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Runa216 said:

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I personally didn't have an issue with God of War Ragnarok's length. I loved every minute of it.

Less sure about Ghost of Tsushima. I've struggled to really enjoy that game. 

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Runa216 said:

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I actually don't mind longer single player games packed with side content. 

In the case of GoW, I think it helps the world building tremendously, with some memorable side quests and optional areas like The Crater. I do try and remember to focus on the main story before I get sidetracked. It helps maintain my enjoyment of the game after clocking in 20H/30H+ without it feeling like a drag. 

I wait GOW R PC version. And I will play with young Kratos' skin.

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 07 April 2024

EricHiggin said:

Sounds like a sequel isn't in the cards apparently. I'm a little sad to hear that. Bend certainly could've continued the story and improved upon what they already had accomplished. I am now interested in whatever Bend has coming next either way. I guess it's supposed to be a GAAS title, which also isn't really my jam, but after Days Gone I could totally see them being able to make something worthy. There's plenty of content in Days Gone. Way more than I was expecting.

Bend management didn't want to do a sequel. Though why Sony is doing a movie then is weird haha 

Their new game is still a SP title, it just incorporates MP/ live service elements which is what they wanted to do with Days Gone 2 iirc.

I was thinking about MM and Dreams, and I really think what they should do is make Dreams the level creator engine for all their games.

Therefore, every game comes with Dreams as a part of it. Will allow them to not feel like all that development on Dreams is wasted. And their new game will eventually get a PC release, so Dreams would hit PC too.

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Can I just have Stellar Blade and Gundam Breaker 4 in my hands right now please. Need my fix now kthx

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

twintail said:
EricHiggin said:

Sounds like a sequel isn't in the cards apparently. I'm a little sad to hear that. Bend certainly could've continued the story and improved upon what they already had accomplished. I am now interested in whatever Bend has coming next either way. I guess it's supposed to be a GAAS title, which also isn't really my jam, but after Days Gone I could totally see them being able to make something worthy. There's plenty of content in Days Gone. Way more than I was expecting.

Bend management didn't want to do a sequel. Though why Sony is doing a movie then is weird haha 

Their new game is still a SP title, it just incorporates MP/ live service elements which is what they wanted to do with Days Gone 2 iirc.

Well the Days Gone story was kinda left in a manner that could go either way. Leave it as a standalone title or build on it and turn it into a franchise. It wasn't as successful as some other first party titles on PS4, but still sold quite well overall, yet that doesn't guarantee the studio wants to continue on with it regardless. If their creativity is taking them in another direction, then assuming Bend can succeed at that as well, you're better off letting them if you're SNY.

I think Days Gone could totally work as a movie. Most big budget pandemic/zombie type movies seem to do well and I myself have enjoyed most of the one's I've watched. Though I'm not a big fan of what they did with TLOU TV series, so it depends a lot on how they execute the film.

That peaks my interest. One thing I thought when playing Days Gone, especially with the hoards was, 'this would be that much more fun if there was a few of us or an entire group'. Some of my friends couldn't get into the game in the past and I talked to them about Days Gone recently and they agreed it would've been more fun and more likely to keep them playing if it was multiplayer online. They are certainly more so part of the casual gaming audience and that large group tends to much prefer MP to SP.

the-pi-guy said:
Runa216 said:

Finished God of War Ragnarok. Great game. but man it coulda been about 1/3 its length and I woulda loved it a whole lot more.

I know they're aching to give players more bang for their buck and I admire that...but a lot can be said about shorter games. There's a time and place for 100+ hour epics but mostly linear, story based games don't need to be 40-60 hours (when side questing is factored in). It was so exhausting by the end. I was mentally 'done' less than halfway through.

Such a hard topic to bring up, though, because it's VERY hard to argue against more value for your money. But me, personally...shit like this is why I champion shorter games like Portal 2 and the recent Ratchet & Clank game.

Ghost of Tsushima, for as much as I loved it, gave me the same vibe. It coulda been 1/3 the size and length that it was and I felt it would have been a more appropriately tight.

Ironically, both games are Sony exclusives. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I personally didn't have an issue with God of War Ragnarok's length. I loved every minute of it.

Less sure about Ghost of Tsushima. I've struggled to really enjoy that game. 

With some more time between myself and completing the game I think it's less about the length and more about my personal problems with OCPD. now that I've finished the game and know when things get unlocked and when/how I can collect stuff and do side's not so bad. Playing through it just felt like every step of the way I was torn between just enjoying the game and trying to be a completionist. I'd go to a place, see the map and menu open up, and I'd be compelled to get everything....only to have the game then be like 'yeah you can't do that until you get this new item like 30 hours into the game', so I had to struggle and get frustrated any time. 

I LIKE getting everything as I go. I like exploring all I can gradually. I am not a fan of just bum-rushing the story to get to the end. So any time a mini boss opened up I HAD to fight it even if I was CLEARLY outmatched. It was just very exhausting to constantly bounce between 'bro, you can move on, it's okay' and 'no I have to do EVERYTHING before I move on'. And the game being so long and having so much to do exacerbated that. 

I also think, as an aside, this game is NOT good at group battles. Trying to focus on one enemy or bounce between them when they're jumping around and stuff is...nah. Very frustrating. 

Plus I did it again. Played the entire game in balanced mode but the Final optional super boss Gnu (If you know you know) Made me so angry that my rants were legitimately making my roommates get panic attacks. VERY frustrating. 

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I do think there's an issue with a lot of games having too much.

I didn't particularly feel that way about Ragnarok. The biggest issue I had with the game was there is a side area that looks connected on the map, but isn't.  So I was fast traveling to a specific door next to where I wanted to go, only to find out that there's no path from that door to where I wanted to go. I think you had to fast travel to a door like 30% of the way across the map, to get to the path I was trying to find.

I really enjoyed my time getting the platinum, aside from the issue with the weird side path.

But it makes a huge difference I think, when you really click with a game. 

I've tried a couple of times to get into Ghost of Tsushima, but I can't get past like 6 hours. 

I think I tried like 3 or 4 times to get into Dark Souls 1, and then the last time, I loved it so much I played it exclusively for like 3 months to get the platinum. Put something like 150 hours into it. (I don't get to play a lot in a day, due to being a dad and working full time)

Move your ass Sony, faster and do this :