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Israel is ramping up its attacks on the UN as well, gaslighting the international community in the process.

IDF tells international community to "find additional solutions" to distribute aid in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed there are "logistical limitations" to getting aid into Gaza, and has urged "the international community to find additional solutions," as global bodies warn of the spiraling humanitarian crisis in the region.

"Our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza. We’re sending aid into Gaza, to the people of Gaza. We are not the bottleneck," IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari insisted in a video statement on Wednesday.

"On the contrary. We check more aid trucks than can enter Gaza," Hagari said. "There are logistical limitations and challenges posed by the ability of international organizations to distribute aid. Which is why we urge the international community to find additional solutions, for the distribution of aid, alongside establishing field hospitals and temporary shelters, for Gazans."

World Health Organization officials visited several hospitals across Gaza on Monday, detailing "harrowing accounts" of suffering shared by health workers and patients as the conflict widens. Food and health crises have also engulfed the enclave, with humanitarian workers struggling to get enough resources to displaced Gazans.

Hagari reiterated in his video statement that "defeating Hamas is the only option," after Israeli officials warned that the war will continue for several months. "We will continue our important mission, to defeat Hamas, and rescue our hostages. We are committed to freeing our hostage from Hamas and freeing Gaza from Hamas, for a better future for the region," Hagari said. 

Israel will stop automatically granting visas to UN workers

Israel will stop automatically granting visas to United Nations workers, a government spokesperson on Tuesday, adding that the country will instead process applications on a case-by-case basis. Speaking at a press briefing, Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy said: “For too long international officials have been deflecting blame onto Israel to cover up the fact that they are covering up for Hamas.” 

Characterizing the announcement as “an update on the deeply problematic involvement of the United Nations in this conflict,” Levy noted that the UN had failed to condemn Hamas for hijacking aid and for waging war out of hospitals. "They have been complicit partners in Hamas’ human shields strategy,” he said. Levy said the UN had let the world down, and that Israel would lead by example to demand greater accountability from the international body.

Context: Israeli diplomats have used their platforms at the UN to denounce the world body since the war began. In late October, UN Secretary-General António Guterres delivered an address in which he "unequivocally" condemned Hama's attack but said it didn't happen "in a vacuum," and that the Palestinians had been “subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation” by Israel, escalating tensions.

Earlier this month, Israel revoked the visa of Lynn Hastings, a United Nations humanitarian coordinator, due to the "bias of the UN." Days later, Guterres invoked a rarely used power at the Security Council in his determined push for a ceasefire in Gaza, causing outrage among Israeli diplomats.

Meanwhile a few days ago

Israel-Hamas war: 136 UN staff killed in Gaza, says Guterres

Published 12/23/2023 

The secretary-general of the United Nations says no conflict has ever taken such a toll on UN workers. Meanwhile, the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in Gaza reports that Israel hit a refugee camp.

In Gaza, ‘People lost everything’: UNRWA

The UN agency’s director of communications Juliette Touma says people’s needs in Gaza are “huge”. “People lost everything and they need everything,” she said. The requirements include basics such as food and water, as well as protection from Israeli bombardment and raids. Their needs are amplified by the winter season, which means more warm clothes and blankets, Touma added.

The UN agency OCHA says there have been 367 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians since October 7.

Israeli demolitions: More displaced in West Bank, East Jerusalem

The total number of people displaced following the demolition of their homes has risen to 393 Palestinians, including 208 children, says the UN agency OCHA.

The demolitions are carried out because of the lack of Israeli-issued building permits in “Area C” of the occupied West Bank and in occupied East Jerusalem, which are almost impossible to obtain, the agency said. The monthly average of displacement between October 7 and December 7 represents a 27 percent increase compared with the first nine months of the year.

Attacks on the press continue as well

Palestinian journalist: Israeli intelligence threatened to bomb my house – then did

Hossam Shabat, one of the few remaining journalists in northern Gaza, says he was threatened by an Israeli officer at the beginning of Israel’s offensive on the Gaza Strip. Shabat, from the northern town of Beit Hanoon that is now mostly destroyed, was at the local hospital when he received a call from an Israeli intelligence officer.

“He told me to delete all my posts on Facebook since October 6 – posts I published about citizens’ support for the resistance and calls for citizens to remain in their homes,” Shabat wrote on X. “The officer continued by saying, ‘get out [of Beit Hanoon] or I will bomb your house’. I refused to leave and my house was indeed bombed and completely destroyed. I left after they besieged us in the hospital while they were targeting it.

“Despite all these threats and the bombing of my house, I am still covering what is happening. Death follows us everywhere. Recently when I re-entered Beit Hanoon, the Israeli warplane fired directly at me.”

