BasilZero said: Making a Overwatch clone wasnt a good idea especially when Overwatch 2 suffered as much. 8 years is such a waste, could have used those resources and time for another type of game. |
They didn't pay for 8 years of development, they only paid fully for the last year + 2 years with partial funding because they were going to publish the game before acquisition. The 5 years left were under another company.
Still a waste but there are differences between this and let's say Returnal development.
Last edited by GymratAmarillo - on 27 August 2024EricHiggin said:
You got all upset and wrote a bunch of whatever for nothing. I barely read any of it because of your tone and lack of context. If a student asks a teacher why the Japs joined the Nazi's in WWII and the teacher answers, does that make the teacher a Nazi or even pro Nazi? What if the teacher is a really old Conservative? Definitely a Nazi then? What if the teacher spends most of their free time playing the Wolfenstein games because of the pure joy they get out of mowing down digital Nazi's? Just a gamer? What if that old Conservative teacher actually fought in WWII against the Nazi's? Context? Where did I personalize my answer? Where did I say that's what I stood for or behind? They asked a question and I gave them an answer. A much bigger problem with today's world is assumptions and trying to stop people from conversing. As for Concord, I personally have no problem with it existing. I'm pleased that the studio was able to make a new IP, make it the they wanted, and get it into the market. I'm not big into GAAS games myself and when it comes to GAAS games, I'm not big into that genre so it's not something that interests me. So when it comes to how woke or not the game is, personally I don't care. If the game is super woke and there are people who love it and play it for that reason alone, fantastic. You need to stop jumping to conclusions. |
What are all these irrelevant weird ass questions? Lmao.
Anyway, I think this is better to say publicly rather than hidden in a PM so that it educates others too.
Avoid using the word "Jap(s)" as it's a derogatory/offensive word in the same way as "P*ki" is, the latter is especially offensive in the UK. "Jap" has a long history of being used in derogatory ways, especially by Americans towards Japanese people after Pearl Harbour/WW2 in which it replaced "Nip", it was used to cause offense, it still holds negative connotations and it's not hard to just say "Japanese"
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024https://x.com/Genki_JPN/status/1828318867766247871
Another (huge) price hike! This generation is a disaster.
EricHiggin said: The people fighting woke culture also see it as they are tired of the 'let's push woke culture into everything' crescendo, so you can see the problem. One side seems to want woke to be part of everything, and the other, who originally was ok with woke being it's own thing, |
No they weren't. You have it so incredibly backwards.
People have disowned or even killed their own children for being gay or trans or marrying someone from a different race. Many governments made it illegal to do those things.
That is why people are pushing for awareness. It's okay to be gay. There's a place for you in this world if you're trans.
Because these people that "are okay with woke being it's own thing" have never been okay with "woke" being it's own thing.
Alan Turing, a guy who is considered to be one of the fathers of computer science, who helped beat the Nazis, was criminalized for being gay.
EricHiggin said: It's not hard to see why either. If you're a fan of historical accuracy in games let's say, then that genre will no longer exist with a full blown woke culture. If you wanted to make a game about Native Americans before the white man came around, you couldn't, because it would lack the diversity and inclusion necessary. You would need to have whites, blacks, etc, in the game. You also couldn't just have deer and bison, you would need to have monkeys, tigers, koala's, etc. It's obvious that makes no sense, if you wanted to make the game as historically accurate as possible. So do those type of games become unacceptable, because getting rid of them would be making things less inclusive and less diverse. |
This isn't what is happening either. You don't seem to understand what people are actually pushing for, and why.
Most of the people you're complaining about, wouldn't be bothered by a game that was exclusively about Native Americans.
The pushback is because the industry is so disproportionately straight white male protagonists. To the point where Sony was worried that having a woman for the main character was going to be detrimental to the game's success. Chances are absurdly high that 15 years ago, that a game about Native Americans you are suggesting would have been all white people for no apparent reason, without the pushback.
A lot of the games that were criticized for losing historical accuracy were never historically accurate in the first place. Almost every Battlefield game was alternate history. I think out of like 11 games, only like 2 of them were intended to be accurate. The rest take place in completely made up scenarios.
Besides that, people are frequently wrong about what was accurate. Women frequently helped out during times of war, and yet that frequently is a complaint point for people.
EricHiggin said: It is sad that it might be coming to the point of good games, or potential future great games bombing, simply because they have some woke in them, but when you have those backing woke making it clear that the push into everything isn't going to stop, then what do you expect from those who aren't ok with that? |
People complaining about "woke" don't understand what they're complaining about.
For example, they constantly complain when they see pronouns.
You even used "they" as a pronoun in your post, and yet that wasn't an issue for you. And yet for some reason, people lose their crap when they see "they" used as a pronoun to talk about someone in a video game.
