms but I didn't have any trouble using them. To a certain degree, it felt like I was controlling somebody else's arms. My elbow didn't feel like it was located in the right position and the proportions weren't right. I suspect it's because Ethan Winters in VR has smaller arms than mine, and my mind was sort of telling me to go back to RE8 where my real body is lol.

The other major problem is nausea/motion sickness. Like... just the act of slowly walking initially gave me a strong sense of vertigo, it was crazy. I adapted to it to an extent, but the moment I was surrounded by werewolves (days later), it was too much to bear.

It's hard to imagine that feeling. All I can think of is waking up someday and seeing that your arms have been replaced with smaller ones and how strange that would feel. I guess this is a reason why it's common in VR to not give the player character arms and instead have floating hands.

Norion said:

It's hard to imagine that feeling. All I can think of is waking up someday and seeing that your arms have been replaced with smaller ones and how strange that would feel. I guess this is a reason why it's common in VR to not give the player character arms and instead have floating hands.

The reason why you don't give your character arms, is because arms aren't tracked. The controller gets tracked so it's pretty easy to know what your hands are doing. You can do some math to figure out where your arms probably are, but it might be wrong. 

The brain is pretty good at ignoring that you have no arms, it's not as good at ignoring that your arms are in the wrong spot. 

I feel like if they wanted to get into it by now they would have figured something out. I feel like the hype around VR died and there was no real interested for PSVR2 and it is underperforming atm.

the-pi-guy said:

Norion said:

It's hard to imagine that feeling. All I can think of is waking up someday and seeing that your arms have been replaced with smaller ones and how strange that would feel. I guess this is a reason why it's common in VR to not give the player character arms and instead have floating hands.

The reason why you don't give your character arms, is because arms aren't tracked. The controller gets tracked so it's pretty easy to know what your hands are doing. You can do some math to figure out where your arms probably are, but it might be wrong. 

The brain is pretty good at ignoring that you have no arms, it's not as good at ignoring that your arms are in the wrong spot. 

Yeah I know about that part of it. I was wondering if that might also be a factor in why it's done that way to avoid that strange sensation.