Tensions with Hezbollah keep escalating, the war is slowly expanding into Southern Lebanon

Hezbollah and Israel continue to trade fire

Since this morning, there have been five attacks from Hezbollah towards Israeli military targets including an Israeli naval base just south of Naqoura with rockets. Another attack occurred to the east with drones and missiles. There were also different strikes on several other Israeli military targets.

Israeli forces also attacked Lebanese soil with at least four warplanes hitting the area behind me. There’s a pattern right now evolving day after day, which is Israeli forces striking residential areas.


Lebanese-Australian killed in Israeli strike

An Israeli air strike on a residence in southern Lebanon has killed a Lebanese-Australian man, his wife, a Lebanese national and his brother who was a member of Hezbollah, sources told the Reuters news agency. Ibrahim Bazzi, the Lebanese-Australian civilian, was identified by one of his relatives. Australian media quoted a spokesperson for Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as saying it is aware of the report and is seeking confirmation.

The US is getting dragged further into the expanding war as well

Analysis: US troops are in the firing line as fears rise of a widened Middle East war

Analysis from CNN's Stephen Collinson

Escalating attacks on US troops and commercial shipping and incidents often involving Iran and its proxies are causing new concerns that Israel’s war in Gaza could widen into a regional conflagration with grave political and economic consequences.

With American service personnel increasingly in a dangerous firing line and with US and allied naval assets on high alert after multiple drone attacks, the deteriorating situation is leading to a tense holiday period for the White House. The rising possibility of US combat deaths and the worsening security situation from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea and stretching through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel represents an unwelcome new foreign crisis as President Joe Biden’s reelection year dawns.

And it is becoming a petri dish for a new geopolitical trend — endless tests of America’s will and credibility by its adversaries and their proxies. Warnings by Israel that its war against Hamas in Gaza will last for months, despite US pressure for a ratcheting down of the intensity of the conflict, threaten to heighten the chances war could spin out of control and drag the US further in.

In Israel you can either join the slaughter or go to jail

Who are the Israeli refuseniks picking jail over the Gaza war?

When Tel Aviv teen Tal Mitnick refused to enlist in the Israeli army, he was put on trial. He was taken to military prison to serve a 30-day sentence on Tuesday. Standing alone in a country on a determined war footing is an agonising decision. But, speaking at Tel Hashomer, a base near the Gaza fence in central Israel, Mitnick staunchly defended his decision.

“I believe that slaughter cannot solve slaughter,” he said. “The criminal attack on Gaza won’t solve the atrocious slaughter that Hamas executed. Violence won’t solve violence. And that is why I refuse.” The solution, he said, would not come from corrupt politicians in Israel or from Hamas. “It will come from us, the sons and daughters of the two nations,” he said.


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It looks like the US has abandoned Ukraine and have made things much worse instead of just signing a peace deal from the beginning. 

zeldaring said:

It looks like the US has abandoned Ukraine and have made things much worse instead of just signing a peace deal from the beginning. 


It's seriously annoying to see people act like eastern European countries have absolutely zero agency and they're all controlled by America, I've seen this "logic" applied to Ukraine and Poland in the past, I've seen it come from both right wingers and left wingers, if it comes from an American I consider it total arrogance on their part and utterly delusional along with quite frankly offensive to the eastern European countries.

And the "peace deal" has and always will be bullshit from Russia's side.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 December 2023

Also, the USA announced a $250m package today with negotiations to resume on the larger Ukraine aid in the 2nd week of January, it is not the "USA" which would be abandoning Ukraine but the asshole Republicans who are tying Ukraine's aid to the border, as the border is literally the only talking point Republicans have nowadays and they're desperate for a win at the cost of Ukrainian lives.

So we'll either have a scenario where Democrats backdown and give Republicans their border win, Republicans backdown or we continue this nonsense for weeks or months more to come. Ukraine has lend-lease as a backup option but that comes with heavy debt. Just shows that Europe needs to step up massively as we can't keep relying on America as long as Republicans have some sort of considerable power and influence.

Republicans are not a reliable ally to Europe.

The US Election will likely be vital for Ukraine, if Trump wins then you can guarantee support will stop and I don't believe Ukraine can win without American support unless Europe MASSIVELY steps up. Lately Germany is doing exactly that and really stepping up to the plate in light of America's shaky situation but other countries in Europe must do the same and as nice as Germany's recent efforts have been, it won't be enough.

This election will fill me with dread Tbh.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 December 2023

zeldaring said:

It looks like the US has abandoned Ukraine and have made things much worse instead of just signing a peace deal from the beginning. 

What kind of involvement do you think the US has with Ukraine? 

