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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Switch 2 has 12GB RAM and 512GB internal storage


These specs would be...

better than I've expected 33 66.00%
about what I've expected 14 28.00%
worse than I've expected 3 6.00%
Leynos said:

Why should I give a fuck what Apple does?

You don't want to play RE4 in 720p 30 fps on a 5 inch screen with touch controls?  Don't be such an elitist!


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Around the Network
Chrkeller said:
Leynos said:

Why should I give a fuck what Apple does?

You don't want to play RE4 in 720p 30 fps on a 5 inch screen with touch controls?  Don't be such an elitist!

Watch for iPads to run PS5 tier graphics soon enough. With an OLED display too? Mama mia. And these iPhones will gain in performance every year. 

The M1-M2 chips are legit, M3 is gonna be crazy. Apple's silicon is amazing and they get access to the best node processes over anyone (Sony is not even on the radar). 3nm is theirs for now. 

I think this is going to be a turning point for the industry more than people think.

Also great for Mac gaming in general, think lots of devs will make games for Apple silicon and now they know they can scale all the way from a Macbook Pro to an iPhone as they all use the same family of processors (ie: Death Stranding was announced for M1 Macs, but it today was also announced for iPhone because it's likely the same version just scaled in settings). 

Dumping x86 while I was skeptical about it at first was the best thing Apple ever did. 

No, it won't. Unless they can offer it at the same price as Switch and not be restricted to Apple. Being more powerful than a Nintendo product has been the same strategy since the Atari Lynx. It has never beaten Nintendo.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

You don't want to play RE4 in 720p 30 fps on a 5 inch screen with touch controls?  Don't be such an elitist!

Watch for iPads to run PS5 tier graphics soon enough. With an OLED display too? Mama mia. And these iPhones will gain in performance every year. 

The M1-M2 chips are legit, M3 is gonna be crazy. Apple's silicon is amazing and they get access to the best node processes over anyone (Sony is not even on the radar). 3nm is theirs for now. 

I think this is going to be a turning point for the industry more than people think.

Also great for Mac gaming in general, think lots of devs will make games for Apple silicon and now they know they can scale all the way from a Macbook Pro to an iPhone as they all use the same family of processors (ie: Death Stranding was announced for M1 Macs, but it today was also announced for iPhone because it's likely the same version just scaled in settings). 

Dumping x86 while I was skeptical about it at first was the best thing Apple ever did. 

Let me know when the iPad has a 55 inch screen and Dolby atmos surround sound speakers.  

Also I wouldn't touch Apple and their closed systems.  

Plus when something seems to good to be true....  well you know what they say.  I'm simply not buying these mobile chips are going to do what is being promised.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

Watch for iPads to run PS5 tier graphics soon enough. With an OLED display too? Mama mia. And these iPhones will gain in performance every year. 

The M1-M2 chips are legit, M3 is gonna be crazy. Apple's silicon is amazing and they get access to the best node processes over anyone (Sony is not even on the radar). 3nm is theirs for now. 

I think this is going to be a turning point for the industry more than people think.

Also great for Mac gaming in general, think lots of devs will make games for Apple silicon and now they know they can scale all the way from a Macbook Pro to an iPhone as they all use the same family of processors (ie: Death Stranding was announced for M1 Macs, but it today was also announced for iPhone because it's likely the same version just scaled in settings). 

Dumping x86 while I was skeptical about it at first was the best thing Apple ever did. 

Let me know when the iPad has a 55 inch screen and Dolby atmos surround sound speakers.  

Also I wouldn't touch Apple and their closed systems.  

Plus when something seems to good to be true....  well you know what they say.  I'm simply not buying these mobile chips are going to do what is being promised.  

55-inch screen? lol, this is 2023, Apple devices can easily stream to any kind of TV via AirPlay. If Apple releases like just a dock for the iPad, which is a fairly simple thing to let it full clock ... gonna get real interesting real fast.

The M1-M2 chips have been put through their paces, they're legit. Apple's iPhone processors also get benchmarked to death. Their performance is legit. They make incredible chips, that's just all there is to it, and they have more sway than any other manufacturer so they get access to all the best and latest transistor nodes. 

The iPhone 15 is the worst the graphics will ever be. It will get better and better every year from that point on for console games. 

About I think 7-8 years ago, Apple really started to buckle down and make processing power a big priority because they were running out of ways to keep selling iPhones and lagging behind Android in a lot of ways. Well it's really paid off, today iPhone market share is on the rise, Android is sinking, and in the US they totally dominate the teenager/college age demographic. 

Around the Network
Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Let me know when the iPad has a 55 inch screen and Dolby atmos surround sound speakers.  

Also I wouldn't touch Apple and their closed systems.  

Plus when something seems to good to be true....  well you know what they say.  I'm simply not buying these mobile chips are going to do what is being promised.  

55-inch screen? lol, this is 2023, Apple devices can easily stream to any kind of TV via AirPlay. If Apple releases like just a dock for the iPad, which is a fairly simple thing to let it full clock ... gonna get real interesting real fast.

