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EricHiggin said:

The people fighting woke culture also see it as they are tired of the 'let's push woke culture into everything' crescendo, so you can see the problem. One side seems to want woke to be part of everything, and the other, who originally was ok with woke being it's own thing,

No they weren't. You have it so incredibly backwards.

People have disowned or even killed their own children for being gay or trans or marrying someone from a different race. Many governments made it illegal to do those things. 

That is why people are pushing for awareness. It's okay to be gay. There's a place for you in this world if you're trans.

Because these people that "are okay with woke being it's own thing" have never been okay with "woke" being it's own thing. 

Alan Turing, a guy who is considered to be one of the fathers of computer science, who helped beat the Nazis, was criminalized for being gay. 

EricHiggin said:

It's not hard to see why either. If you're a fan of historical accuracy in games let's say, then that genre will no longer exist with a full blown woke culture. If you wanted to make a game about Native Americans before the white man came around, you couldn't, because it would lack the diversity and inclusion necessary. You would need to have whites, blacks, etc, in the game. You also couldn't just have deer and bison, you would need to have monkeys, tigers, koala's, etc. It's obvious that makes no sense, if you wanted to make the game as historically accurate as possible. So do those type of games become unacceptable, because getting rid of them would be making things less inclusive and less diverse.

This isn't what is happening either. You don't seem to understand what people are actually pushing for, and why. 

Most of the people you're complaining about, wouldn't be bothered by a game that was exclusively about Native Americans. 

The pushback is because the industry is so disproportionately straight white male protagonists. To the point where Sony was worried that having a woman for the main character was going to be detrimental to the game's success. Chances are absurdly high that 15 years ago, that a game about Native Americans you are suggesting would have been all white people for no apparent reason, without the pushback. 

A lot of the games that were criticized for losing historical accuracy were never historically accurate in the first place. Almost every Battlefield game was alternate history. I think out of like 11 games, only like 2 of them were intended to be accurate. The rest take place in completely made up scenarios. 

Besides that, people are frequently wrong about what was accurate. Women frequently helped out during times of war, and yet that frequently is a complaint point for people. 

EricHiggin said:

It is sad that it might be coming to the point of good games, or potential future great games bombing, simply because they have some woke in them, but when you have those backing woke making it clear that the push into everything isn't going to stop, then what do you expect from those who aren't ok with that?

People complaining about "woke" don't understand what they're complaining about.

For example, they constantly complain when they see pronouns.

You even used "they" as a pronoun in your post, and yet that wasn't an issue for you. And yet for some reason, people lose their crap when they see "they" used as a pronoun to talk about someone in a video game.