Ukraine is fighting their own war. The US is helping them with some funds, maybe not with the purest intentions, but Russia isn't the good guy. The US is not fighting the war. The US is not sending troops. They're not the ones who would be involved in any kind of peace deal. 

I'm not sure why you think you're in a position to talk about the invasion, when you can't even get the most basic facts right. 

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the-pi-guy said:
zeldaring said:

It looks like the US has abandoned Ukraine and have made things much worse instead of just signing a peace deal from the beginning. 

What kind of involvement do you think the US has with Ukraine? 

Ukraine is fighting their own war. The US is helping them with some funds, maybe not with the purest intentions, but Russia isn't the good guy. The US is not fighting the war. The US is not sending troops. They're not the ones who would be involved in any kind of peace deal. 

I'm not sure why you think you're in a position to talk about the invasion, when you can't even get the most basic facts right.

Most the guys I watch about the war in Gaza say that US started the war. me being from Middle East and seeing how they treat the Middle East I can't help but think maybe it's their fault. Not saying Russia should have invaded but if there was a better solution and many highly intelligent  people seem to think there was.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 27 December 2023

And Putin himself has said the goals haven't changed, it's still the "demilitarization" of Ukraine and taking Kyiv.

We have talks of "peace deals" from "anonymous sources" from time to time but Russia publicly says something completely different, the last time we had peace talks as well, it didn't stop Russia from continuing to bomb the shit out of Ukraine while the peace deals were happening and ultimately the peace deals should start with Russia fucking off out of Ukraine, they have no right to peace deal their way to stealing land.

Because the only peace deal with Russia is delaying the inevitable, Russia will rebuild their army and then go for the rest of Ukraine later, they made an utter mess over this initial invasion with some horrid tactics but after rebuilding their army they may not make the same mistakes. If someone broke into your home, raped and killed your family then turned around and said "peace deal? I'll take half the house" would you accept it?

Ukraine will fight Russia with or without us, the hatred between Ukraine and Russia will last a lifetime now, the only question for us is then, will we stand by Ukraine and help them win, stand up against evil, or will we turn our backs on Ukraine and let an entire country be massacred by some Hitler wannabe. Ukraine is fighting for their lives, and something Republicans bang on about, fighting for their freedom.

We said never again, to let Ukraine lose to Russia would be repeating the same mistakes, Russia MUST lose and they must lost decisively in order to save Ukraine and stop Russia, before they take Ukraine and before they slaughter more countries. We have a moral responsibility as a collective species and UK/USA also have a bit of a international responsibility as we signed security assurances for Ukraine.

Europe has it in their best interests too considering Russia threatens us on a weekly basis and consistently fucks with us even pre-war with Ukraine. Russia has long tested our limit and continued to test our boundaries, keeping on pushing and pushing ever so slowly and inaction led to Ukraine being invaded, if they think they genuinely "beat" Europe/USA via Ukraine they WILL test the boundaries further.

It was be a massive mistake to give an insane imperialist fuckhead even more confidence.

zeldaring said:
the-pi-guy said:

What kind of involvement do you think the US has with Ukraine? 

Ukraine is fighting their own war. The US is helping them with some funds, maybe not with the purest intentions, but Russia isn't the good guy. The US is not fighting the war. The US is not sending troops. They're not the ones who would be involved in any kind of peace deal. 

I'm not sure why you think you're in a position to talk about the invasion, when you can't even get the most basic facts right.

Most the guys I watch about the war in Gaza say that US started the war. me being from Middle East and seeing how they treat the Middle East I can't help but think maybe it's their fault. Not saying Russia should have invaded but if there was a better solution and many highly intelligent  people seem to think there was.

You need better sources.

Do you just ignore how much Russia fucked Afghanistan, Syria as well? Or how they use Wagner (a literal Nazi company) in Africa? Africa isn't the only country that Wagner fucks around in either. Russia was more discrete (or nobody cared) until Ukraine. If you don't trust America then you shouldn't trust Russia either but you don't have to trust only America when most the world is also on Ukraine's side and saying Russia is being a dick or you can trust Ukraine themselves, the victims in this.

Most these dudes you're linking have straight up been on Russian state funded media, aka propaganda shows, Jeffrey Sachs has appeared twice on Solovyov's show, a Russian state funded show, Solovyov is a guy who has said "if you think we're going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times" and "Solovyov urged retaliatory strikes across all Ukraine targeting "bridges, dams, railways, thermal power plants and other infrastructure facilities" and "On 18 August 2022, he suggested attacking Berlin, Paris, London and Brussels using missiles." and has repeatedly called for Russia to escalate the war with nuclear strikes.

I doubt you've seen him, I have, many of his clips, the dude is fucking insane like most people on Russian State Media who are bloodthirsty as hell and want nothing more than to see every Ukrainian dead and your Jeffrey Sachs fella is palling around with him on his show.