The M1-M2 chips have been put through their paces, they're legit. Apple's iPhone processors also get benchmarked to death. Their performance is legit. They make incredible chips, that's just all there is to it, and they have more sway than any other manufacturer so they get access to all the best and latest transistor nodes. 

The iPhone 15 is the worst the graphics will ever be. It will get better and better every year from that point on for console games. 

About I think 7-8 years ago, Apple really started to buckle down and make processing power a big priority because they were running out of ways to keep selling iPhones and lagging behind Android in a lot of ways. Well it's really paid off, today iPhone market share is on the rise, Android is sinking, and in the US they totally dominate the teenager/college age demographic. 

Oh yes.  The apple ecosystem.  Buy apple and then more apple products to get it work.  And when it doesn't there will be additional apple products.  And if you get tired of apple products it doesn't matter because all purchases are tied to apple.  Apple life.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

By the way M1/2 were all hype and bluster. I know because I sold a mac studio not long ago. 

Fight-the-Streets said:

1. Nintendo, like every company, is about money! They want that 3rd party license fees. I don't know the contracts but certainly those indie developers don't have to pay high license fees. There's simply more money to be made with AAA-licensing fees. Nintendo doesn't want to miss out on that money. The Switch 1 was simply technically not there yet to get most of the 3rd party AAA-games but for Switch 2, Nintendo doesn't want to miss out on that AAA-licensing fees. With the Switch 2 they say to 3rd party developers/publishers: That's what we have to offer, AAA-ports are possible without the need to make a triple somersault to make it possible. If you want to miss out on the money to be made on Switch 2, well, I guess you must be a communist then, you work in the wrong business!


The simple equation is what are the costs to get AAA on board and how much money does Nintendo earn from them. In the grand scheme of things, the royalty fees from third party games as a whole don't amount to all that much. This can be seen in Nintendo's financial reports where revenue from software is ~80% first party and only ~20% third party (these are the royalty fees that third parties have to pay to Nintendo for all of their game sales). Mind you, this is for all third parties combined who release around 100 times more games than Nintendo does.

Third parties, regardless of being AAA or indie, have to pay 30% of their revenue to Nintendo, just like on the other consoles and on Steam. And since indies generate more revenue than AAA games on Switch (indie games are cheaper, but there are also way, way more of them), your assertion that there's more money to be made with AAA royalty fees is plain wrong.

Chasing after AAA third party games would only be a sound business decision, if there was evidence that multiplatform games sell Nintendo hardware. There's no such evidence, however, and this is true since the NES days. So if Nintendo intended to accomodate for AAA third parties' wishes with Switch 2, it wouldn't be about earning more money, but rather about status and image. The rumors so far do not indicate one way or the other regarding Nintendo's intention; the specs are there because the technology is available, nothing more, nothing less.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Nintendo, imho, hasn't had great AAA third party since the SNES. And that is fine for a couple of reasons.

1) I buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo software.

2) I already have a PC and ps5 with superior performance


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

RolStoppable said:

the specs are there because the technology is available, nothing more, nothing less.

My opinion actually isn't far off from yours. What a lot of people get wrong is that Nintendo has to go to its knees and beg the 3rd party developers to please, please release titles for their console. Although, it's true that (from reading interviews with 3rd parties) Nintendo has become more amicable to work with (probably since Iwata Satoru became President), even at its weakest stage (WiiU + 3DS era), Nintendo was never in a position where they had to beg to 3rd parties. Nintendo is financially too strong to weather out a weak or even two successive weak generations. With their strong IP's they simply have enough self-confidence that eventually they will be successful again.

What I quoted above from Rol is also my stand: The Switch 2 will (likely) have the technology to port AAA-3rd party games and they will likely be (much) easier to port than it was the case for Switch 1. It's up to the 3rd parties if they want to invest into Switch 2 or not. Will it be possible to port a technical state-of-the-art PS5/Xbox One X (open world) game? Probably not but that's fine.

I have to admit that sometimes I also fall a bit into the AAA-3rd party trap when it comes to the success of a Nintendo console. While they are nice to have, the grand majority of people buy a Nintendo console for their IP's. Although it's known how strong they are, sometimes I forget HOW strong they really are. In addition, all the indies and classic games fit Switch perfectly as they are nice to play on the go. 

The question I can't really answer is just how much and what kind of 3rd party support a Nintendo console needs? Clearly, as strong as the 1st party lineup is, ONLY with 1st party titles, a Nintendo console wouldn't sell well. So why is the Switch so successful (besides 1st party titles)? The AA- and AAA-ports are nice but I honestly don't think they drive console sales much. So, it must be the indie titles, but which indies? There are tons of them, much shovelware and cheap shit. I guess it must be mostly those games inspired by 8- and 16-bit games (RPG's, Action-Adventures, Jump n' Runs, Hack n' Slays and generally Roguelikes and Roguelites).