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Kyuu said:
Norion said:

Huh I have never heard of that side effect before. Did you have any trouble using your limbs for those couple days or was it just a weird feeling?

It's mostly just my arms but I didn't have any trouble using them. To a certain degree, it felt like I was controlling somebody else's arms. My elbow didn't feel like it was located in the right position and the proportions weren't right. I suspect it's because Ethan Winters in VR has smaller arms than mine, and my mind was sort of telling me to go back to RE8 where my real body is lol.

The other major problem is nausea/motion sickness. Like... just the act of slowly walking initially gave me a strong sense of vertigo, it was crazy. I adapted to it to an extent, but the moment I was surrounded by werewolves (days later), it was too much to bear.

It's hard to imagine that feeling. All I can think of is waking up someday and seeing that your arms have been replaced with smaller ones and how strange that would feel. I guess this is a reason why it's common in VR to not give the player character arms and instead have floating hands.