I only just learnt recently that Call of Duty took a historical war crime committed by America then changed it to say that Russia did it but Battlefield having women in it received 10x more anger to the point where I didn't even hear about one but couldn't stop hearing about the other. Historical accuracy only matters to these people when it's about leaving black men and women out.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024EricHiggin said:
You got all upset and wrote a bunch of whatever for nothing. I barely read any of it because of your tone and lack of context. If a student asks a teacher why the Japs joined the Nazi's in WWII and the teacher answers, does that make the teacher a Nazi or even pro Nazi? What if the teacher is a really old Conservative? Definitely a Nazi then? What if the teacher spends most of their free time playing the Wolfenstein games because of the pure joy they get out of mowing down digital Nazi's? Just a gamer? What if that old Conservative teacher actually fought in WWII against the Nazi's? Context? Where did I personalize my answer? Where did I say that's what I stood for or behind? They asked a question and I gave them an answer. A much bigger problem with today's world is assumptions and trying to stop people from conversing. As for Concord, I personally have no problem with it existing. I'm pleased that the studio was able to make a new IP, make it the they wanted, and get it into the market. I'm not big into GAAS games myself and when it comes to GAAS games, I'm not big into that genre so it's not something that interests me. So when it comes to how woke or not the game is, personally I don't care. If the game is super woke and there are people who love it and play it for that reason alone, fantastic. You need to stop jumping to conclusions. |
Nah, the real problem today is that people are JUST smart enough to make arguments that kinda sound reasonable to people who aren't smart enough to identify the bigotry and hatred that fuels them...but not smart or empathetic enough to see how all of this is making the world a worse place.
Anti-woke brigades are, as I said, just excuses to justify bigotry and normalize a lack of empathy, all wrapped up in a package of disingenuous concern trolling so it sounds reasonable until you actually think about it.
Games are better when they are more inclusive. Complaining about that says so much about you as a person that honestly I'm not even offended that you didn't read my rant because [insert overplayed joke about conservatives not being educated here].
Based on the other responses you're getting from others who are far more level-headed than I am should tell you just how far off the mark you actually are. This crusade against decency is just so weird, dude.
BraLoD said:
... Which is why I was asking about Concord, I still don't know if it's any good or bad, it's hard to tell because people decided for it to be bad without even knowing what it was... maybe it really is bad, but who knows, certainly not the people pushing that pathetic agenda, gaming is just one more front for them to try to push it. ... |
AS for Concord...I really don't know. I haven't been following it not because of any agendas or drama or politics, I just don't like hero shooters or GaaS models so I just sort of tuned it out the moment I heard about it. Not really my style of game. I just am so sick and tired of a certain group of people valorizing a lack of empathy and championing a less diverse world, ESPECIALLY in video games. Like I said, I Was there for the first 30 years of the medium and it was ROUGH for any girls or women to play games and even worse for gay people. You have no idea how many N-bombs I heard get dropped in COD lobbies. Being 'woke' is good, and as you and others have said, it's a good thing that the world is pushing for more diversity and inclusion because everything is better when we're unified rather than torn apart.
And I can't not call out disgusting behaviour when I see it. And I think 'anti-woke' is some of the most insidious because it encapsulates everything wrong with modern discourse and the tactics used mostly by conservatives by framing their bigotry as self defense.
"Nothing is more dangerous than someone in power who believes themselves to be oppressed". and that's exactly what we have here. Entitled, privileged people actively trying to stomp out dissent because instead of being like 85% of all representation they're only like 60% or something. Going from 'nearly all the power' to 'still most of the power but slightly less' and they're throwing a fit like they're oppressed or something.
Last edited by Runa216 - on 27 August 2024My Console Library:
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Ryuu96 said: I only just learnt recently that Call of Duty took a historical war crime committed by America then changed it to say that Russia did it but Battlefield having women in it received 10x more anger to the point where I didn't even hear about one but couldn't stop hearing about the other. Historical accuracy only matters to these people when it's about leaving black men and women out. |
While the historical revisionism in Modern Warfare is gross, it's a huge stretch to call the real Highway of Death an actual war crime; in fact, I feel like it's just another talking point to add on the "America Bad" list. Fundamentally, an armed invading army doesn't get the privilege of a bloodless tactical retreat. Transplant the circumstances to the Russo-Ukraine War and see how you'd feel about a massive strike like that against Russia's army.
Last edited by coolbeans - on 27 August 2024March 2025 Articles:
coolbeans said:
While the historical revisionism in Modern Warfare is gross, it's a big stretch to call the real Highway of Death an actual war crime. Fundamentally, an armed invading army doesn't get the privilege of a bloodless tactical retreat. Transplant the circumstances to the Russo-Ukraine War and see how you'd feel about a massive strike like that against Russia's army. |
Fair enough, I should have done more research on it, I only just looked into it a few days ago and saw people labelling it as a war crime and I assumed the reason Call of Duty changed it to "Russians did it" was because it was deemed as a horrific act by the Americans and Call of Duty is very often "Fuck Yeah! America! We're the Heroes!" hence why I assumed that to be the reason they changed it, Lol. That's my bad for not doing enough of my own research, either way, Call of Duty changing it to "Russians did it" is a bit...Lol and it does make it look suspicious.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024EricHiggin said: It is sad that it might be coming to the point of good games, or potential future great games bombing, simply because they have some woke in them, but when you have those backing woke making it clear that the push into everything isn't going to stop, then what do you expect from those who aren't ok with that? |
I wonder, is that even a thing though? Or it's just a matter of confirmation bias?
For instance, Wakanda Forever or The Rings of Power do well, crickets. Things like The Marvels or The Acolyte flop, some people come out of the woodwork to blame the movie or series' cultural leaning.
It would be no surprise if it's the same thing with games. I'd dare say that sort of thing has a very minor effect on media consumption. Almost no one is going to boycott something because there is a black elf or conversely because the developer said something misogynist ten years ago.
That's just a degree of fretting about a piece of media (that's likely going to be quickly consumed and soon forgotten) that most normal people do not have.