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coolbeans said:
Ryuu96 said:

I only just learnt recently that Call of Duty took a historical war crime committed by America then changed it to say that Russia did it but Battlefield having women in it received 10x more anger to the point where I didn't even hear about one but couldn't stop hearing about the other. Historical accuracy only matters to these people when it's about leaving black men and women out.

While the historical revisionism in Modern Warfare is gross, it's a big stretch to call the real Highway of Death an actual war crime.  Fundamentally, an armed invading army doesn't get the privilege of a bloodless tactical retreat.  Transplant the circumstances to the Russo-Ukraine War and see how you'd feel about a massive strike like that against Russia's army.

Fair enough, I should have done more research on it, I only just looked into it a few days ago and saw people labelling it as a war crime and I assumed the reason Call of Duty changed it to "Russians did it" was because it was deemed as a horrific act by the Americans and Call of Duty is very often "Fuck Yeah! America! We're the Heroes!" hence why I assumed that to be the reason they changed it, Lol. That's my bad for not doing enough of my own research, either way, Call of Duty changing it to "Russians did it" is a bit...Lol and it does make it look suspicious.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024