Like we keep saying, has been said in this thread multiple times, the only one to blame is Russia. There is and never will be an excuse for invading Ukraine and there was no better solution because Russia didn't want one, what they want, is Ukraine and I will say again that you don't have to blindly listen to these people, you only have to think for yourself, use your own logic, as to why many of these Russian excuses for invading don't make even a little bit of sense.

Or you know, listen to what Russia is actually saying...How is it that Russia can essentially say "Lol. Yeah. We hate Ukraine, Ukrainians don't exist, Ukraine doesn't exist, Ukraine is ours. We want the total destruction of Ukraine" and then other people still come out with "Yeah but, it's USA's fault, they only invaded cause poor little Russia was scared" Like what!?

Russia must be laughing at how easy it is to get people to make excuses for them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 December 2023

Ryuu96 said:
zeldaring said:

Most the guys I watch about the war in Gaza say that US started the war. me being from Middle East and seeing how they treat the Middle East I can't help but think maybe it's their fault. Not saying Russia should have invaded but if there was a better solution and many highly intelligent  people seem to think there was.

You need better sources.

Do you just ignore how much Russia fucked Afghanistan, Syria as well? Or how they use Wagner (a literal Nazi company) in Africa? Africa isn't the only country that Wagner fucks around in either. Russia was more discrete (or nobody cared) until Ukraine. If you don't trust America then you shouldn't trust Russia either but you don't have to trust only America when most the world is also on Ukraine's side and saying Russia is being a dick or you can trust Ukraine themselves, the victims in this.

Most these dudes you're linking have straight up been on Russian state funded media, aka propaganda shows, Jeffrey Sachs has appeared twice on Solovyov's show, a Russian state funded show, Solovyov is a guy who has said "if you think we're going to stop with Ukraine, think 300 times" and "Solovyov urged retaliatory strikes across all Ukraine targeting "bridges, dams, railways, thermal power plants and other infrastructure facilities" and "On 18 August 2022, he suggested attacking Berlin, Paris, London and Brussels using missiles." and has repeatedly called for Russia to escalate the war with nuclear strikes.

I doubt you've seen him, I have, many of his clips, the dude is fucking insane like most people on Russian State Media who are bloodthirsty as hell and want nothing more than to see every Ukrainian dead and your Jeffrey Sachs fella is palling around with him on his show.

Like we keep saying, has been said in this thread multiple times, the only one to blame is Russia. There is and never will be an excuse for invading Ukraine and there was no better solution because Russia didn't want one, what they want, is Ukraine and I will say again that you don't have to blindly listen to these people, you only have to think for yourself, use your own logic, as to why many of these Russian excuses for invading don't make even a little bit of sense.

Or you know, listen to what Russia is actually saying...How is it that Russia can essentially say "Lol. Yeah. We hate Ukraine, Ukrainians don't exist, Ukraine doesn't exist, Ukraine is ours. We want the total destruction of Ukraine" and then other people still come out with "Yeah but, it's USA's fault, they only invaded cause poor little Russia was scared" Like what!?

Russia must be laughing at how easy it is to get people to make excuses for them.

You make good points it's just every one that's pro palestine that has knowledge about wars and stuff is usually pro Russia and with the way US is acting and basically fully supporting the blatant genocide its hard not think maybe be these people are right and the US elites are  evil and making the problems on the world 

zeldaring said:

You make good points it's just every one that's pro palestine that has knowledge about wars and stuff is usually pro Russia and with the way US is acting and basically fully supporting the blatant genocide its hard not think maybe be these people are right and the US elites are  evil and making the problems on the world 

I think most of us here admit the west have irreversibly damaged the Middle East and immortalised vicious monarchs who have done to Yemen what Israel is doing to Palestine now.

Unfortunately, the bias reporting by the mainstream media have left many people from both sides of the aisle with too much willingness to give Putin the benefit of the doubt like what's happening with you, which is an absolute shame because you seem to want to learn more and happy to acknowledge good points when they're made by others and not some sort of unreasonable bigot. Sadly, the biased pro ultra far right Netanyahu policies (and the biased reporting on those policies) continues and the only people served by this bias is evil like Putin & Netanyahu, not the west, so why are the lessons are not learnt is beyond me (have I mentioned the west is that big of a joke).

I think you need to start watching more people-powered medias that have been suggested by SvennoJ, me and others to get a more balanced views on the matter. The Young Turks, Secular talk, Breaking Points, Briahna Joy Gray (Bad Faith & Rising), Novara Media are all left leaning commentators that have dedicated equal time to criticising all savages and imperialists. 

You don't have to live in a "either.. or" state of mind when you can simply criticise and disown both.